i can remember the nights i spent with you by the fire side
singing songs and watching the stars shine bright
remembering your hand in mine
just thinking of these things brings tears to my eyes
i just can't seem to get rid of you
your memory is stuck with me for good
once you left me you had already had a place in my heart
i don't want you to be just another one of my memories
i'm crying at graduation
just thinking about how my life would be without you
i can't even imagine it
just thinking about our past
makes me cry and i can't seem to stop
everyday i see couples walking
down the street
hand in hand
arm in arm
i start to think of you and
wonder if i'll ever see you again
just knowing that your gone
and miles away from me
makes me cry
and i don't want you to be
just another one of
my memories
i_love_zefron Community Member |