"Can you just understand!?" I yell as my step-mother pushes me into the car. She slams the door, and walks to the drivers side of the car.
"Shush" The devil woman says as she slips into the car.]
"No. Why are you taking me to St. Mungos?" I scream. (HAHA!!! St. Mungos is a hospital from the book Harry Potter!)
"You have issues to sort out."
"I'm not crazy. You just don't like me because I eat food and I don't wear designer clothing like you."
'Your dad agree's with me."
"Only because you've poisened his brain."
"You've scared him. You were his little girl"
"I still am. But I paint my nails, so that means I can't be his little girl anymore?"]
"Those devil worshippers paint their nails balck."
"Don't even suggest... If there was a devil worshiper in here, it'd be you!" This shut her up, as we drove to St. Mungos.
I tried to open my car door, but the she-devil put the child's safety lock on it. I could feel a tear run down my cheek as I looked out the window.
"Here we are." She said said as we pulled into an huge white building hidden from the world by the old trees and mountains.
"How.. can .. you do... this to me?" I plead in between sobs. She had no reply, but simply dragged me out of the car to the crazy building.
"AUGH!" i scream in her face and tear her clothing and kick her. "Maybe I'll like it here! I'll meet some devil friends and we'll curse you!!"
"Sshhh. It's okay. We don't want to disturb the others, do we?" A lady in a long white lab coat said to me.
"Yes. We. DO!" I say before a scream. "I HATE YOU!!!" I yell and escape from both of the womans holds. Only to run into a large man who simply stoped me and carried me inside.
part two of THE GOTHIC ASSYLUM! (hey, we needed a title, and now we have it!)
i pace back and forth in my perfectly white room. i dont see how this place is supposed to drive people SANE. for me, it is doing just the opposite. Ever since my foster parents have decided to trade me for a bubble gum chewing blonde prep i've been stuck here. for a whole month. and i WILL get out. the only problem is...i dont know how. maybe if i can convince them i'm not crazy, they'll let me go. though i dont see how i can possibly get them to believe me. after all, everyone knows that crazy people always claim not to be crazy. thats just common logic. my thoughts are inturrupted by two quick knocks on the door.
"Allison, it's time for lunch." my nurse called through the door.
"kay. come on in" i say, and she steps in.
"why, allison, what did you do with your hair today?!" she says startled.
"i gave it a trim." i say quietly. "and how was your day Jennifer?" i say trying to change the subject
"have you seen it in the mirror yet?!" she ignores my question.
", if you will look around here, then you will see that there are no mirrors." i say smartly.
the nurse sets the tray of food on my bedside table and reaches into her front pocket. she pulls out a compact and holds it up to me.
"hey! i did better than i thought!!" i turn my head back and forth to admire the short pigtails on top of my head and the black and purple bangs that swoop to cover one of my eyes.
"and where did you get scissors anyways?" jennifer demands.
i shift uncomfortably and attempt to cover up the scissors with the edge of my white dress. "oh, but enough about me, tell me about YOU." i make another effort at changing the subject. She pushes me aside and finds the scissors.
"really allison, if you EVER plan on getting out of here you really must stop misbehaving!" she scolds me like a child. i roll my eyes and let out a breath that makes my bangs fly up. "yeah well.." i mumble. i hear a scream in the hallway. i wonder who THAt could be. "i have to use the bathroom!" i say quickly and get up. jennifer follows to escort me there. they dont trust us to have bathrooms in our own cells. i bet they think we'll end up drowning ourselves on accident or something. so if we go into the bathroom and take too long then they come in looking for us. i walk nearer to the bathroom door, and i'm right about to push it open when i see the screaming girl.
" I HATE YOU!" she yells and runs from the woman behind her, only to be stopped by a large man. i make a split decision and run towards her.
"hey! get back here!" jennifer yells from behind me. i jump on the guys back and try to take him down so the girl can get free. she squirms and squirms, and she does it! she gets free! she runs towards the door, and i give a little cheer in my head for having saving someone from this miserable fate, but right as she's about to escape three guards stand in front of the door. two grab her arms and the other one approaches her with a needle.
"NO!" i scream, but now i'm too late, because the man has tossed me off, and he has a needle too. i hear the girls shreak from behind me, but then all goes black.
Part 3: (It should be called St. Mungos Jacky!)
"Untie me now!" I yelled in my father's face.
"Sorry Mel, but I promised Sally that I would take you to the St. Mungos," he sighed, "Pete, help me get her in the car."
Pete is my father's work buddy. Built like a football play... but cries at Finding Nemo. Whimp... "Sure thing, John," Pete picks me up and throws me over his shoulder.
"So this was all Sally's fault! I can't believe it! My own Aunt! How dare she?!" I screamed as I got thrown into the back seat of my dad's van. "oh. She is SO gonna pay for this."
My father hesitate on starting the car. He knows when I say that to someone... I do mean it. "It's for your own good, Mel."
I kept kicking Pete in the side. "Let me out!"
Pete held my legs down.
"You're gonna break my f-ing legs!" I struggled to get free.
John started to drive down the busy street.
My short spikey red hair stuck to my face because of the tears that ran down my cheeks.
"Here we are," John got out of the car. "Go ahead Pete."
I was dragged out of the car and was thrown over Pete's shoulder again.
"Here she is, Ms. Clark." John said as he walked up to a crinkled up old lady.
She frowned. "You had to tie her?"
He shrugged. "She doesn't listen to me very well," he said softly.
Pete let me down.
"Let us go inside child." Ms. Clark grabbed my arm roughly and led me to the double doors.
"Bye Mel!" John and Pete called from behind.
I ignored them. "Can't you let go?"
"No. I know your type. You'll try to run free once I do let you go. It already happened twice today," she hissed in my ear.
Twice? "I promise. I'll be a good girl." I smiled. "Please?"
I don't know if it was the please or the smile that made her let go.
I hid my face by putting my hair in the way so she couldn't see me grin. I scanned the area for an escape. There! There was trees surrounding the place. I dashed to my right.
"You brat! Get back here!" Ms. Clark yelled.
Man. It's hard to run with your hands tied behind your back. Someone tackled me to the ground.
"Oops." a curly hair boy said. He was crouching on top of me. "I-I didn't see you there," he blushed.
"Thanks," I growled.
"The names Adam," he smiled.
"Meli..." I replied.
"We should be friends. Like best friends!" he crawled off of me.
Great... I made my first crazy friend.
He helped me up. "You shouldn't really try to run away from them. They will always catch you. Trust me... I know. Happened to me 5 times already."
I only smiled.
"There she is!" Ms. Clark pointed a finger at me. Two men grabbed me by the arms.
"Adam. Let's go inside now." one of the men said.
He nodded and followed us inside.
part 4....
as i sit in the depressing bright white room, i hear random screaming from the outdoors but i dont mind it cause i always hear that kind of stuff
"ahhh newbie.." i chuckle under my breath "they'll get used to it as the months go on.." and i slowly fall down on the floor with my black and dark purple bangs spread across my forehead...they cut of the rest of my hair soo its just spikey in the back because i used to have long black and purple hair b4 they found me choking myself with my hair the 3rd day i arrived here(ive been here for 8 months).....i lay on the floor looking dead and worthless then i hear a knock on the door
"open the door!! NOW!" yells helga from the other side
"get AWAY!" i yell demon like but she has a key and burst in with my lunch...shes really angry
"you selfish little brat, im so sick of you!" and she slaps me on the face....usually the doctors or helpers arent aloud to slap me but i've been transfered to many mental homes and now the state is sick of me soo they put me here and gave the helpers the right to slap me round!!
"im not hungry" i say noticing the disgusting crap on the plate they call 'food'
"ohh ur gonna eat it!!" she yells in my face but my face is just as calm as ever and as she was in my face starring at me madly, i flip over the bowl of soup she had in her hands, and the bowl breaks and soup is everywhere... "AAAHHH!!" she screams in frustration
"is everything alright in here?" said mr.hugh the doctor
"I QUIT...I CANT DEAL WITH HER!! UUUGHH!!" and helga storms out...when she storms out i start smiling but then i see the look on mr.hugh's face and my smile goes away
"uugh there goes another employee...thats the 7th one that quit because of you" he says quite dissapointed
"its a natural born talent" i say standing up and walking like a superstar "oohh yea"
"miss crow, to the office where you will see mr. smathers!!" he says with a disgusted look "you cant be transfered but we can lock you in a smaller room..."he says under his breath as i walk past him...he hand cuffs me and some random guard puts shackles on me because ive tried to escape 13 times and mr.hugh escorts me to the "office"
Here, a comprimise.
St. Mungos -- The GOTHIC ASSYLUM!
"What... what is this?" I say, waking up. "What am I wearing?" I look down, and I see that my black skinny jeans and my "Join the dark said-- we have cookies" T - shirt are missing. In their place I see a pair of white shorts and a plain white shirt with "St. Mungos attendee -- Call 1-784-0666" written on the top. My short spiky black hair has lost all it's volume from sleeping on this cot. They also removed all the black paint from my nails. Ugh. I want to find the girl that tried to save me earlier. I need to thank her, even if I didn't escape.
"You're awake!" A woman says, opening the door. "Hello, I'm Mrs. Lee. I'm here to take you to your evaluation."
"Yes, right this way." We walk down a long white hallway with no windws. "Here we are..." She says opening a large door into an office.
"Hello, Avery. I'm Mr. McNabb."
"Hello." I say timidly.
"Have a seat." He says pointing to the single hard chiar in the middle of his office. "It says here... that you worship the devil, you have severe temper tantrums, and are mentally impaired."
"All of which are UNTRUE!" I shout.
"Let's calm down."
"No, GREG, I think not. I'm am none of those things. My step-mum just hates me."
"Are you... psychic too?" He says amazed.
"What?" I say, caught off gaurd by his out of the air question.
"You know my name"
"I read it off of your name plate" I say pointing to it. "I don't belong here. I'm not a crazy. Take a test. Give me a test that proves whether you psyco or not."
"I'm afriad we don't-"
"DON'T HAVE ONE!? You just go on evil step-mother's words!? I HATE THIS PLACE!!" I shreik, and run out of the room.
part six (AGAIN AND AGAIN) (ARG!)
"I've been cryin' for so LOOoong, fighting tears just to cAARRy OOOooon, but now, but now, IT'S GONE AWAY!" I groove on my way home from school, with my headphones on and listening to Mika Bomb. If someone saw me now, dancing and singing down the street; they'd probably think that i was crazy. (haha.)
I make my way to my two story house where i live with my mum and nine year old sis. I peek around behind the house and see that mom's not here yet because her car's not here. That's okay, she doesn't usually come home till about four thirty.
I pull out my house key, unlock the front door, and step into my house. I hear shuffling upstairs as I enter and remember that my elementary school sister had early release today so has probably been home alone for the past few hours. I also remember that she practically begged mom to let her stay home alone for a spiel, after all, she was nine now didn't you know?
I feel like being a friendly sister and start up the creaky staircase to say hello to my sister and ask her how her fourth grade class is going. Her name is Nadine. As i go farther up the noisy stairs the shuffling sounds start getting louder and are coming faster...i wonder what she's up to...
I reach her door and start to open it, but it slams back on me with a scared squeak i hear from my sister.
"Nadine let me in!" I shout, starting to get worried. I try the door again and it swings open. Nadine flies at me and hugs herself to my middle. I comfort her for a few seconds, saying things like; "What's wrong hun?" and then I look up. Oh. My. G-g-gosh.
Somehow i separate myself from Nadine and step towards the humongous machine that's standing in the center of her room. It's taller then me, and it looks like some horrible torture device.
Nadine starts crying behind me.
"What is this?" I ask her, awestruck.
She answers me between sobs and hiccups.
"It's. A. Time Machine."
I quickly recognize the design of the time machine to be Bogart Bertram's, his last model in fact, the one that afterward he gave up and declared time travel impossible. Nadine's put together of the machine is so crude though, it looks like it's made from odd pieces of twisted pieces of metal and plastic, and it really does look like some demonic torture device. My eyes skim the room and see drawings my sister made of the time machine, lists of materials, and a book that i suspected that i would find in here. "Time Travel, Fact or Fiction?" by Beatrice Trudy.
There's a place in the middle of the machine that is fashioned like a chair, and sitting in it, slumping a boy. And i know who he is. Blake Harrison, Milicent's little brother, and one of my sister's classmates. There's a trail of blood dripping from his mouth onto the floor. drip. drip.
"I wanted to make one like you always used to say you would." Nadine chokes out behind me.
My sister, the wanna be me. I never imagined that it would get this far. Didn't she read in the book that time travel was fiction? She couldn't make a time machine work, even i couldn't. Nadine comes up to me and hugs my middle again. She looks at Blake with gooey eyes.
"He was my friend." she says, then cries into my stomach. I pull her away from me but she keeps her little hands on my waist. I place my hands on her shoulders and say;
"We're going to put thing right Nadine. I know that you made a humongous mistake and that it's terribly sad, but I'm going to help you fix it." Then I hug her and add; "don't worry, mom won't be home until four thirty, we have plenty of time." We just hug for a few seconds then Nadine says;
"But mom's already here."
I jump away form her in shock. She points out the window where we can both see mom's green sedan. OH MY GOSH, how long has she been here?! I start whispering as quietly as i can without blowing up from the panic attack coming on.
"Nadine, we have to burn your papers." I order.
"Mommy hid all he matches." she says in a little voice. she looks like she knows that her fate is set.
"SHOOT!" I curse.
"I have that chest you gave me though, I've been keeping the papers in there."
"Yes!" I shout, "7673512. That's the number code, go put away all your papers." She ignores my random burst of remembering the number combo and rushes around gathering her papers and to her closet to stuff them into the chest that's hidden in the dark corner of the closet. I continue talking, but it's mostly gibberish. Just me blazing ideas off the top of my head at top speed. finally i decide on one.
I stand Nadine in front of me.
"Nadine, you need to go over to Ophelia's and stay there until five thirty. Then you call mom and ask her to pick you up. You had nothing to do with this. You and i switched rooms about a week ago and you haven't slept in here since." Downstairs I hear mom call up to us;
"Girls! I'm coming up, I got cookies and milk!" mom's steps start getting louder and closer, too fast.
I plant a kiss on Nadine's head and thrust her bedroom window open. She get's on the sill and starts down the ladder outside the house, crying.
"Don't worry," I call to her as she goes down, "I'm going to put this right!" Then I slam the window shut between us.
and her bedroom door opens.
"He-" I twist around and see my mom drop the cookies and glasses of milk. She stops mid sentence, clutches her head in her hands and loud.
I snatch the time travel book Nadine left out and stuff in under my shirt.
I asked my lawyer to plead me as crazy. I knew that life sentence in a crazy house would be easier then a life sentence in the juvi jail. Or worse, death sentence.
It's been four years since that day, and i can't believe that I haven't broken out of this mad house yet. Imagine, a smart girl like me.
oh yeeeeah...finally!
part 7
i woke up disoriented. where was i? i looked around the room. oh, just my little white room. same as always. i got up off of the bed. i wonder where that other girl is. and what should i do now? i'm sure they're angry with me for having run off like that... what will i do now? i look around the room. oh, well there's my food right there. this crap is always the same. i dont see how they can even call this food! it looks more like dirt! i pick up one of the bowls. its full of some sloshy green liquid. soup perhaps? its hard to tell.. hmm, i wonder what would happen if i through it against the wall...would they get mad at me? would they just clean it up? or would they lock me up in a PADDED white room. hmm, well, lets have an experiment then.
"i predict that jennifer will yell at me and make me clean this mess up." i whisper and draw my hand back to throw it against the wall.
"ALLISON!" jennifer bursts through the door. darn, i guess my experiment has failed.."just what do you think you were doing?!" she shouts
"well..i was, er, holding the food up to get a better look at it. i was thinking about drawing it and i needed it to be in the proper lighting," i said gesturing with my hands as if trying to picture it in my mind.
jennifer rolled her eyes and grabbed the food out of my hands. "dont play with your food. or draw it. " she said sharply and set it back onto the tray.
"will we have visiting time today?" i ask hopefully. maybe i'll get to speak with that girl. maybe she's not another crazy!!
" 'we' will. YOU wont." jennifer states.
"why?" i whined.
"oh i dont know, maybe because you were running off again!"
"no need for sarcasm." i mutter glumly.
jennifer grumbled something under her breath.
"i need to tend to the other patients. dont do anything bad while i'm gone." she glared visciously at me.
"yes ma'am." i say. and she walks out the door, locking it behind her. i wait ten seconds and then run to peek through the little window on the door. she's already gone into another persons room. i glance around quickly for something i can use to pick the lock. ooh! that fork! i run over to it and try to twist it a little. its very easy. i twist the prongs back, all but one, and stick it into the key hole. i push it around a little, first left, then right. where is that darn switch? i twist a little more then hit something,aha! i twist the switch around clockwise and i hear the little "click" as the door unlatches. now all i have to do is make it to the visiting room where all the crazies will be.
part 8
as i walk down to mr.smathers office...i see this random girl pop outta her room, a few doors down, and she looks around to see if anyone is watching and then she takes off to the visitng room...the guards holding me would've seen her but they were too busy talking!!
"wow how blind you guys are" i whisper under my breath
"wat you say?" says the guard holding my right arm
"oohh ppsshh nothin" i say sarcastically and then as they talk, i start wondering....'can i easily get room is quite a ways down from where we are now....and they are talking...and mr.hughs has left....ahhh' i say inside my head....and i yell out in pain!!
"ooohhh aahhh cramps....ooww oww oohh its a biggie" i yell and fall to the ground holding my stomach
"oohh geez...shes having womanly problems" one guard whispers to the other....
"uuughh" i yell "oohhh its you guys have a pad or tampon?"
"uuhh how bout you just go to the bathroom!?" says the guard and he walks me to a close bathroom....
"thanks!!" i say forcing a smile...i run inside trying to think of a plan...but wat?? ohh i know...i run and turn out the lights and start screaming an ear shrieking scream
"wat!! wat is it?" yells the guard busting into the they both come inside, i close the door and then as they panic..i slowly open the door but only a creak and then i flipped the switich on the hallway...the switch was close to the the hallway is dark and i start running down to the visiting room, with my shackles clinging every step...i run into the room and i find the girl i saw running down the hallway!! she was talking with this girl who had short spikey black hair and a girl who had short spikey red hair....soo i go over there to see wats happening?
"hi....wats up...hello?" i ask them but they just kept talking to each other "HEY!" and then they all look at me like im crazy "oohh hi im shelly" i say in a monotone voice
Part 9... again...
I was thrown into a white room. "What is this?!" I yelled and turned around to face the men.
Adam smiled and waved at me before the two men slammed the door shut and locked it.
"You could've at least unlocked these handcuffs!" I screamed.
How to take off these darn handcuffs? I thought for a moment. Wait... I bent over and started to make my arms go behind me legs. I stepped in the loop my arms made. Now my hands were in front of me. Someone started to unlock my door. A young lady came in.
"Hello. I am Freya. I'll be taking care of you from now on," she smiled.
I don't need to be taken care of," I growled. "What I need is to get out of this bloody place. I'm not crazy."
She rolled her eyes and grinned. "That's what they all say."
"Can you take these off?" I asked politely.
"Sure," she walked over to me and started to take off the handcuffs.
I looked down and smirked. The door was wide open. After she got the handcuffs off of me, I pushed her down and ran out the door. I passed by Adam's room. You can tell cause he was looking out the bar window on his door.
"Meli!" he grinned.
"Hey Adam," I said real fast and ran to a door. I gazed at the sign for a moment. It read, "Visiting Room". I decided to go in because two workers were walking down the hall.
I ran into a girl with short purple and black hair and pigtails.
She smiled. "Hi there."
"Um... ello..." I scanned my surroundings.
Another girl with black spikey hair walked up to us. "Oh! It's you!" she said to the other girl. "I never got your name." she said.
"That's right. I'm Allison. And you are...?"
"Avery(I'm not sure if Avery changed her name...)," she said.
Allison and Avery looked at me. "What?" I asked.
"You name is...?" Avery gestured to me.
"Melissa, but call me Mel or Meli. Whichever works,"
A different girl with purple and black hair came along. Part of her hair covered one of her eyes.
"Hi..." the girl said. We didn't say anything. Avery and Allison were still talking. "What's up?" she looked kinda annoyed that we were ignoring her. "Hello?" still... no response to the girl. "HEY!" We all looked at her. "Oh... hi... I'm Shelly." she said.
"There she is!" a woman shouted.
My head shot to the right. Freya was pointing right at me with two huge guys standing by her.
"Uh... gotta go." I said and ran towards a door. The sign about it said, "Exit".
They did it again. I ran out from Grag's office, and the bloody guards quickly and steadily gave me a large dose that calmed me down.
Now I'm in my cell. My life has been turned upside down. I used to be in a happy family. But then my mother died in a car accedent when I was six. I barely remember her. Then only a few years later, I was happy again. My life was as good as it could have gotten in those circumstances. My dad and I were living fine. He just got a large raise, and we baught a nice house, and we were at the high end of the middle classed citzens. Then My dad found Elsa, my step mother. She seemed nice, but soon after they married I found out the greedy theiving hag she really is.
I started humming to my droggy self. Music always was there for me, even when the tears were steaming down my sad face.
"Good Morning." A friendly woman said, coming into my white room. "My name is Mae. I will be your caretaker." I looked up and smiled a small smile at her, and looked back down.
"How are you feeling?" She says, sitting down on the cot near me.
"I wish this place had some color." I say, brushing my dark hair out of my eyes.
"Sometimes I feel the same way..." She says, with a sad smile. "You can come to the visitation."
"I'm okay here." I say. "On second thought, Could I come?" I suddenly remembered the girl the attempted to save me.
"Sure thing."
There she is! I run over to her, only to get stopped by Mae.
"You have to be calm." She whispes in my ear. I nod and casually walkover to this girl. She's looking around, in search for something. Her eyes graze past me, only to go back and the focus them on me. I quicken my pace.
"You!" I say. "You saved me."
"No I didn't."
"You tried."
"It's the thougth that counts."
"Right" I agree. "My name's Avery Rowan Furbusher"
"I'm Allison _______ _________ (You can decide)"
part ten! AAH! this doesnt match up! mel already wrote earlier, and me and avery were introduced then. dont worry though, i'll just make ave sound stupid and make it work. XD sorry.
"i'm allison rose faber." i said
she opened her mouth to speak again, but then another girl ran up to us.
"hi there." i smiled at the girl
"um...ello" she said seeming distracted
"oh! its you!" avery said staring at me "i never got your name."
"that's right," i played along. "i'm allison, and you are?"
"avery." she stated. we both looked at the other girl
"what?" she hissed.
"your name is...?" avery prompted
"melisa, but you can call me mel or meli, whichever works."
"hi." another girl walked up with purple hair covering one eye
"whats up." she said trying to make conversation. i was too busy staring at this avery girl trying to figure out what her deal was. short term memory loss perhaps? "hello!" the girl said. "HEY!"
i looked up at her finally.
"oh... hi. i'm shelly." she said softly.
"THERE SHE IS!" a woman yelled from across the room. suddenly meli was gone.
"weirdo." avery muttered under her breath.
"SPEAKING of weirdos, whats your deal? you asked me my name twice." i said looking at her.
"I'm the weirdo? do you OWN a mirror?" she demanded "look at yourself you freak!" she gestured towards my pigtails
"THIS is a fashion statement. and for your information i DO NOT own a mirror." i pointed my finger angrily at her, "and YOU never answered my question!"
"i spaced off for a moment, thats all." she said defensively. i rolled my eyes
"well whatever. as long as your not crazy, we can still be friends. and also-"
"HEY, what about me! i'm going totally ignored over here!" shelly whined.
"what about you?" i demanded angrily. she looked kind of upset though, so i decided that maybe she didnt deserve all this built up anger. "your not crazy, are you?" I raised an eyebrow.
" i certainly hope not." shelly said and grinned.
"good then. so we're all stuck here, and we dont belong. so there's only one thing we can do." i looked up to them.
"whats that?" avery asked
"we escape." i declared.
Part 11.....
"escape you say?" says avery rubbing her chin....
"aaahh..." i say agreeing....
"but how?" says allison confused looking around making sure no one is watching or listening to us...
"oohh i know!! ya know that girl cory? or at least heard of her?" i ask ave and allison and they nodded "ok good, cause shes been here the longest sooooo she should know a little more about the place then me!" i say excitedly whispering
"ok but which room is she and how do we meet up with her?" says allison really fast
"yeeaa and meli how we get her cause shes like one of the most wanted crazy people in this place?" ave says
"only because she keeps leaving and trying to escape and stuff?" i say "but if we can just stay good for at least a week then maybe the people will give us more freedom" i say getting my point
"yeeeaaa soo its kinda like keep ur friends close but keep ur enemies closer!!" ave says jumping " i like that its sooo sneaky!" she yells and everyone looks at her...." uuhh i like sneak-ers!! they rock!" she says covering up her last we were just blabbin on and on another person came into the room and it was cory!!
"guys guys there she is" i say really fast and they didnt really understand me
"bye bye hair shy it?" says allison confused
"nooo look there SHE is!!" i say pointing to her
"ooohh..." they say in unison
"come on we gotta tell her and stuff!" i say and we start walking towards her "uuhh hi im shelly.." i say slow and quiet but she just gave me the 'hand to the face' thing with her head down the whole time
"let me try?" says ave "uuhh im avery can you help me with something?"
"WHAT!!" she yells frustarted
"uuhh can you help us escape from this hell hole?" says avery very calmly and softly
"ooohhh" says cory finally looking at us with an evil grin "now your talking.....whats the plan?" she says rubbing her hands together evilishly
part 12:
I rubbed my hands together and giggled...devilishly, hey, i always liked the arts.
The three girls standing around me looked at each other and then at me.
"so you're interested?" one of them said.
"what's your plan?" I ask back.
"are you interested?"
"what's your plan?"
"first tell us if you're interested!"
"You don't have a plan do you?" I say, getting disappointed.
"Uh yeah we do!" shouts the one with purple and black bangs in her face. "We're gonna sneak past the guards all ninja like!"
Pssh. I think to myself. What amateurs. I had been hoping they had some brilliant idea i hadn't thought of yet.
"So are you in?" the one with pigtails asks, obviously getting a little annoyed.
"No." I say.
Just then a doctor across the rooms walks over to us.
"Meeting time's almost over girls." He says smiling, he starts to sit down in one of the chairs right in the middle of our little secret confrontation. "Mind if I-"
"So I started my period this morning..." bangs girl begins saying.
"Gotta go." the doctor is off in a flash, i hear bangs girl say under her breath,
"Hey, you're pretty quick." I say to her. It gives me some hope. The girl smiles shortly and then frowns saying,
"Why won't you help us?"
"I changed my mind," I say, "I'll help you guys." They quickly become excited, I can tell that they're quite eager to get out of here.
"Yessss." the one with glasses says (i'm sorry ave, do you wear glasses in this?)
"Hey guys," I say, "Introductions. I'm Cory Bleu."
"I'm shelly."
"I'm Allison."
"I'm Avery...or Ave."
"So, we heard that you've been in here awhile." Allison says, prompting.
"Yes I have, I have been here for four years." I say. Avery sucks in a breath, guess she's startled. "There's this one thing though see, I'm kind of, really smart. At least I was when i first arrived here, and as far as i know, I still am. But...I've tried so many times, so many ways to thwart St. Mungos and I just...I just," I start to tear up, "I can't. I can't do it." I put my head in my hands. "When you guys have ideas, you can bounce them off me if you'd like, but in my opinion guys, I don't think there IS a way out of here." I don't look up at them. Sorry for crushing spirit, i think to myself.
"It's okay," Allison says, "We're going to try anyway. Oh dear,"
I look up, Allison looks worried.
"I have to go..." she says as departure, "before they notice..." and slips out of the room.
"Hey Cory," Shelly says, "We all know that we're not crazy, but what about you? why are in here anyway?"
Ave and Shelly look at me expectantly.
"Ummm..." I say.
I'm taking the blame for murdering an innocent boy I think to myself. but i don't say anything, who wants to be friends with a murderer anyway?
Part 13
I start running down a long hallway. Being chased by these two huge guys. I turned a corner. Someone grabbed me and pulled me into a room. I was about to scream but they placed a hand over my mouth. They held me close to a wall. I heard the two men run by the door. One of them yelled, "Where the heck did she go?!" the other one said, "Wow... this one is gonna be trouble. She's like a ninja." "Shut up." I tried to get my hands free but the person still held on.
"Shhh, Meli. It's me, Adam," the person said. He let go.
"Adam. You little pest," I hissed.
"Aww. Don't be mean to your buddy," he frowned.
I rolled my eyes. "I'm not your buddy." His bottom lip trembled. "Don't you dare cry on me Adam." He fell to the floor and started sobbing. "Dammit Adam! Fine! We're buddies! Happy?"
He looked at me with puppy dog eyes. "Bestest buddies?"
"Yes... bestest buddies."
He smiled. "Forever and ever?"
I growled, "Yes... forever and ever."
He jumped up and hugged me. "Yays!"
"Let me go!" I pushed him away. I opened the door and peeked out side. Clear. "Let's go." We left the dark room and tip toed down the hall. I had to peek around each corner. "Where's the exit Adam?"
"Beats me."
"How long have you been here?"
"I dunno... 5 years... maybe more?"
I glanced at him. "And you don't know where the exits are? I thought you tried to escape 5 or 6 times already!"
"I did? Wow."
"You crazy freak," I mumbled.
"You're hurting my feelings," he said.
"To f-ing bad. You're gonna have to get used to it if I'm gonna be your bestest buddy."
"Forever and ever," he added.
"Shut up..."Three girls were walking towards us. "Shh. Stay back," I whispered to Adam. I looked at the girls again. "Wait... I know those two," I recognized the one with short black hair and the one with the purple and black bangs.
"Meli!" Avery yelled. She was jumping up and down laughing. Freak...
"What're you guys doing?" I asked.
Shelly glared at Adam. "We can't say."
"What?" I stared at her.
She shook her head. "It's a secret. We can't tell you until that boy leaves."
"Uh-uh. I'm her bestest buddy forever and ever. I can't leave," Adam smiled proudly.
"Shush," I placed my hand on his chest and pushed him a little. "Go over there," I pointed to a corner that was pretty far away.
"No... just go over there until I come get you," I told him.
"Fine..." He mumbled and followed my orders.
"Now tell me," I turned to Shelly. She told me about escaping this place and asked me if I wanted to help. I smiled and nodded. "Of course I want to help."
She smiled back. "Good. We'll need all the help we can get."
I turned to the other girl that was standing there quietly. "and you are...?"
She looked up at me. "Cory."
I nodded. "Alright. I'll see you guys later. I've got to get this guy back to his room," I sighed and walked over to Adam. "Let's go."
He smiled and ran after me. "Bye girls!" They didn't say anything.
"Adam..." I said softly.
"Um... I might have to leave you soon."
He stopped walking. "But... we're bestest buddies forever and ever."
I turned around to face him. "We can still be bestest buddies, but not forever and ever."
He shook his head, fast. He looked like his head was gonna fall off if he kept doing that. "That's not good enough! Why are you leaving?"
I shrugged. "I can't tell."
He glared at me. "I'm telling then."
"I'm telling on you if you don't tell me."
"That's not fair!"
"Nothing is fair, Meli."
"You brat. If I tell, those girls won't let me go with them!"
"Then take me with you!"
"Where are you gonna go?"
"Where are YOU gonna go?! You can't go back home! They'll send you right back here!" He had a point there...
"I'm planning on moving to Florida." I crossed my arms over my chest.
"And I'll come with you. We are bestest buddies forever and ever."
I glared at him. "Those girls probably won't let you come."
"Sure they will! They probably have bestest buddies too! They'll let them come along!"
"I'll ask them, okay?"
He smiled. "Okay!"
"Go back to your room..."
He nodded and ran off.
"Crap... they'll never say yes..." I mumbled.
part 14
i creeped down the hallways silently. i couldnt risk even the slightest noise, there were workers everywhere. as soon as i saw a clear pathway i ran full speed to my room. luckily, i'd left the door unlocked. i twisted the handle as silently as i could. wait. why wasnt it turning? oh nooo! why isnt it turning!!! someone must've locked my room!! i fumble around my dress pockets. ooh! i still have the fork! i twist it in the lock quickly, but my hand is shaking too much and it wont go gosh darn it!! ooh no! are those foot steps! i give the lock one more good twist and the door bursts open, it almost slams against the wall but i quickly grab hold of it and shut it behind me. i duck down so that no one can see me through the window and lock the door from my side too, that way jennifer wont notice that it was unlocked. i let out a deep sigh and run over to my bed and straighten my dress. hopefully she wont be able to tell how anxious i am. i focus on slowing down my breathing.
"HOLY SUGAR NUTS! i forgot to tell them!!" i blurt out loud and right then is the moment that jennifer picks to come visit my room
"tell who what?" she asks warily
"er..umm...the voices inside my head."i say. ooh great. why did i say THAT? now they're REALLY going to think i'm crazy.
"Allison, i think right now is a great time for a nap." she says sweetly as she picks up my tray and walks back out of my room. i hear the little click of the lock and then all is silent again. ooh geez. i hope i get to talk to the others soon. sneeking out will be much harder than i planned...
i spend the rest of my day staring at the lovely white walls of my room, singing softly to myself. jennifer doesnt come back in, and the lights in the hallway start to dim. it must be night time. i curl up in my bed and drift slowly off to sleep...
Back to my room of silence, i think to myself. I've been here two days. I'm already sick of the lack of color. That girl.. Cory's her name, she's been her for eight years? I couldn't ever stand it. I'd commit suicide if there was anyway possible in the hell house. I may dress up all in black, but it was mostly a fashion statement against my step-mother. I actualy love art and colors.
"Food is here." A lady walks in the door with food. She leaves a tray on the cell floor. I give her a dark stare just so she leaves faster without asking how my day is or something. If I talk, I'll explode.
I almost gagged on the food, but I was starving. I spilled the strawberries all down my white dress.
The door opened, The lady came back in. She looked at me wide eyed and made a the gaping choking sound.
"Are you okay?" I say.
""HELP!!!" She screams. In less than half a minute, a group of medical assitants come in. "There she's bleeding, she DIEING!!" What? No, It's strawberries sauce!
"I'm fine!" I tell them. I tell them repeatidly. But they continue. And stab me once again with a needle, and I fall asleep...
wat part is it? idk ginga anyways here it goes....
i fall asleep really quickly after i come back into the white room and the next morning i wake up to the 2 guards that i got away from yesterday, Mr.Smathers, and im a bit nervous
"haha hi boys, soo how was your sleep? have a gud dr-" i say trying to lighten the mood but Mr.Smathers cut me off
"cut the crap shelly and listen!" he yells at me and soo i shut up "ok i talked to the judge about your behaviour and he said he might make an exception..."
"exception about what?" i say gettin even more nervous
"too transfer you to another home..." says Mr.Smathers....
"no no no NOOOOOOOO!" i scream as loud as i can and i start kicking and screamin on the ground but then the guards quickly hold me down, making sure i wont run out again
"hey...HEEEY!!" Mr.Smathers yells over me "if you can just stay outta trouble for the next week or soo then you can stay"......and i slowly start smiling and thinking to myself.....mmmm a week of being good? and a week is long enough to wrap them around my- no wait not my but OUR finger and sooo then in about a week we can break out and th-
"shelly....shelly....SHELLY!" yells one of the guards trying to get my attention but i was spacing off in my thoughts
"yeesss..." i say smiling
"come on your goin to the visiting room..." he says and as i get up, hes watching my every move and puts on my hand cuffs and shackles really quickly and firmly holds my arms......and then the other guard joins us and holds my other arm
"ok take her away to the visting room..." says Mr.Smathers "but shelly....."
"yea" i say looking back
"be good....." he says smiling
"oooh i....will...." i say smiling back an evil smile and chuckling
Part 18
I started pacing back and forth in my little white room. How am I gonna convince them to let me bring Adam? How can we even trust him? I just wanna know if the guy is safe to be around. He seems like he can lose his temper easily. Like he'll explode any minute. It's to much of a risk. I can't take him. Maybe I can just say that we decided not to escape. Yeah. That's good. I nodded. Excellent.
"Um... Meli?" a woman's voice said, startling me. I spun around.
"Oh... Freya," I stared at the tall woman. Her hands were clasped together near her chest. She looked worried. "What?"
"You were talking to yourself. Are you alright?" she took a step toward me.
"Of course I am alright! Lots of people talk to themselves!" I shouted at the frightened girl.
She stumbled into the wall. "S-so sorry."
"Forget it. What do you want?" I glared at her.
"Um... t-time to go to the v-visiting room," she edged her way to the door.
"Fine," I followed her out the room.
"Um... w-why are you in here? How did you get into a place like this?" Freya was trying to start a conversation.
"I don't know... my dad thinks I'm evil cause I'm interested in witch craft," I explained.
She stared at me, horrified. "Witch craft?"
I decided to look at the tiles on the floor instead of looking at her. "Yeah. He sent me here cause I tried to sacrifice my brother," I rolled my eyes. "I just wanted to see if it was real..."
She gasped. "You're kidding!"
"No. It's the real deal," I smirked.
"Um... here we are," she gently pushed me through the double doors that led to the visiting room. "I'll be back in a couple of hours."
"M'kay," I spotted Shelly leaning against the wall. "Hey!" I shouted, "Shelly!"
She slowly turned her head towards me. "Oh. It's you."
"Where are the others?" I scanned the room.
She shrugged. "Don't know. Haven't seen them yet."
"Well... I was thinking... you've been here for a long time right?" I leaned on the wall too.
"Yeah. So?"
"You know Adam? The guy I was with earlier."
"Oh yeah. I know him."
"How did he get in here?"
"Hmm... they say that he killed some girl at the park."
She sighed, "I don't think so. The people that REALLY know him say that he was trying to SAVE the poor girl. She was his little sister. They were at a park. Then these drunk guys came out of no where. He was trying to help his sister, but the guys already got her. Someone heard the screaming and they called the palace. I'm guessing the people across the street. Once the cops came... the guys were already gone. Adam had his sister's blood all over him... so they thought he was crazy and they locked him up in here."
"Wow. Poor guy..." I whispered.
"Yeah... when he loses his temper... whew. He's gonna hurt somebody one of these days. Why do you want to know about him?" she stared at me with confused eyes.
"oh... no reason..." I looked away from her. Defiantly not a good idea to bring him along...
the next addition to ST. MUNGO'S the G0thic Asy1um
Something in that conversation i had with the other girls got me started. Once back in my little room, i didn't feel so alone, the thoughts felt so loud in my head; they were like presences. How to escape? HOW TO ESCAPE? bomb the place out of makeshift hospital materials? what what what? But sometime during the middle of the night i realized that all this thinking was fruitless because let's face it, i had repeated this "escape thinking" many times over and it hadn't done me squat. there was no way out, just like always, because all the ways i thought of escaping were impossible, and all the ways i could think of were all there were.
needless to say, i was depressed the rest of the night, and groggy since i shook myself awake the next day.
"Visiting hours." Dr. Julian said.
"Okay." I said.
and i walked down the halls i knew by memory. I wonder if i even remember what it was like to NOT live here correctly. Maybe the flowers outside my house WEREN'T blue; as i wistfully remember them. Maybe my sister DIDN'T love me like i thought she did, and just let me take the blame for murdering that boy without regret. Maybe she doesn't even love me now, I haven't heard from her in forever...she should be about 13 now.
I had made it to the visiting room, Dr. Julian left my side without even noticing, and just as nonchalant I swayed over and plopped myself down in a chair where the group of girls i met earlier were.
"Oh Cory." Alison said as greeting.
"Hey guys." I said. I must sound depressed i suddenly realized. I instantly tried to sit straighter and turn up the edges of my mouth. "What's up?" I asked.
"I got a week." Shelly says, "If they don't like me anymore after a week, then they're going to send me some place else." she smiled, "I can't wait to get out of here."
I fought the urge to press my wrist to my head and groan. "a week"? that was hardly anytime to device a master escape plan. The rest of the girls are just shaking their heads like they think this is possible...this...stupid hospital...wish i COULD burn it down.
"Guys," Alison says, catching my attention, "I think there's something we should do before we flee this joint."
i looked around the circle of girls at all the curious faces staring at me.
"go on" shelly urged
"okay, well. before we get out of here, we need to steal our records of from this place" i announced
"why?" avery asked
"because, when we escape-"
"IF." meli interrupted.
"okay, IF we escape, we dont want them to be able to trace us. if they dont have our records, then we'll be fine. they'll have no proof of us being here."
"your right.." cory said thoughtfully "but this will make things even MORE difficult. if we get the records, but we get caught before leaving...well things are going to get a lot worse around here."
i nodded. "but its a risk we have to take. otherwise this might follow us...FOREVER" i said dramatically
"fantastic." avery said sarcastically
"ooh shuttup." shelly snapped.
"MAKE me" avery gave her a light push
"ooh no you didnt!" shelly gave her a bigger push
"PEOPLE. stop it!" cory yelled at them
they shut up.
"okay. so. we need a plan." i said "any ideas?"
stopped at page 94
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Don't you just hate when someone says, "I <3 you."?
I mean seriously, all they're saying is "I less than 3 you."
Woot. Someone less than 3's you. Celebrate, why don't ya.
I mean seriously, all they're saying is "I less than 3 you."
Woot. Someone less than 3's you. Celebrate, why don't ya.
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Community Member
I especially liked Adam's demeanor and how I was regarded as all experienced when I met you guys. Whoops, I've been messing up and calling it the "Insane Asylum" I forgot it was the "Gothic Asylum". Hehehe. Thanks for putting this up!