pink, lightpink, palevioletred, hotpink, deeppink, red, tomato, crimson, firebrick, indianred
darkred, maroon, brown, sienna, saddlebrown, rosybrown, tan, darkkhaki, BurlyWood, chocolate, peru, darkgoldenrod
lightcoral, coral, lightsalmon, salmon, darksalmon,
orangered, darkorange, orange, sandybrown, goldenrod, khaki, gold, yellow
greenyellow, lightgreen, lawngreen, chartreuse, lime, springgreen, mediumspringgreen,
limegreen, green, forestgreen, darkgreen,
seagreen, mediumseagreen, darkseagreen,
olive, olivedrab, darkolivegreen
azure, aliceblue, lightcyan, paleturquoise, lightblue, lightsteelblue, powderblue, cyan, aqua, aquamarine, turquoise, lightskyblue, skyblue, mediumaquamarine,
mediumturquoise, darkturquoise, deepskyblue, cadetblue, cornflowerblue, steelblue, slateblue, mediumslateblue,royalblue, dodgerblue, lightseagreen, teal,darkcyan, blue, mediumblue,darkslateblue, navy, darkblue, midnightblue
indigo, blueviolet, mediumpurple, mediumorchid, purple, darkmagenta, darkviolet, darkorchid, lavender, thistle, plum, violet, orchid, magenta, fuchsia, mediumvioletred
darkslategray, dimgray, gray, slategray, darkgray, silver
View User's Journal
Once upon a time there lived an unhappy peasant girl named Madi. ;D
"Are you thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?"
"No, I'm thinkin' what I'm thinkin'."
"But are you thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?"
"No 'cause you're thinkin' I'm thinkin' what you're thinkin'!" [/size:cccb136743]
[b:cccb136743]Houkito is amazing. Send her love and [strike:cccb136743]candy[/strike:cccb136743] vodka.[/b:cccb136743]
"No, I'm thinkin' what I'm thinkin'."
"But are you thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?"
"No 'cause you're thinkin' I'm thinkin' what you're thinkin'!" [/size:cccb136743]
[b:cccb136743]Houkito is amazing. Send her love and [strike:cccb136743]candy[/strike:cccb136743] vodka.[/b:cccb136743]