Let's get the show rolling with my most recent arena entry, I think this one is one of the better ones I've entered thus far! o.o

Wish me luck!~
Next, omg! Sherrrrberrrt!!
I wanted a vomit item since....forever!
Now that I have it, here goes nothing:

A little lolita
In black white and grey
Went for a walk
On a chill winter's day
And what should she see, prancing down the street?
But a baby unicorn, with little gold feet
Promptly, the girl, who loves darkness and death
Took in with a gust, a deep, sudden breath,
And then out came a spray of foul, rainbow waste
For you see, all things cute just arent her taste.
If the unicorn want that shade of blue, I might have entered it. Teh lawlz avis do wel in da arenaz yah? But no. I'll refrain.
I might enter another avi though, the first split one I've ever made and I think that its almost okay. I never expect to win anyways emo
Kay, anywhosville, more later I 'spose :3
I double dog on a doughnut riding a do-goer about to destroy the destructible destination of which death as a possibilty lies down and DEFORMS reality dare you.