No they're no a band it's a TV show. They're vampires who solve police cases that humans can't.
I'll go from youngest to oldest.
Ageha (Ah gay ha)

He's really hyper most of the time and is very protective of his best friend Makoto. The others ofter dress him as a girl because he doesn't like it. If Makoto ever gets hurt, he will attack the one responsible. he has a blood bond with Kiyoi because Kiyoi turned him.
(Note, they can choose when they show up in a reflection, when their fangs and healing abilities, etc are present as well)
Makoto (Mah Koh Toh, and the 1 i like)

He's quiet around humans and is sensitive about family because he was abandoned by his mother at a young age due to his vampiric blood. He is the most recent addition to the 'family'.
Masakazu (Mah Sah Kah Zu)

(XD pics were limited)
He ignores the unrestricted day, the day where they can hunt, and goes to a goukon often to feed on women he seduces there, unless his rival, Konoe is there. He has tons of books in his room because he likes to read.
Konoe (Koh No A)

He's Masakazu's rival, always stealing away the girls but loves to help out around the manor
Kiyoi (key oi)

The 'father'. He raises the other three since he is much older. His lover died because they wouldn't become a vampire and grew old. He loves the new 'family' he has and would go to any length to protect them. He owns the eternal moon manor.
Oh Korean of Jpaaneese vampires sexy much?
And hmm well Ageha and Konoe seem to tie up with me whoever you think will work best!!! And you migh have to explain some more of the sroty line as we start rping! XD
They are japanese and okay
there's only 13 episodes and it doesnt follow from ep to ep so....
i think that konoe would work best
um my girl
Name: Ami
hc/l:black to right past her shoulders
acts like:varies
in the pic post i put that i like makoto lol
and i'd prefer only vamps and humans b/c of the series
akai then here she is
Name: Aki ( ahh-key)
Age: 17 (Hey for once im older than you!)

acts like: Is socially withdrawn due to her job so when she does go out she is really rambunctios and active trying to enjoy the teenage experince. She is happy go lucky and optimistic till she gets onthe job, then she is quite calm and deadly, she is a human but a assasin for hire and also a theif for hire, she will steal anything and kill anyone for profit, she was raised in the mafia but left because she didnt want to be a caged bird. She dosnt like doing what she does as in killing people but she knows no other way to support herself.
Wears: Whats shown when shes on the job her day to day outfits change.
(OMG Im older than you and i dont have blonde hair and its white!! O.O)
she's pretty
my girls bg: She goes to Ageha's school and lives with her mother. her mom works alot though so she has alot of alone time
(I shall start)
As usual, the Eternal Moon Manor was awake at dawn. Or at least Kiyoi was awake. Two alarm clocks rang simultaneously rousing the high schoolers from sleep. Ageha whined and hit the clock until the snooze button was found. Makoto was much the same way. Kiyoi ascended the stairs and opened Ageha's door. "Wake up, Masakazu already left for his classes." He said. (Note: Masakazu is in college) Ageha sat up upon hearing Kiyoi's voice and smiled. "Kiyoi-san!" He said. Kiyoi smiled. "Breakfast is ready." He said and repeated the process for Makoto's room. (they can eat normal food but drink a glass of blood for their drink)
Grumbles could be heared accasioanlly throught the house. WHile a few ways down the street a black shaodw sat atop a phone post. It pulled out a slip of papaer from its pocket. "Todays target harem gale, use toe be a treasurer for the red gang hmmm easy enough." It whispered.
(( Can you send me a link to the wikipedia page for this show so i can know more.)
Something was strange about hte winds today what it didnt know.
(there's only a drama wiki and that only has the cast... basically they live their lives as normal humans unless they get a job from 'mister' which is kiyoi's human friend, the grandson of his lover.)
"Kiyoi-San, do we have a job today?" Ageha asked stuffing his face. Makoto quietly drank his glass and also awaited an answer. Kiyoi sat back and had a look of concentration on his face. "Yes, actually. There's a murderer. He targets high school girls, rapes and kills them. I need you two to take care of him. I'll be there hiding in case you get into trouble. Masakazu already knows about his part in the mission. Meet you two behind the old apartments and you'll dress Ageha up there." Kiyoi said but got cut off by Ageha's whine. "Not again! I HATE dressing as a girl." He whined. "But it suits you." Makoto said grinning, only to be hit by Ageha who had a frown plastered on his face.
At her house, Ami was just waking up. It was Saturday and she couldn't sleep in. "Man I hate my internal clock." She whined. It was only 5AM. She looked at her night stand and saw a note. It was from her mom saying she wouldn't be back for a while. "I'm going back to bed." She whined and pulled the covers over her head.
((Srry my mom stoel the coputer for a little while and im geussing my target is thier target and hes coming after you next and we all bump up there.)
The shadow had moved on she sat waiting for the man to show apprently he was seemingly inhuman, no wonder they hired her, cowards all politicians are.. She thought to herself.
(their target is human, i'm asleep lol i intended for you to meet them but he's going to go after Ageha thinking he's a girl)
Ageha had this evil glare on his face and his eyes were white. "I hate you two." He growled as Masakazu lifted his skirt. "Kay, everything's ready." He said as Ageha snatched the skirt away from him. "Alright. Ageha, have at it, it's still early so no one's out except for this guy. He takes people around this time." Makoto said. Ageha pouted but walked off to do his job and attract the murderer. The other two tailed him discretely.
(lol s'ok.)
(ahh well ther still cowards right? lol)
A man rounded the corner and began to quicken his pace towards Ageha it was jsut hten that a shadow landed in front of him all that could be seen where silver eyes and a grin of white teeth. "Don't worry kido this ownt take long." The man began to back up. "Who who are you?" The man sutttered. "My nme is unimportatn jsut that.." She trailed off as she brought out a gun and aimed it at his head," I'm hired to kill you." The man began to run, "Great I like a chase." She stepped from the shadows as the light illuminated her, she looked Ageha in the face, "DOn't worry chick just forget every thing youve seen here." She said waving her gun in front of "her" face. "This would be a bounty hunter field day.."She umered and turned to leave.
"I'm not a girl damn it!" Ageha screeched and ran past her. He was using his supernatural speed to his advantage but only that. He didn't want to give away what he was just yet. Makoto and Masakazu chased him as well. The man pulled a blade, cornered, as the three vampires appeared. The man ran at Ageha and Makoto shoved him aside, getting cut on his cheek. It immediately healed. Masakazu took note that the girl had arrived. "M-monsters!" The man panicked. Ageha's eyes flashed white and his fangs grew. The next thing anyone knew, Ageha had the man by the collar and was shaking him against the wall. "How DARE you call Makoto a monster! You're the monster here!" He growled. "Ageha..." Kiyoi and Makoto said in unison. "It'll be a problem if he kills him... and Kiyoi.. a human girl's here." Masakazu said. "She's not our concern." He said. "Ageha!" He called. At the sound of Kiyoi's voice, Ageha let go of the man who was shaking in fear. "Kiyoi-san." He said and then remembered the girl.
She aimed her gun and fired hitting the wall right beside Ageha. "Next time I won't miss, if I don't get the kill I dont get hte spill akai?" SHe cocked her head to the right as she uled back the hammer on her gun and stuck her hand down her shirt puling out a smei automatic or a TMP. and aimed it as well, "Just move let me shoot and we all go home happy."
Masakazu's eye's flashed as another man appeared from nowhere. "Konoe." He spat. Konoe frowned. "Girl if you spill blood, there won't be a man to show as proof to your boss. You're standing in front of four five agitated and hungry vampires. Our restricted day is tomorrow." He said calmly. Ageha eyed the gun and then the man. Makoto unconsciously licked his lips. Kiyoi was rigid. He knew that his boys would attack if blood was to be spilled.