One paper down, two more, and assignment and a project report more (or two, if i feel like helping edit another one for formating and language -_-; ) to go. All within the next two days. Oh, how i love thee, SMU. >_>;
TWC paper wasn't as bad as i feared; but then again, i can't say for sure till the results are released, can i? sweatdrop My main worry with that paper was that there weren't any past year question papers to use as reference, so i had no idea what kind of questions to expect. It was open book, which is both a blessing and a curse for students, depending on how they work. Was alright i guess, since i can understand most of my business modules pretty well (at least so far). And i pay attention in class. Seriously, from some of the queries and responses my classmates gave during the lessons, you could tell they hadn't been listening at all. Could tell the professor was trying so hard to hide his frustration at times ^^; Poor man; it looked like he was going to pop a vein or wanted to scream at a few students several times through the term. i did enjoy the module, despite the amount of work he saddled us with.
Unfortunately, not all my lecturers this term are as patient or understanding >.> Case in point: the one who wants an assignment in by midnight tonight (7hrs from now), in the middle of exam week. What kind of myopic, sadistic person does that? gonk Yes, his course has no final paper; that certainly does not mean that we don't have other subjects which do happen to have final exams. i feel so tempted to just not do it, but being a good student, of course i will =_= As if the project for the module wasn't bad enough, and the teaching incredibly vague... gah, Software Engineering is possibly my most hated subject this term. Which is a pity, because i actually found the subject itself quite interesting, from the textbook.
Networking paper tomorrow, in about 21hrs time. Technically it's a quiz rather than an exam, but i think everyone considers it an exam any how. i hope i do well - at least pass this paper; otherwise i'll probably get a C for the module. T.T Again, a possibly enjoyable subject with an inexperianced teacher who unfortunately rather ruined the experiance. It's probably not a good sign that your lecturer makes grammatical errors in weekly slides, assignment questions and on the course website ^^; Though to be fair, i think English isn't his first language.
Thursday will be my last paper, MPW. i very much enjoyed that class; the professor for it was very enthusiastic about the subject, and was able, i felt, to spread some of it to the class. Haven't started studying for it due to horrible study schedule being thrown out of whack >_< Hopefully will manage; i did alright for the midterm at least... if the worst happens, hopefully that 90 will be able to soften the blow to the total mark T.T
i'm in a considerably good mood considering how stressed i would normally be now, thanks to aefallen (non-Gaian) being online yesterday. Sometimes i really think we have a slight psychic connection xd Had just been wishing so badly that she was back in Singapore so i could talk to her yesterday before i'd gone on the comp to do some revision; and lo and behold, there she was when i signed on! eek heart i miss her so much; she's one of the two closest friends i have, and really the only person i feel completely unashamed to break down in front of. i don't like crying in front of others, not even my family. i'm glad i went to VJ, if only for the fact that doing so allowed me to meet some wonderful friends, like her and ashkeryne, amongst others. They've been angels in my life, and i'm so thankful that i got to know them. Can't wait for both her and ilmenhin to be back! It really sucks to have your best friends studying overseas T.T
5:20pm. Better get cracking on that stupid SE assignment >.<
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