Okay, let me unambiguise my title here by clearing a few things up. First off, I'm a right of center moderate, so I don't believe in a few corporate companies using their power and influence to secretly rule the country. I also believe in a free market with a minor roll played by the government. I think the government has bigger issuses to deal with than economics, and even if they don't, it's not like the government, or even the president, can acctually do anything to change this. Now, I might be wrong, I might be right, I don't know - I have a low business apptitude and my skills in said area are even lower, so if someone with a greater knowledge than I can correct me, please go ahead.
However, the subject isn't that at all, it's this. Two weeks ago, my department store (where I work), ShopKo, recieved several Christmas trees. That's right, you heard me correctly, Christmas trees; IN ******** AUGUST!!!! Now, at first, wasn't bothered, however, when we took down most of our Back-to-School stuff, we didn't put up our Halloween displayes, oh no, we in fact, put up our Christmas tree tables that we use as displayes. That's right folks, Shopko has christmas trees available for sale before we even have put out Halloween stuff, it's only the second day in September, sounds about right to me, right?? Right!? What the ********!? Seriously, why are we doing this?? Who the hell thinks that now would be a good time to buy Christmas trees! School has barely begun for a 3rd of the nation, what the hell do they think this will accomplish?
Christmas was a holiday that ment many things. To those who are christian, it ment the birth of our savior, and we celebrate his birth; where as a larger percentage celebrate christmas as a time for friends and family to get together, to celebrate each other by giving them gifts to show our love for each other, and what they mean to us. Christmas is supposed to be a holly, joy, and good time.
What's it's become is a bastardized markerting ploy, mocking it's original meaning. Companies are almost ruthlessly outmarketing themselves to make the next blow out Christmas item, department stores are opening themselves to this by not only supporting them, but infact setting up Christmas items earlier and earlier each year. Hell, Thanksgiving is almost all but forgotten, no one markets Thanksgiving until mid-Novemeber, right about the time when it is Thanksgiving. It's my humblist opinion that the only reason that this holiday is still accknowledge by the corporatations at all is because of Black Friday, which is the biggest shopping day in the entire calender. So I wonder, dear reader, how much longer before we start chopping holidays off all togther, because they are unmarketable, expect to Halmark which is doing the opposite of creating more random holidays (example: Sweetie Day - don't ask -_-)
Honestly, if someone doesn't step up and tell these companies to knock it off, I will stop celebrating, which means I'm going to stop buying, and I'm going to boycot, and bring as many people with me as I can. This is unacceptable, I refuse to partake in this sort of behavior.
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