Quotable Quotes 3nodding ~
"You know you're in middle school when no one is old enough to drive and there's still traffic." ~Me
"You say 'stalker' like it's a baaaaaad thing!" ~A friend of mine.
"The flow of time is always cruel. It's speed seems different for each person, but no one can change it." ~Sheik, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.
"A sword wields no strength unless the hand that holds it has courage." ~Hero's Shade, Zelda: Twilight Princess
"Humans are shameless creatures that carelessly ignore any misfortune which does not befall them directly. They can--and often do--turn a blind eye to all manner of wickedness so long as it does not touch them or their kin." ~Soren, Fire Emblem Path of Radiance
"All in favor of making awesomeness an official word of the Pyro language, say 'Aye'." ~Me
“Glad to see you’re still clinging to that last shread of sanity.” ~Ike, Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn
"'Heads up!' usually means anything but." ~Unknown
"You're not alone, (insert name here). Remember that." Celeste, Fire Emblem Storm of Shadows.
"I REFUSE TO DIE!" ~Me when playing Super Smash Bros. with friends.
"Corn. More corn. More corn. And... more corn." ~Me during a drive through the country.
"And they doesn't taste very good, now does they?" ~Gollum, The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
"I got killed by a fricken bonsai tree!" My friend Sean when I killed him in SSB with a Pokemon
"Shadow and Light are two sides of the same coin. One cannot exist without the other." ~Zelda, Twilight Princess
"Take that, logic!" Destiny from The Triple Threat
"Certainty of death, slim chance of success... What are we waitin' for?" ~Gimely, The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
"When life gives you apples, make lemonade!" ~My friend Paige
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The Journal of a Hero
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iMonsho no Nazo
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