You know ... theres only so many ways to say 'i love you'. Then when you run out, you feel as if you can't say it enough. Or as good as you use to... but i love you with all my heart and soul. I know people say it all the time, that a little peace of them would die and such if their lover were to leave their life's. But ... for the first time in my entire LIFE! I feel like I can say this with complete truth .. I would die of a broken heart, or I would suffer for all my days left on this planet without you. You, and only you. Forever. For me. With me always. Until forever and always is over.
There is a poem that goes like this...
when i first saw you
i was afraid to meet you
when i first met you
i was afraid hold you
when i first held you
i was afraid to kiss you
when i first kissed you
i was afraid to love you
when i first loved you
i was afraid to lose you
when i first lost you
i was afraid of everything
I've done everything in that poem, the seeing you, meeting you, holding you, kissing you, loving you, but I haven't lost you yet ... and hopefully
I never will ... ever. Because I would be scared of everything. I would be afraid to love again. No .. not afraid .. I simple couldn't. ever love again after you .. You and only you for Forever ..
Please know that I'm always thinking of you, and I can hardly wait until the day we are together at last. As corny as that sounds ...
I love you baby. And I know thats not enough .. ever enough.
But it's what I have to offer .. My heart, all of it. For you. For always. For forever.
--steff xoxo cry
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I imagine one of the reasons people cling to their hates so stubbornly is because they sense, once hate is gone they will be forced to deal with pain.........