oh field hockey, how you torment me.
On the one hand, field hockey is kind of the most suckish sport ever, next to like suffleboard. Seriously. It's suckish. I didn't really think so until I started playing lacrosse, but now that I have another field sport to compare it with, I'd like to say uhh, wtf field hockey? It's like the retarded cousin of lacrosse- loveable, but retarded. And I do not use that word lightly. On the other hand, field hockey is the sport that got me into sports. If not for field hockey I wouldn't have been recruited as the lax goalie at all. If not for lax, I wouldn't have sought out something to do between seasons and I would've never met the lovely people with whom I chuck heavy objects. Indirectly, field hockey is responsible for the other two sports I play. Whether I like it or I don't doesn't matter this season. I'm injured. I'm an invalid. I'm a cripple. I can't play. Bahhh. xp