Dear Disney,
For every Marvel superhero, super villain, plot, comic, supporting character and so on that you mess with, I will personally toss a Disney DVD or other item into my fireplace.
I kind of prefer DC. But, you know. If they make Iron Man star in like Fantasia or some insanity I'm definitely writing a letter of complaint.
Yes, it's a little known fact- Whigg is a geek for superheroes. Not all of them, mind- I find Spiderman to be kind of lame, and the X-men don't excite me any. The Hulk's fun, but not my fave.
Well. Guess who is.
Really, who else would it be?
BATMAN, obviously. Gawsh.
He's seriously the best. Seriously. No Marvel character could ever hope to compare. But that doesn't mean I wouldn't be utterly offended if Disney waters down the X-men, Spiderman, Iron Man, etc etc. Because it's the very nature of the thing that pisses me off. Because what if they decide to buy DC too? I can imagine Batman and Robin going back to their days of "holy pineapple chicken dip, Batman!"
Oh, hey, have a hedgehog.
Ssh! He's hiding.
Ehh, there's a little bit of his face. But he's scared of cameras. The clicking sound freaks him out apparently and the flash makes him ball up. ^^; so. He's ridiculously shy, for someone who wants to take over alternate dimensions.