The Basics:
What do you charge?: For just a regular sign, 1000g. For one that I have to dress up for 1500g..
What type of stuff can you do with them?: Well, I can do pretty much anything you ask that's Gaia appropriate. Meaning, no cleavage shots (not that I have much to begin with, haha) or s**t of the sort. But I can put anything on the sign and hell I can even dress up for it too. (See first photo). I can color the signs if you wish, I can draw up your avi...pretty much anything.
How do I know you will actually do it without taking my gold and ******** off?: Basically, I get you to send me the trade but, I don't fully accept it until YOU get your sign and are happy with it. That way the collateral is there and no one gets ripped therefore everyone is happy with the end result.
How long have you been doing this?: So far, maybe a week XD.

This one I made for myself a long time ago.
I don't have many examples, but I will post more in coming time. But like I said, if I have failed to answer your questions, just pm me and I will answer you as soon as possible.
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