He stares from the distance as the two lovebirds dote on each other and love each other with great happiness, simply staring at the two who seem to be unafraid of showing public displays of affection. The longer he is forced to stare at his two dongsaengs cuddle and whisper sweet nothings in each others' ears, the more he feels this strange burning feeling in his heart.
He doesn't really know why he feels it and for what exact purpose it serves, but he knows that it's not a very pleasant feeling as it usually leaves him feeling cranky and snappy.
"Maknae, you are so CUTE," Daesung giggles out as he pinches the maknae's cheeks in a loving gesture, both their faces covered with a wide smile.
"Not as cute as YOU, hyung," Seungri replies as he gives a light peck in response upon Daesung's nose, also slightly giggly in happiness. It was so cute it made him want to gag. It makes him want to smile yet cringe at the same time at how lovey-dovey those two could get. And then that nasty burning feeling seems to come back with a vengeance as he averts his gaze, clenching his fists tightly together.
He wants this ugly feeling to go away, to leave him be and give him his peace. No longer wanting to be subject to this cuddly and cute torture, he makes a bee line for the roof, grabbing his half empty pack of cigarettes on his way up. Maybe if he smokes for a bit he can organize his thoughts and figure out what exactly he's feeling.
After arriving upon the roof, he takes a deep breath of the refreshing cool night air and proceeds to take out one of the addicting cancer sticks. He doesn't really notice his shaky hands and slightly wobbly steps until he feels something wet trickle down his cheeks and he has to put a surprised hand upon his cheek as he wipes away stray tears. Why is he crying? There shouldn't be any reason for him to cry.
A soft creaking of a door causes him to spin around to see the intruder, getting a face full of a concerned mother that goes by the name of Youngbae.
"Hyung, what's wrong?" he asks in that concerned manner of his as he walks over to his band mate, worried as to why his hyung was up upon the roof all alone with tears in his eyes.
"I don't know, Bae. I... I..." Seunghyun mumbles out incoherently in a failed attempt of trying to explain his actions and thoughts.
"Does it have to do with the two dongsaengs downstairs?" Youngbae asks in that knowing manner of his, leaving Seunghyun mildly surprised.
"Y-yeah... sorta... I think..." Seunghyun replies with a slight stutter as he quickly wipes away his tears. Youngbae places a comforting hand upon his shoulder as he encourages him to tell him what was up.
"Care to tell me about it?" Youngbae gently prods as he leads Seunghyun to a nearby bench, seating them both down. He takes Seunghyun's hands in his and gently rubs soothing circles on the back of his hands as he waits for Seunghyun to speak up.
"Well..." Seunghyun starts off unsurely as he thinks long and hard on everything. "I... don't really know..." he says as he furrows his eyebrows in concentration.
"I just know that whenever I look at those two so cuddly and lovey-dovey I feel this ugly and nasty feeling right here," Seunghyun takes one hand out of Youngbae's gentle grasp to softly place it over his heart, looking down and confused as he continues to think. "And I know it's so unreasonable and unfair... I don't even know why I feel that way... "
"Do you know what it is, and why?" Seunghyun directs his gaze toward Youngbae with curious eyes. A long moment of silence passes between them as Youngbae purses his lips in a tight line and slightly furrows his eyebrows while Seunghyun continues to stare questioningly toward him.
"Well...hyung..." Youngbae replies slowly after a long moment of silence passes between the two, "it's because you're.... jealous... of the two..." he continues in a slow manner.
"Ah... of course. Why hadn't I thought of that!" Seunghyun exclaims as he shakes his head at not having thought of such an obvious thing earlier.
"I want to get rid of it, Bae! It's so unreasonable and stupid and...." but before Seunghyun can finish his long rant, Bae kisses him upon the lips in a very soft and chaste kiss.
"We're only human, hyung. It's natural to feel that way. We all tend to get jealous or angry or sad, or even envious. And it's all apart of human nature. So don't be so worked up over it, okay?" Youngbae tells Seunghyun softly, bringing a hand up to softly carress Seunghyun's face.
Both of their faces are a deep red color from the kiss but despite that, Youngbae lectures and Seunghyun listens, leaning into the soft carress of Youngbae's hand. Youngbae proceeds to bring Seunghyun into a loving and caring embrace, rubbing soothing circles onto Seunghyun's back as Seunghyun forgets all his worries and relaxes into the hug.
"Thanks a lot, Bae," Seunghyun mumbles out as he sighs in content, bringing his hands up to return the hug.
The cigarettes are left forgotten on the ground by the door where they were dropped earlier, and by that very door it can be seen that the leader was spying on the two, smile wide on his face as he mumbles quietly to himself, "It looks like we have ourselves another pair of lovebirds," before deftly closing the door and walking back to the apartment complex where the dongsaengs were probably cuddling on the living room couch.
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|Nuthang, they're the new thing

♪It goes L-O-LL-I-P-O-P~
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|Nuthang, they're the new thing

♪It goes L-O-LL-I-P-O-P~