In each episode, concerned parents will be setting-up their precious son or daughter on two handpicked blind dates. And now, Mom and Dad will be meeting with the potential suitors at the MTV offices, where the boys and girls will do ANYTHING to impress them. If Mom and Dad have their way, one of these hot new daters will charm their kid into dumping their old boyfriends or girlfriends. And if this isn't hard enough for the current flame to deal with, they'll be watching every moment of these sexy and outrageous dates with the very parents who want them gone.
When the dates are done, the son or daughter will have to choose who they want to continue going out with: their old squeeze OR one of the hotties their parents' picked. And this season the competition is tighter than ever as the daters are given a last-gasp plea to convince their love to pick them! Will Mom and Dad come through with a better love interest, or will the kid show the new daters the door and go back into the arms of their current infatuation?
Ryan: So im Ryan Heart, and this is my dad, Victor Heart. We both hate my little sister's boyfriend Yusuke. Hes loud, smelly, obnoxious, and RUDE AS HECK.
Victor: Speak for yourself son.
Ryan: So ANYWAY. Were gonna choose two new guys for her to date.
Victor: I doubt she'll go through with this.
Ryan: She will.
---Much yelling later---
Ryan: Okay, we've chosen two new guys for you to date, mine comes first.
Crystal: Ryan, I'm honestly fine with yusuke.
Yusuke: Yeah blondewad.
Ryan: Shut up greaser, and kiss your girlfriend goodbye.
*mimosa walks in*
Ryan: I chose Mimi because he's polite, and SO much nicer than that idiot T-bird.
Yusuke: You chose him? He's a wimp!!
Crystal: Be nice yusuke.
Yusuke: You CAN'T be going through with this.
Crystal: It can't hurt. It's not like I'm going to leave you. *kisses his cheek*
Yusuke: Oh fine...
Crystal: C'mon Mimosa. *goes over to him and walks out*
Mimosa: So I figured that you and I could go to a carnival, I've got an aquaintence there.
-at crystal's-
Yusuke: Great choice Blondie, he rolls with the carnies.
Ryan: You're just jealous.
-back to the date-
Crystal: That's cool! We could go on rides and eat cotton candy, oh this will be fun!
-they go to the car nee bull-
Mimosa: Let's go to the dunk tank, im sure some poor sap is eager to be dumped.

Crystal: *giggles* Sounds fun.
-Back with Yusuke-
Yusuke: *fuming*
Victor: Looks like shes really enjoying the date.
Ryan: Ha! Knew it! Eat that greaser.
Yusuke: Oh whatever. You know Crystal's OBSSESSD with me.
Mimosa: Look who our sap is.
Crystal: Hi Kazuma!!
Kuwabara: *pales* Crap.
Mimosa: I assume you know him?
Crystal: *smirks* You could say that.
Yusuke/Ryan: *LMAO* HAHAHA!!!!!
Victor: I assume you two know him?
Crystal: This will rock. *throws a ball at the target and misses* aww.
Kuwabara: Phew, you stink at this.
Mimosa: You're not throwing right Crysie.
Ryan: *Smirks* Oh look, he gave her a nickname.
Yusuke: You know what my nickname for her is? Sexy Kitten. You know what her nickname for me is?
Ryan: Walla-Walla-Waffleman?
Yusuke: -_- no.
Victor: Mr. Fingerbang?
Yusuke: You know what? Shut up.
Mimosa: First you need to face to the side like this. *puts her hands on her shoulders and moves her slightly* Now pull your arm back like in archery. *slides her hand down her arm and pulls it up right* Now throw, hard.
Crystal: *chucks it and it hits bullseye*
Kuwabara: OH SH-- *falls into the freezing cold water*
Mimosa: *laughs* Perfect!
Crystal: That was awesome! *kisses his cheek*
Yusuke: *Freaked out expression*

Ryan/Victor: OOOH!!
Yusuke: It was just a peck on the cheek.
Mimosa: Let's go on the ferris wheel Crysie, my time with you is almost up.
Crystal: Oh! The ferris wheel is so lovely.
Mimosa: Shall we skip then?
Crystal: We shall!
Mimosa: Very well then! *links arms with her and skips to the ferris wheel*
Victor: I feel for you Yusuke.
Yusuke: Gag me with a spoon. *puts his finger in his mouth and makes a BLEACH noise*
Mimosa: After you.
Crystal: Such a gentleman.
Yusuke: *mocks her* Such a gentleman. Blah.
Ryan: Jeaaaaalous.
Crystal/Mimosa: *approach the top of the wheel*
Mimosa: *puts his hand on hers* It's so beautiful up here... Just like you.
Crystal: Thank you Mimosa.
Mimosa: Can I ask you a favor?
Crystal: Sure.
Mimosa: May I steal something?
Crystal: Like what?
Mimosa: Like a kiss. *kisses her softly on the lips*
Crystal: *blushes slightly and kisses him back*
Victor: Shes kissing him baaaack.
Ryan: You're done man.
Yusuke: WhatEVER. You can so tell she's trying not to barf.
Crystal: *wraps her arms around his neck*
Mimosa: *breaks the kiss as they get back to the ground* Was that satisfactional?
Crystal: Y-yeah. Let's get back home.
-they get home-
Yusuke: *glaring daggers at Mimosa*
Mimosa: *smiles*
Victor: I just called the guy I chose, he'll be here in about 5 minutes.
Crystal: Who'd you choose Daddy?
Victor: You'll see.
Yusuke: So, looks like you enjoyed the date.
Crystal: Don't worry Yusuke, no one's as good as you. *kisses his lips softly*
Yusuke: *smiles* I knew that I shouldn't worry.
-someone knocks on the door-
Victor: He's here! *opens the door*
Ryan/Yusuke/Mimosa: NO!! NO WAY!!!

Crystal: *blushes slightly* H-hi Kurama...
Kurama: *tosses a rose to her*
Crystal: *Catches it* Wow....
Victor: See, Kurama's got class.
Ryan: I hate him more than Yusuke!!
Kurama: Well that's just too bad now isn't it?
Crystal: Where are we going Kurama? *holds the rose up to her face and inhales the sweet scent*
Kurama: I made reservations at Japonais for us. I hope you're in the mood for Japanese/French fusion food.
Crystal: Like sushi and escargot and stuff?
Kurama: *chuckles* You'll see, but you're going to have to change into something more formal. *gestures to his tuxedo*

Crystal: O-okay.. *goes upstairs and comes out in this:*

Crystal: Is it okay?
Kurama: You look beautiful.
-they go to Japonais-
Victor: Japonais is like, the most expensive and fancy restaurant ever.
Ryan: So he's winning her over with money??
Mimosa: Pretty much.
Yusuke: I can't compete with that! I sell ramen on a corner.
Waiter: Welcome to Japonais, table for two?
Kurama: Yes sir.
Waiter: *takes them to their table* Your menus.
Crystal: *eyes widen at the prices* Kurama, this is really pricey...
Kurama: The price doesn't matter, it's my treat.
Crystal: If your s-- Does that say Calamari?
Kurama: Order whatever you want.
-Back with yusuke-
Yusuke: That is so not fair!! What do you have against me Victor?!?
Victor: He was the best choice. *shrugs*
*food comes*
Crystal: This all looks so delicious....
Kurama: Believe me, if this is the 56th best restaurant in the world, it will be.
Crystal: *takes a small bite of the calamari and sighs* wow...
Kurama: *already eating his ahi tuna steak* It's amazing here isn't it? Beautiful music, beautiful decoration, *eyes her flirtatiously* beautiful girls.
Crystal: *blushes slightly* K-kurama!
Victor: Well isn't he a Casanova?
Yusuke: I can't watch this.
Mimosa: Why didn't I think of using money??
Ryan: You were too busy chumming with the carnies!!
Kurama: I made sure to order us a special dessert.
Crystal: Oh, Kurama I'm stuffed...
Kurama: You won't be when you see the treat.
*waiter brings a slice of decadent chocolate fudge cake, made with smooth, creamy Godiva fudge, topped with piping hot white chocolate sauce and extra dark 86% cocoa shavings garnishing the sides and OH GOD NOW I'M HUNGRY!*
Crystal: *pupils dilate slightly* Oh... My... Gosh...
Kurama: *smiles*
Waiter: This is the Midnight Kiss chocolate cake, topped with our special secret romance sauce. Bon Appetite. *walks away*
Crystal: *takes a fork* May I?
Kurama: *dips his fork into it and holds it by her mouth* No, let me.
Crystal: *blushes and blows on the searing hot cake for a moment, then takes it and her eyes flutter as she chews and swallows it* Ohhh.... That's amazing...
Yusuke: Dang it!!

Ryan: He's feeding her. FEEDING HER!
Mimosa: He's feeding her Midnight Kiss cake on top of it all.
Victor: Wow. I pwn.
Kurama/Crystal: *finish the cake*
Crystal: Why do they call it romance sauce?
Kurama: Because it stimulates the romantic hormones in one's body by about 37%.
Crystal: Is that why I want to do this...? *wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him passionately*

(closest i could find because shut up!!)
Ryan/Yusuke/Mimosa: NOOOOO!!

(annoyed yet?)
Victor: *LMAO*
Kurama: *breaks the kiss* Maybe, or maybe you just like me.
Crystal: *blushes* Thank you Kurama...
Kurama: For what baby?
Yusuke: BABY???
Crystal: For dinner. And for the kiss. *winks at him*
Kurama: *chuckles*
-back at home-
Crystal: So I've thought long and hard about who I'm gonna pick...
Yusuke/Mimosa/Kurama: *all standing by the door, waiting tensely*
Crystal: Mimosa.... You're not it.
Mimosa: *lets his head drop and nods slightly*
Crystal: You're sweet, funny, but you just don't have the excitement that I need.
Mimosa: Yeah. I get it. Go get your perfect guy. *leaves*
Crystal: Kurama, Yusuke, it's one of you.
Kurama/Yusuke: *holding their breath*
Crystal: Kurama, you're romantic, rich, and pretty sexy. But you're also a known player.
Kurama: *bites his lip*
Crystal: Yusuke, I've been with you for a year, and you make me laugh when no one else can. But you also get into a lot of fights and can be annoying.
Yusuke: *crosses his fingers in his pockets*
Crystal: So my decision is.....
Kurama/Yusuke: *thinking* Not him. Not him.
Crystal: Yusuke.
Kurama: *bites his lip and twitches his hand*
Yusuke: YES!! YEAH!
Ryan: I don't know if I'm ecstatic or furious.
Victor: I honestly didn't care either way.
Kurama: Whatever, I've always got Amber. *walks away angrily*
Yusuke: *kisses crystal*
Crystal: I told you you were the best.
--and this children, shows us that reality TV is never correct.--
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