One day, Samurai Jack was in an epic battle with General Grievous when Giga Bowser plummeted down from the sky to enter the battle. Swords and light sabers danced in the flames until they were extiquished by a water dragon no jutsu. Samurai Jack just barely dodged Zabuza's sword -- he lost his topknot in the process -- but General Grievous wasn't so lucky; the droid general was beheaded in a single stroke.
Meanwhile, Bugs Bunny made a wrong turn at Albakerky, and popped up in Godzilla's lair, provoking the nuclear dinosaur into going on a rampage until he tackled Giga Bowser. Acroma, the Angel of Wrath, was watching the battle, and descended from the heavens riding a Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon and annihilated Zabuza with a magic missile.
Ryu Hadokened Goku in the face, Iron Man hit The Undertaker with a plasma blast, and Frylock blasted Tony the tiger with his lightening blast. Chuck Norris was about the roundhouse kick The Terminator, but Pyramid Head appeared out of nowhere and chopped him in half. Then, Lelouche commanded Light to punch himself in the nuts for the rest of eternity.
Goku unleashed a spirit bomb, but Ryu knocked it up at Acroma with a Shinryuken, who reflected it back at Godzilla, who absorbed all the combined energy and blew up the Star Trek Enterprise, the Death Star, the Battlestar Galactica, the Watchtower, the Eye of Sauron, and a small agricultural village in one atomic blast. Samurai Jack found Soul Calibur and, with a little help from the Scottsman, diced Jubei Yagyu to pieces.
Shinji Ikari was crying in the corner when Wing Zero appeared with the remains of the recently vanquished Kraken dripping from its armor. While all these warriors were busy fighting, Sephiroth summoned Meteor, and then the world was destroyed...
All was silent for what seemed like eternity, but then something was heard, faint at first but then growing louder, echoing through the darkness: Spongebob's laughter!
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"When science has uttered her voice, let babblers hold their peace."
~Jules Verne