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Lanna's Intermezzo (rewrite) ch.4
Lanna's Jealousy

Chelsea is in her farm watering the crops that she had planted with Mark earlier. She then looks up at the blazing Summer sun, and wipes the sweat off her face. The crops in her farm are sprouting, but the work is a bit much for her to handle on her own.
She takes a look at the entrance to her farm, and hopes to see Mark come over and give her a hand. But just like the last time she checked, Mark is nowhere in sight. She fully understands that Mark can't help her out every day. He does have a farm of his own to care for.
After she is done watering the crops, she feels a rumbling in her stomach. It's already 3:00 pm, and Mark has not arrived to bring her anything to eat. She cannot afford to go to the diner, and have a decent meal either. So she sighs, and tells herself that she'll have to eat herbs for the day.
Just as Chelsea is about to walk back inside her home, Lanna arrives at the farm. She hides behind the big sign that says “Chelsea's Farm”, and watches her for a moment. Before she arrived at her farm, Lanna has already practiced what she was going to say to her. Her main goal is to get Chelsea to give up on Mark, at least until she is done with her music.
When her timing is perfect, she walks in with the most kindest and gentle smile Lanna can wear. If she is going to be very convincing, she wants to be as friendly as possible. Just as Chelsea reaches the door to her house, she finally realizes that she has company.
Chelsea walks towards Lanna, and greets, “Hello, welcome to my farm. My name is Chelsea, how can I help you?”
Lanna smiles cheerfully and says, “Hello Chelsea. My name is Lanna Songstress. I came to pay you a visit.”
“Lanna Songstress? Why does that sound so familiar?” asked Chelsea to herself. She takes a good look at Lanna, it takes her a minute to notice who she is. The chocolate brown eyes, the long blond hair,and the aqua green dress. After she finally realizes who she is, Chelsea gasps and yells, “Oh my god! You're Lanna Songstress, the famous pop idol!”
“Yes, that's me!” nodded Lanna.
Chelsea's eyes glow with excitement as she yells, “Oh my goodness, I have a famous pop idol in my farm! I'm so like your biggest fan! I love your music so much! Please tell me you'll give me your autograph!”
Lanna looks away and says, “Great! She's a fan of mine. This may be easier that I thought.”
She then faces Chelsea again and says, “I'll get you that autograph later. For now. . .” She pulls out the boxed lunches from behind her back and continues, “A man named Mark asked me to deliver this to you. I was hoping if we could eat together, and have a little chat.”
Chelsea places her hands on her blushing cheeks and says, “Wow, you want to have lunch with me? I'm so honored!” She quickly opens the door, and lets Lanna inside her home.
Lanna enters Chelsea's house, and feels a bit disappointed. Nothing inside even remotely looks anything like a house for a girl. The walls are plain, and there is hardly any type of decorations or furniture. Just a table, a single bed, some chairs, and a door leading to the bathroom.
Chelsea rubs the back of her head bashfully and says, “Sorry about my home. I just moved here a little while ago. I'm having a hard time making some money, so I haven't hadn't made enough to remodel the house.”
“It's fine, I understand.” sighed Lanna. They then sit together on the table, and opens their lunch boxes. Just like always, Mark has cooked fish over rice with yam pudding.
Chelsea takes a bite, and nearly screams with joy. “Wow, this is definitely Mark's lunch. I haven't had it very often, but I can already recognize his handiwork!”
“Yes, Mark is quite talented in the kitchen.” said Lanna before taking a bite herself.
After they have finished eating, Chelsea makes some tea, and gives Lanna a cup. She then begins the flurry of fan questions, “So tell me, why are you on this island? Are you hiding from your fans in the city? Are you on vacation?”
Lanna laughs, then answers, “No, I'm not. Actually to be honest, I'm in the middle of writing lyrics to my second album.”
Chelsea gasps cheerfully and says, “Wow, a new album? It's been years since your first CD, I can't wait until your new one comes out!”
At this point, she feels as if she got her in her trap. She then begins the next phase in her plan. She takes a sip of her tea, then says, “Actually, that's why I am here.”
Chelsea looks at Lanna with a surprised expression and asks, “Really? What's up?”
Lanna then pretends to act bashful and asks, “Well you see. . . How do you feel about Mark?”
“Mark? asked Chelsea. She takes a moment to think, then answers, “Well, I think Mark is a great guy. He helps me out whenever he has a chance, and he is a great cook. I guess I do like him, if he ever decides to ask me out, I would definitely say yes.”
Hearing that has made Lanna feel a bit annoyed, but she tries her best to keep cool. She then puts her tea down and says, “I see, that may be a problem. You see. . . Mark and I already have a relationship of our own.”
“Oh, I see. . .” sighed Chelsea sadly. “I had no idea that you were Mark's girlfriend.”
“I AM NOT MARK'S GIRLFRIEND!!!” snapped Lanna standing up and slamming her hands on the table. Chelsea jumps back at Lanna's quick and sudden reaction. She felt that a viper had just snapped it's jaws just out of her reach.
Lanna quickly sits down, and takes another sip of the tea. Chelsea then feels that it is safe to sit back down. Lanna then says, “Please don't misunderstand me. Mark and I are not in that type of relationship. You see, Mark is a very loyal fan of mine, and because of that, he has devoted himself to making lunches for me in order to help me have sufficient energy to write my lyrics.”
“I see. . .” said Chelsea. “So, what does this have to do with me?”
Lanna folds her hands on the table and says, “Well Chelsea. . . You see, when Mark met you, he's been neglecting his duties in making my daily lunch. Without it, I have a hard time concentrating, and I cannot write very well. So I was wondering if you could keep your distance from him for a while. After I am done, you can have him again. But for now, I need him for the sake of music.”
“You're asking me to tell him not to come by my farm anymore?” asked Chelsea. Lanna nods, and finishes off her tea.
Chelsea takes a while to think about Lanna's request. She would like to help Lanna, but her request does seem to be quite unreasonable. After thinking for a while, Chelsea answers, “Well, I would like to help. . . I guess I would like to see a new album released soon. . .”
“Great! I knew you would understand!” cheered Lanna.
“However. . .” interrupted Chelsea raining on Lanna's parade. “Mark has been such a great guy to me. He helps me, and he makes me lunch. He's been a great friend, I couldn't possibly just tell him to just go away.”
“But. . . It's for the sake of music!” said Lanna.
Chelsea shakes her head no and says, “I'm sorry, but I can't. Even if it's only for a while, I like Mark too much to just tell him to leave me alone.”
Lanna growls angrily and yells, “This is so not fair! I was on this island first, so Mark belongs to me!!” She then quickly covers her moth and says to herself, “Wow, that didn't come out right. That sounded like I actually like him too.”
There was a pause for a good minute. Lanna was shocked about what she just blurted out in an excited moment. Chelsea didn't know what to make of it. Chelsea then takes a deep breath and says, “Um, Lanna. I hope you don't mind me saying, but could it be that you may be a little jealous?”
Lanna then starts to tremble with frustration. Chelsea takes a step back, she can clearly see by how upset Lanna has now become. She is so mad, she is about to explode like a bomb.
“J. . J. . Jealous!! HOW DARE YOU?!?!?! Did you forget who you're talking to?! I am Lanna Songstress, a famous pop idol singer! I have no reason to be jealous of you! I am so famous, I can have any man that I want! Including Mark! Why on earth would I be jealous of a newbie farmer like you?!” Chelsea is speechless. Asking her that question was not one of her better choices in words, but she had no idea that Lanna would get so upset about it.
After a moment, Lanna takes a few deep breaths, and calms down a bit. She then takes her empty box, and says, “I don't need to take this from you! I'm leaving! Goodbye!” She then walks out of Chelsea's house, nearly slamming the door behind her.
Chelsea just stood there still shocked by Lanna's reaction. All she could day is, “Wow, she's so different that I had ever imagined her. I guess the pop idol business must be getting to her. What a shame, I was hoping we could be friends.”
The next day, Lanna wakes up, and gets ready for work. She sits on her chair, and begins to think about any lyrics that she may come up today. But rather than writing anything useful, every other word was “Chelsea” and “Jealous”. After throwing some paper away, Lanna rests her head on her hands and says to herself, “Come on Lanna. You have to get it together! Two years, and you still have nothing! If the manager finds out, he's going to be so mad!”
She then takes a deep breath, and decides to go outside for some fresh air. She walks around in circles, hoping to get some type of idea on what to write about. She had many ideas in the past two years, but they were rejected. The more she thinks about it, the more she gets worried.
As she walks around in circles, she stops to see someone walking around nearby. She hides, and watches Mark walk around town. She notices that Mark is heading towards the jungle area of the island. And the only reason Mark would ever go there, is to go visit Chelsea.
Watching him head towards Chelsea's farm makes her feel a bit upset. After a quick moment, she decides to follow Mark to Chelsea's farm. As she is following him, Lanna says to herself, “That's it, I'm getting tired of this two timing business. If Mark doesn't want to leave Chelsea, and if Chelsea doesn't want to leave Mark, I'll have to separate them myself.”
Lanna continues to Follow Mark through the jungle, hiding behind trees and rocks. Far enough so that she doesn't get noticed, but close enough so that she doesn't lose track him. After leaving the jungle, Lanna finds out that her suspicions are correct. Mark is heading into Chelsea's farm.
Chelsea is inside her farm clearing away any weeds that has grown in the farm. Soon enough, she finds Mark walking towards her. She doesn't notice Lanna hiding just outside her farm.
“Hey there Chelsea. I got done with the farm work early today, so I thought I'd give you a hand.” greeted Mark.
Chelsea smiles and says, “Thank you Mark, I would appreciate it very much. Oh, speaking of appreciation, thanks for the lunch yesterday, it was delicious.”
“Lunch?” Mark asked. “What are you talking about, I didn't-”
“Mark!” interrupted Lanna's voice. Mark and Chelsea both look over to the entrance of the farm to fine Lanna walking over. They both cringe in fear, Lanna does not look happy at all.
Lanna walks up to Mark and says, “Mark, what are you doing here? You know it's rude to stand a girl up!”
Mark scratches his head in confusion, and answers, “But, I didn't stand you up.”
“Don't give me that!” snapped Lanna. “You know darn well that you come over to visit me at two o'clock in the afternoon every day!”
“But it's 10:30 am.” answered Mark. “There's still plenty of time before I visit you.”
“Never mind that!” growled Lanna. She then grabs his arm, and begins to drag him out of Chelsea's farm saying, “Come on! We're going on a date!”
“You mean right now? But it's so sudden, and I planned to-”
“Just be quiet, and lets go!” interrupted Lanna.
Lanna continues to drag Mark out of the farm ignoring any complaints from Mark. As soon as they are out of the farm, and out of Chelsea's vision and hearing range, Lanna pushes Mark against the closest tree and yells, “Okay, fess up! What's going on between you and Chelsea!”
“I don't know what you're talking about.” said Mark. “I was just helping Chelsea out with her farm, that's all.”
“Is that right?” asked Lanna. She then looks over at his rucksack, and folds her arms asking, “What do you have in there today? Lunch for Chelsea?”
“Well. . . Yes. I made lunch early, so I thought I'd take it with me, and eat at lunchtime.” answered Mark.
Lanna throws her arms down, and yells, “Mark, You can't go and make lunches for two different girls, it's not right!”
“Why not?” asked Mark.
“Because. . .” Lanna tries her best to come up with a good excuse. But after several minutes of thinking, she cannot come up with anything. So she just says, “Just because it's not!”
She then turns away and folds her arms again saying, “Mark, I think it's about time you choose who you want to make lunch for. Me or Chelsea, make your choice right now!”
Mark is speechless. He wants to say something, but he doesn't know what to tell her. There is another moment of silence. Lanna stands there waiting for Mark's answer, while Mark tries to make any sense out of what Lanna is telling her. After a while, Mark asks, “Um, Lanna? Could it be that you may be jealous of Chelsea?”
Lanna's eyes open wide out of shock. She turns around, and shows Mark the scariest face he has ever seen in his life. He almost swears that Lanna was going to kill him for a moment.
Lanna then explodes, “JEALOUS!!!! HOW DARE YOU!!!! DID YOU FORGET WHO YOUR TALKING TO!!!!” She then starts poking Mark as hard as she could yelling, “Listen to me Mark! I! DO! NOT! GET! JEALOUS! OVER! ANYONE! DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT!!!” Mark nods, but remains quiet. Last thing he wants is a slap at this point.
Lanna then turns away once again, and says, “You know what, I change my mind. I don't want to go on a date anymore. Goodbye!”
Lanna then storms away. But before she leaves, Mark calls her. She looks back, and sees that Mark took out a boxed lunch out of his backpack. “Since you're here, I might as well give you your lunch!” called Mark.
Lanna storms back to Mark, and snatches the boxed lunch. “I am still not going on a date with you!” she yelled before storming back home.
Lanna enters her home, and slams the door behind her. She then opens the lunch, and begins to shovel the food into her mouth angrily. “Stupid Mark!” she complained before filling her mouth a second time with food. “How dare he talk that way to me!” She then continues to stuff her face once again. After chewing and swallowing, she continues to complain, “And to think that I actually thought of him as my fan! Well, let me say this! I don't need him, he can just go ahead, and marry Chelsea for all I care!”
She then dips her spoon into the lunch, and then realizes that there is no more food left. She looks in, and feels a bit bad. She ate the lunch so fast, she never even have a change to enjoy it at all. After cleaning some rice off her face, she sat down on her desk and tries to get back to work.
She tries her best to write something, anything. But as she sits there for hours, she doesn't think about anything but Mark. Later at night, she begins to feel bad that she yelled at Mark earlier. All she wanted was for Mark to continue to make lunch for her. But seeing him make lunch or Chelsea as well just plain bothered her.
She sits back on her chair, and places the pencil in her mouth. She looks out into the dark Summer evening, and wonders for a while. Has she offended Mark? Will he want to continue to make her lunch every day?
Lanna sighs and begins to talk to herself, “I just don't get it. Why did I get so upset for? All he is doing is making lunch, there shouldn't be any reason I should get so mad. But you know, it has been two whole years since Mark and I met for the first time. At that point, I didn't pay much attention to him, because lots of people give me gifts. But after a while, the gifts stop coming in, and Mark was the only one who still brought me something every day. I guess I kinda got so used to it, I just don't want it to stop.
But you know, not once have I done something for Mark. Maybe I should do something for him, to thank him for all the lunches he has brought me every day. He doesn't have to, it's not like he owes me a lunch every day. I guess I should do something for him. But what should I do for him?”
Lanna looks over at the Calendar, and notices that it's the 23 day of Summer. Just two days before the Fireworks Festival. “Hmm. . . The Fireworks Festival? I've been so busy with my work, I have been skipping just about every festival. Just when was the last time I attended any festivals anyway? I guess even before I came to this island, I was busy being a pop idol to do fun stuff like that.”
Lanna hen stands up and says, “Fine, it's decided! I'll ask Mark if he would like to escort me to the Fireworks Festival. It's the least I could do for him as a 'Thank You' for all the good food he has given me.”
To be continued.

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