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That is all the items I have in my invintory; however, being the imprefection that it is will only display all the poses for an evolving item if I have a generation that has finished evolvling.
If you're confused about that pm me.
In the end all the evolving items will eventually get the same poses as all the other generations of it's sort.
Again, if you're confused pm me.
Anyways, the only way I can think of rectifying this is to tell you the EI's I have that are done evolving and the ones still evolving. The ones that are finished I will provide links to the generation so that you can see all the poses. The ones that are unfinished you'll have to look up a list of all the different generation in the markept place yourself so you can see all the poses that will eventually be avaliable.
Titan's Legacy-finished
The Nightmare- unfinished (Which means to see all the poses that'll be eventually avaliable you'll have to look though all the generations listed.)
Pietro's Case-unfinished
Reve Rouille-unfinished
Inari's Beads- finished (shared with my borther, not on my account currently so you'll have to go to the mp and look at 1st gen)
Enchanted Book- finished (Shared with brother, see above)
Fallen Wish-finished
Biancamella-finished (you have it)
Gogh Reed-finished (my generation isn't finished yet, so if you use and item from there you'll have to wait for it to become avaliable)
Diapered Egg-finished (see above)
Holy $#17-finished
Picolitrosso's urn-finished
Fausto's Bottle- finished