Wrote a story!...bored...
In the earliest days of the World, Darkness mated with Chaos and produced three daughters. The first was Night, the second was Pain, and the third was Magic. Now Chaos went on and mated with the Sky, producing a son that was Evil. One day, Evil,being jealous of his stepsisters, captured Magic and took her away to his secret fortress beyond the World. But Magic called upon her mother, Darkness, who heard her cries, and seeing everything, saw what Evil had done. Darkness then summoned Chaos and said, "Look, look what your son has done! He has taken Magic from the World." Chaos then turned on his son, Evil, and cast him out, and rescued Magic, restoring her to the World. Then Evil cried out, saying that he repented his act,and praying that his father not abandon him. Chaos could not turn his heart from his only son,so he relented and permitted Evil into the world as well. But from that moment on, Magic has mistrusted Evil, though Evil still pursues Magic; and Darkness watches over them both, so that wherever you find Evil, you will find Darkness there, watching; and Chaos will sometimes be found in the aid of Magic, and sometimes in the aid of Evil.
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