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Dementia Nouveau
A new kind of crazy.
RPG Quest
Round One: Adept and Student

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I took a deep breath, fingering my delicate wand. It was mostly for show, but my nerves calmed when I felt the highly decorated, bumpy piece of blue coral beneath my fingertips. A heavy hand laid gently on my shoulder as I felt a presence right behind me.

"You'll do great, mar," the deep voice of my teacher and confidant murmured in my ear, barely audible over the low roar of the crowd just beyond the curtained archway.

I had been taken under the tutelage of the infamous Cirque du Magique owner, Harbin. The caravan had been visiting my village when he saw me playing in my front yard, making rocks and leaves float all around me. The next thing I knew, I had been tattooed and the fearsome owner was teaching me to control and channel my magic into useful traits. I flourished in entertainment magic: conjuring, transfiguring, and causing overall wonder. I learned defensive magic as well to help protect the wagons.

I had been performing in front of audiences since I was thirteen, but I was never alone. Most often, I would assist Harbin in his own feats and tricks. His style was much more rudimentary than mine; I preferred pomp and flash while Harbin liked the old tricks. Tonight, though, I had earned my own act. I had been given a ten minute time slight to do as I pleased, all alone. I was both nervous and exhilarated that Harbin would entrust me so.

Taking a deep breath, I took his words of encouragement to heart and stepped out into the light.

The crowd was awed as I made animals appear out of thin air, even a tiger that roared loud enough to shake the walls of the tent. A few people even threw coins as I bowed, which I hastily pocketed before prancing into the back. Harbin was beaming as much as his scarred face could. He took me by my shoulders, his little dragon companion purring, and looked me dead in the eye.

"You're ready to head out on your own, little marwolfer. I have nothing left to teach you."

Round Two: Creatures

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marwolfer set out from the circus with nothing in her pockets but a handful of coins, her wand, and a withered and wrinkled old map that had once belonged to her master Harbin. She traveled all day until she decided it was time to take a rest in a hollowed out tree trunk.

She awoke refreshed as soon as the first birds sang the next morning. After removing a squirrel from her shoulder, marwolfer climbed out of the tree hole and looked around. Her stomach was starting to growl and she didn't have many coins, but an apple tree grew close by. She had several crisp, juicy apples, pocketed two, then pulled out her map. She was headed west, though she didn't know why. She'd simply started out in a random direction. Unfortunately, she should have looked more closely at her map because now marwolfer realized that she would have to journey through the Zahrah Forest, a place rumored to be as dangerous as it was beautiful. With a sigh, marwolfer decided to follow her instincts on her direction and headed toward the forest.

marwolfer reached the forest before midday and waltzed right on in. Instantly, the sounds of the open fields melted away. The forest was quiet, cool, and undoubtedly beautiful. The sunlight filtered through the trees leaving spots golden and dappled while others spots were shrouded in darkness.There seemed to be no immediate danger, so marwolfer pressed on, warily scanning her way.

That's when she saw it. Two figures moved to her right. Spinning to face the movement, she whipped out her wand and gasped when her eyes found the two creatures. They were unlike anything she had ever seen before: humanoid figures with skin and glowing eyes the color of sunlight, long lizard-like tails and bat-like wings in matching shades of black, and black horns protruding from under short, silky white hair. The female was the smaller of the two, but she was standing in front of the male with her scythe drawn. marwolfer had heard of creatures like this before in myths and bedtime stories. They were called Gaaraan, ancient and powerful creatures full of strange magic. It was commonly believed that they had all died out centuries ago.

Trespasser? she intoned without moving her lips. marwolfer brandished her wand in a silent threat. No. Magician. The female looked back at the male, who nodded once. She lowered her weapon and strolled forward toward marwolfer. marwolfer wanted to move, but she was frozen in place by some unknown magic. However, she did not need to be afraid. The female Gaaraan took marwolfer's head in her hands and kissed her on the forehead. When she pulled back, she was smiling. Sedately, she returned to the male. They took hands and disappeared into the shadows.

marwolfer's head felt as though it was going to split in two where the Gaaraan had kissed her. Crying out in agony, marwolfer felt her forehead burn white hot as her eyesight faded to black. Then there was nothing.

The Gaaraan are a secretive and ancient race of forest dwelling creatures. Humanoid in stature, they have many distinguishing features: golden skin the color of sunlight, sharp black horns (males have 3, females 2), long black lizard-like tails, black bat-like wings, and eyes like golden orbs of light. They are fiercely valiant creatures and incredibly territorial; however, the Gaaraan would rather remain in hiding than seek war in order to preserve their mysterious tradition. They are always associated with the strongest and strangest magic throughout history, though it is said that they have died out long ago...

Round Three: Lover and Mother-in-Law

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When Marwolfer awoke, the first thing she noticed was a sort of soft purring all around her. It was strange and unusual, but it never crossed her mind to be alarmed (though, of course, you or I would have been because we live in a world of big vicious cats like tigers, lions, and cougars). She opened her eyes to see the dappled light of the forest marred by the darker forms of shadowy figures. She sat up all the way and surveyed the clearing around her. What she saw once her eyes adjusted made her gasp in joy and adulation. She was surrounded by enormous humanoid people with fur, cat ears, and cat tails. Marwolfer immediately rolled over onto her stomach in a deep obedient bow.

The people of Marwolfer's world were ruled by cat gods and goddesses. They worshiped them much in the same vain that our Egyptians worshiped their felines. Each deity was different, though all were born of the same mother, just like a regular litter of kittens. There was a bit of strange mewing and yowling in that cat language any feline lover would recognize but never fully comprehend, before a stern female voice spoke up.

Enough, my children. Human. Stand up now. Marwolfer stood, stealing glances at the assembly of divine beings. She recognized most from her childhood lessons: Akana, the goddess of ships and seatravel; Anhur, god of the sky; Ekibe, goddess of fertility and femininity; Ahmos, god of the moon; Harere, goddess of flora; Kiya, goddess of joy and happiness; Ako, god of sorrow and depression; and Paki, god of justice, just to name a few. Marwolfer turned in the direction of the voice and saw two of the three most powerful deities of all: Hatshepsut, the mother goddess of all creation with her trademark star of light shining brightly on her forehead, and her first born son, Azizi who was the god of war. Marwolfer hung her head as she felt her face redden. Somewhere in the back of her mind she wondered where Chike was, as he was the father god of destruction, but it was overshadowed by the fact that Marwolfer felt incredibly flustered being near Azizi. He'd been the one person she'd always held an infatuation with ever since she was a child, and the real thing was much handsomer and much fiercer than she'd ever imagined.

Well, well, Hashepsut intoned, moving forward as she inspected Marwolfer, her bushy tail swishing over the undergrowth. I have never once questioned the Gaaraan in their choices to influence destiny, but I must say that they have really mucked things up. You're so... PUNY. Several of the cats made low growling sounds that Marwolfer took for chuckling. Indeed, some were grinning, but a few were regarding their mother goddess stonily. Azizi hissed loudly and stepped forward.

Even you are bound to the laws of the universe, he reminded his mother. Marwolfer noted how deep his voice was with a flutter of her heart. However, her fear and curiosity kept her motionless. You know better than anyone not to know a book by its cover. She is obviously an enchantress, which means that she could be concealing a great well of unknown power.

Marwolfer felt a small surge of power and trepidation at the same time. She blushed a little and her breathing quickened as Azizi moved to stand behind her. When he laid his hand on her shoulder, she nearly collapsed from pleasure. However, her jelly knees were turned to stone when she saw the death glare that Hatshepsut was giving her.

Well, I guess I am outnumbered here. If the great god of war chooses to stand behind this whelp with the Gaaraan, I have no choice. Hatshepsut put her nose right in front of Marwolfer's face so that all she could see was the mother goddess's cat eyes and the blinding white light of the star. From this day forth you shall be known as the savior Shani. In our language it means Wonderful and is a name that has been ordained by prophecy. Go forth and save this realm... if you can.

Then the light became blinding, so Marwolfer shut her eyes. When she opened them, she saw that she was alone in the clearing with Azizi. His tail twitched as the spots on his exposed skin glittered darkly in the shadows. He chuckled when he noticed the hitch in her breath and threw his arm around her shoulder.

Don't worry, Shani. I'm not as horrible as all those myths make out.

Shani nodded breathlessly and took a calming breath to clear her head. She'd just have to get used to his beauty.

So. Shall we off? he asked with a grin, motioning westward.

Round Four: Half and Half

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Shani and Azili headed west. On the first night, Shani questioned Azili about what Hatshepsut had said about being a savior. Azili smiled a mirthless grin and leaned back against a log to begin his tale.

There is a city in the extreme West of this land called Algorith. It is a land torn apart by civil war. Brother fights brother for a reason no one knows. Not even the gods know what torments these people. Mother entrusted the Gaaraan to find the one person who could stop the senseless destruction, as they have been entrusted for centuries. We travel there now to find out what ails them.

Shani was very interested in what could possibly be troubling the people of Algorith that even the gods didn't know what was wrong. It filled her waking thoughts so often that she nearly forgot her nervousness around Azili. After five days and nights of hard travel, the couple reached a city highly fortified by a high stone wall all the way around the edges of the city. The wall was crumbling and shabby in some places, but the most troubling was the lack of guards at the gate. Azili and Shani approached cautiously.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew up dust and two beings appeared. Azili hissed when the air cleared. Shani saw two glinting metallic beings: one all gold, one all silver. The sun glinted off their metallic bodies as they grinned maliciously.

"Who dares to attempt to enter our arena?" the silver one demanded in a horribly screeching female voice.

We should have known demons would be involved, Azili hissed as he drew his twin swords.

"Be still, kitten," the gold one screeched in an equally horrible yet masculine voice. "We are the demons Chaos and Calamity, and this is our personal battling arena. It is where our one pleasure in life is to be fulfilled!"

Demons! You are cruel, heartless beings. We have come in the name of the Mother Goddess, Hatshepsut, to destroy you.

"Don't be so sure, little kitty..." "We're more powerful than you think!"

Suddenly, the two demons linked arms. Their bodies began to meld together as one, then they split off into two again. This time they were half and half: each one was half of the other. It was a horribly gruesome scene that made Shani wretch even as she drew her wand.

WE. SHALL. DEFEAT YOU!!!!!!!! Azili leapt forward onto the male and began hacking and slashing with all the ferocity of a War God. Shani was so stunned by his prowess that she almost missed the female coming after her.

"Puny little whelp! I'll take care of the Goddess's savior!" She shot an ancient spell at Shani straight from the tip of her lethal looking whip. Shani leaped to one side and muttered a curse that bound the demon in tightly wrapped vines. The demon stood still for a moment, then grinned as her whole body was momentarily engulfed in flames.

"It'll take more than parlor tricks to defeat me!"

For the next half hour, Shani was locked in a furious battle of spells with the demon. Every spell Shani shot at her, the demon countered and sent one of her own. The spells were so ancient and foreign that Shani could only duck and dodge; she had no hope of countering. Suddenly, there was an opening when the demoness was murmuring a spell that made Shani's skin crawl. Shani knew it was now or never. She stood straight in front of the demon and shouted a spell that she'd been instructed never to use. A blinding dark green light erupted from the tip of her wand and blasted a hole straight through the middle of the female demon. There was a moment when the demoness realized what had happened.

"I will be avenged," she screeched, sending shivers down Shani's spine before collapsing onto the ground and disintegrating into glittering dust. Shani took a couple of quivering breaths as her brain started to re-register the things around her. The first thing she noted was that Azili was still locked in battle with his demon, their weapons clanging. Then another sound registered, one that was much more sinister. There was a great crackling and crumbling. Shani looked up to see the huge wall protecting the city crumbling from the force of her final spell. Her heart froze as she realized that Azili was in danger of being crushed by the huge stones.

Running further away from the wall, Shani began frantically shouting a summoning spell as she thought of nothing but Azili. Strange scenes visited her mind as she thought about the war god: an image of a baby with blond cat ears and a familiar smile; Azili dressed in his finest armor waiting at the end of a petal strewn aisle; Azili asleep, naked from the waist up, as she lay on his chest...

Suddenly, the wall fell with a deafening crash, and Shani was knocked off her feet. When she opened her eyes, she was staring into the cat-like pupils of Azili. Her summoning spell had worked! She quickly turned her head to see the wall had fallen. There was no sign of the male demon. Then she felt an arm around her waist as she realized she was actually laying on top of Azili.

Good timing, that, he grinned as he panted. You saved my life.

Shani blushed before rolling out of his grip. The both sat and surveyed the damage from the distance.

Well. I guess we'd better go apologize.

Round Five: The Innkeeper and the Merchant

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Shani and Azili made their way over the crumbled ruins of what used to be the eastern wall of the city. Once they had crossed over, they noticed that many of the citizens of Algorith had started to gather around the hole. They had strange ears that were tipped with incredibly long points and lined with hair. Their clothing looked very old, but they carried modern weapons. Shani blushed as all the eyes turned to them, but Azili looked unapologetic.

Don't look sorry. We saved them from those demons. Shani nodded but still felt bad. It was her fault that these people would be defenseless until they could rebuild the wall.

A short, stout man with a gun strapped to his back moved forward from the crowd and put his hands on his hips.

"Who are you? Are you in league with those monsters who won't let us leave our own city?"

No, Azili replied calmly, his tail flicking absently. I am Azili, God of War, and this is Shani. She was been chosen by my mother, Hatshepsut, to defeat the demons and rescue your city. We have succeeded. The demons will no longer plague you.

The stout man stared at Azili, then Shani a couple of times, then burst out laughing. "Good, good! Get these people a room at the finest inn! They are my honored guests!"

The crowd began to cheer and instantly two young maidens with long full skirts rushed forward and began tugging on Shani and Azili's hands. They followed the two girls through the parted crowd down the main street. The street was lined with red brick buildings, two and three stories high. Though everything was well-built and very elegant showing the wealth of Algorith, there were signs of the hardships of being cut off from the outside world by the demons. Here and there were beggars in rags, ivy clung to what had evidently been respectable store fronts, and litter collected in the gutters. Now that Shani could inspect them, she noticed that the maidens were unnaturally thin and gaunt-looking. However, they seemed high spirited enough and presently brought the guests through the doors of one of the nicer-looking inns.

"Madame Kith! The mayor has sent you some guests!"

A middle aged women with half-moon spectacles and a clean white bonnet came from behind a door near the back and put her hands on her hips.

"Guests of the mayor, you say? We haven't had any new guests in ages. How did you two strangers get into our city?"

"They defeated the demons, Madame Kith!" the girls gushed. Suddenly, the innkeeper's expression changed entirely.

"Well, well, that's a different matter entirely! Come in, please. I am Madame Kith, owner and mistress of the Knotted Tree Inn. I'll have my girls prepare our finest room for our heroes. Please, have a seat and I shall bring you something to eat."

The three women disappeared, and Azili turned to Shani with a cat-like grin. See. I told you everything would be okay. Shani rolled her eyes, so she ignored the god and took a seat at a scrubbed table. Azili sat down beside her, purring softly at the simple pleasure of having a chair to sit in. Presently, Madame Kith returned with a tray laden with dried venison, hard cheese, soft bread, and heady fruits. A jug of wine was placed on the table beside the tray along with two mugs.

"Pickings have been getting slim. We've been able to sustain ourselves for a short while, but the people were getting discouraged because we thought those bloody demons would never leave. I've only had one guest, and that's because she couldn't leave."

Madame Kith pointed at a table a little further away, and Shani jumped. There was a person draped in a long pale gray cloak sitting there. She hadn't noticed her before, which was surprising due to the fact that the stranger had a shock of white hair. The stranger turned to look at them, and Shani got another shock: her right eye was milky white with blindness and crossed with a dark scar.

"A nomad," Lady Kith murmured. "Strange folk."

"Those demons are only the start," the stranger piped up. "Algorith's captivity is only the start of something bigger..."

And who are you, Stranger, to know such things?

"My name is Jade Slyth, if that's what you mean. I travel all over this country selling and trading items. I was born of Algorith, but I am not accepted here. I know that in the Southern Lands there is a city called Glii (pronounced glee) that is under the control of a mad emperor possessed by a powerful demon, more powerful than those two tricksters you defeated. The demon wants to be the supreme ruler of the world, so he sent the twins here as a distraction for people like you who might destroy him. If you are true heroes, you would go there and relieve people who truly need it."

Shani turned to stare at Azili, who was giving Jade some deep thought. Suddenly, he seemed to make up his mind.

Then we shall leave for Glii at dawn. Perhaps we could get some provisions for a few days, if you have some to spare, Madame.

Madame Kith nodded and hurried back into the store rooms. Azili turned back to Jade.

You know much, Blind Eyed Jade. Would you consent to travel with us, so that we might have the advantage of your knowledge.

Jade took a sip from her mug thoughtfully.

"Alright. But I'm not sticking my neck out for anyone, least ways a blond skirt with a stick and her p***y cat."

Round Six: The Hired Help

Shani slept well that night and woke a half hour before dawn feeling refreshed and awake. She was ready to get on the move, so she bounded down to the main room of the inn. Jade was sitting at a table finishing up her breakfast. Shani came and sat down; Madame Kith quickly served her with a sleepy smile.

"Your kitty cat went out earlier this morning to petition some help from the guild," Jade explained Azili's absence. Just then, Azili entered the inn looking weary but pleased.

I've found us two of this town's best. I figured we might need some help.

The door opened dramatically and in strolled two very rough-looking people. The first was a pleasant looking fellow dressed in warm tones. He had an X tattooed across his face and a pack across his back.

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"Hullo, ladies. M'name be Merron. I be Algorith's finest medic, and prolly the whole kingdom to boot! I'll a-be makin sure you lot don't die before you be reachin Glii."

The second figure stepped forward. She was much lighter, but much more lethal-looking, and dressed in cool tones. One of her legs was completely metal, but moved like a normal human leg, albeit a stiff one.

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"I am Seyinth the Thief. I can get get through any lock without force thanks to my lock-pick set."

After introductions were made, the crew went out into the courtyard. Five horses pawed at the ground anxiously in the just dawning light, ready to be on the road.

These are our horses, Azili explained, grabbing the reins of a proud black stallion. I trust you all can ride.

Jade, Seyinth, and Merron mounted easily, but Shani just stood by shyly and blushed. Azili smiled kindly despite the smirks from the others. He brought forward a gentle-looking dapple gray mare. With Azili's help (and a bit more blushing due to Azili's hands on her sides), Shani mounted. The War God tethered the mare's reins to the saddle of his stallion and mounted himself. The quintet made their way through the slowly waking city, heading South toward Glii and the possessed emperor.

Round Seven

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The group headed South toward Glii. It was two full days of easy riding before they reached Marquii, the last town before the vast expanse of the desert. Jade and Azili decided they would find a guide to help them travel the treacherous length of sandy emptiness. Shani went off with Seyinth and Merron to rest the horses and replenish their supplies. They had just finished buying enough venison and bread for the trip when Azili and Jade returned with a very strange looking man.

This is Alo. It means 'spirit guide' in his language. They say he knows this desert like the back of his hand.

The man was very dark skinned with wild long black hair. Shani was intrigued by his elaborate headdress and strange tattoos, but there was no time to ponder over his eccentricities. They had to get on the road.

"We head south now, we make it to oasis before night," Alo said as he mounted his dappled mare. "Not far if fast."

The group rode out of the town as quickly as possible. Shani was intimidated by the desert: it looked empty and desolate. Like the ocean it spread on forever; unlike the ocean, there was little sign of life across its vastness. She had never seen a desert before, let alone traveled through one. It was frightening how she instantly felt thirsty as soon as they were outside the city limits, and that thirst never left her. The sun had been high when they left, but already it was sinking to their right. Shani was starting to doubt the guide when she spotted a bright green spot a few miles ahead. The group turned toward it and arrived quite soon. It was surprisingly cool and lush in comparison to the lifeless desert. The group fell upon the little pool of water in the center as though they hadn't seen water in days. When they had satisfied their thirst, they began to make camp, examining the oasis. It was a lush little bubble of life with soft green grass and several tall trees filled their squawking birds. There were also strange little mammals in the trees that Alo called monkeys. They kept their distance from the humans.

That night, Alo explained some of the dangers that they might face in the next few days as they crossed the desert. Everyone found the idea of dust storms intriguing mostly because Alo seemed most afraid of them. They all slept soundly that night, falling asleep to the sounds of those strange little monkeys chittering away in the trees as the sand blew ominously just outside the life bubble.

Round Eight

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