Setting There are two sides of the land, seperated by force. The dark side..And the light side. The only way you can transport to either side is if you enter the tome filled with demons, monsters, and hundreds of ruins. Deep in the middle of the maze there is a tablet with a handprint...Place your palm inside this mold...And see what comes next.... DARK SIDE: The water here is extremly dangerous. Even one drop on your skin can cause you to become the most demented or evil demon alive. But that depends on wether you allow it to become so bad...It still harms you..But only you can decide wether you'll let the poison within take your soul away. This is the entrance and exit to the dark side. Enter the cave infront of the cross to get back to the ruins, and the portal.
 This is the forest...Be aware that the plants are very much alive....And dangerous..Many of the harmless plants you see today are poisonous or killers here. Watch out for the gremlins that live inside this merky area. The hide in trees and under rocks This little river leads to the foggy black lake, filled with creatures and poison. All you can see is the blackness of the horizon and the fog on the lake....But in the very center of the lake...There is a rock above the water... Just big enough for someone to sit on...But hey...look...theres a box?? I wonder whats inside??How do You get ther....?
 Oh..How did you end up here...?No turning back now...This is the feild where all the monsters you can imagine spend there day...Lurking around grave stone to grave stone...waiting to rip out your sould and bury it under one of the grave stones...Then you'll become one of them...The onyl way out is to fight the hundereds of monsters....Or escape...Some how......Wait... Something in the distance is shining? You can just barely see it through the fog but its there

This is the ruin maze you have to find your way through to get to the opposite side..Its hard to beleive this used to be a city... The Light side: This is just a normal everyday scene...Just a forest, a beach, a hotel filled with amazing foods, people, and scenery. Nothing special smile waterfall and lake beach-around the corner is more sand, and not shaded:
this is the hot spring: As soon as you step foot into the water all your wounds are healed, bruises, dissorders etc.....If your blind, just wash your eyes and you can see again, if you have cancer, drink some of the water and it will disolve away. etc..
INtoXiCAteD RosE · Sun Jul 19, 2009 @ 04:32pm · 0 Comments |