Party a few days ago:
Went to a partyy the other day.
Met some fxcking wicked Juggalos and Juggalettes.
People were getting drunk and going swimming.
I met this one chick who kept screaming AIDS!
lol "Your mum has the HIV!" except she didn't say H-I-V
she said hiv. fxcking hilarious.
I swear shw as the female version of Sonni...
Speaking of him, where is he? He vanished... O_O
Nevan showed up with Gabby. They are so cute.
Not to mention these people had some awesome nicknames.
They called me a J.I.T (Juggalette in Training)
They nicknamed me JeaneaJekel.
Because my favorite Joker Card is the Amazing Jekel Brothers.
But i don't like that nickname doesn't roll off the tongue easy enough.
They put me on the spot though and told me to name off the six Joker Cards. I can do that anytime with no problem, but I hesitated because i didn't know those people and i was nervous.
See I'm gonna do this within 10 seconds.
Great Melinko
Carnival of Carnage
Amazing Jekel Brothers
Riddle Box
BAM! See. Easy. Simple.
After the drinking people were getting hot so we went to the pool.
And my brother's drunk as* kept commenting on all the girls boobs, and being a total drunken idiot.
Then after that some gang members came by calling us out because we are Juggalos. They tried to get it through to the gang bangers that we weren't a gang, we are a family, and that it was a family gathering for a juggalos b-day party. (happy 21 Rain!!!) Anywhore, the cops got involved.
Everyone was hiding their pot. lol
We had to take a drunk boys a*s home and blaaahhhh.....!!!!
I found out the Annual Gathering of the Juggalos is going to be in Ilinois and it cost $175. My Lord, i wanted to go, but dayum.
ANYWAY! That's pretty much all that's been going on.
Thanks for reading, ya know, if you did.
Love YOU!
-JeaneaJawbreakerr/Jekel O:
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