Rineco's story chapter 9-13
Walking from Yoru's room, I walked to the other side of the hall, opening the closet door. The doors opened up to a large room, filled with lugage bags, and old fur winter coats, which looked like they had been in storage for a while. Everything was cloked in a thick layer of dust, giveing the room an even duller look. I walked through the room, studying everything, and picked out a faded blue lugage bag with a silver crescent moon embroardered on the front. I continued walking through the medium sized room, noticeing a design on the wall between two of the lugage bags.
Moveing them aside, the design began to become clearer. I caressed my fingers over the unique design, brushing away the dust.
The design was like nothing that I had ever seen before, but at the same time, was very familular. I have seen this some place before...but where? I thought to myself, studying the design.
The design was a raven black color. It was a crescent moon, pointed up towards the grey ceiling with a crimson slash running down the middle of it. The moon was completly surrounded by deeper red, unique and busy designs. I continued thinking. I had seen it quite recently.
Then I remembered.
Back when I was with Tsukai, when we had been surrounded by the villagers, the guy that had held the vaccines, and the possible dagger-the design in front of me, was the same one that was embroardered into the cloth that the object was wrapped in!
I smiled, running my hand over the design again. This was pretty much my death sign. But what exactly did it mean? And why here?
Suddenly, my hand caught on a switch above the crescent moon. It resembled a small lightswitch, but blended into the unique designs, so It was difficult to see. I flipped the switch down, feeling the wall shake beneath my hands. I quickly pulled my hands away, and backed up. A small door opened up infront of me. I kneeled down, looking in the darkness of the small entrance. It would be just big enough for me to crawl into! I thought. But..should I?
Dust floated out of the entrace, witch was blocked by an ancient looking spider web. Curiousity took over me.
I had to.
Maybe it was something important that I should know about. My sences were even telling me to explore the secret passage. But then again, it could end up to be a very bad idea.
Well, I would never know where that passage led to if I didnt. I just had to!
Brushing away the spiderweb, I looked into the complete darkness once again.I couldnt see anything. Slipping my way into the small passage, I crawled through the dust filled, and foul smelling tunnel.
Ten minutes later, my eye sight became completly adjusted to where I could see as if it was daylight. But I had wished it hadnt.
Spiderwebs, along with the gigantic, trantula looking spiders, and about 5 inches of dust filled the tunnel. I yawned. When was this going to end?!
But wait! Finally, a possible way out-right ahead of me! I smiled . There was a dead end ahead, with another exotic looking design on the door.
Once again, I ran my hand across the design, feeling for the switch, which my hand soon caught on and flipped it down. The wall infront of me then began to shake, making a quiet rumbleing sound. I watched as the wall ahead of me began to slide up slowly, reveiling another dark room.
I studied the darkness throughly, observeing every detail of the room, or atleast trying to. The room was about the size of Yoru's library, and to my surprise, looked more like a storage room. Which, in a way it was.
As I crawled out of the passage way, out to the ground, and began to look around, I noticed something. Everything in this room had been from the olden days. Hundreds and hundreds of dust covered antiques surrounded me.
I walked to the left side of the room, admireing all the embellishing weapons in awe. Bows, swords and daggers were all lined up neatly on shelves. Everything looked like it hadnt been touched in centeries, like from the beggining of time.
Beggining of time...
Could these be weapons just from that time period perhaps? I wonder how old this mansion is, and who all used to live here...
I thought to myself for a moment, then wandered over to the front of the room.
There was an old wooden desk backed up against the wall, with a bookshelf sat on each side of it. I kneeled down at one of the bookshelves, brushing off some of the caked on dust. "The new special breeds" Read one of the books. "Special breeds-their destructive, and great powers." "Diary of Miasaki Tukoya."
I picked the book up instantly. That had been the girl that Yoru talked about earlier! How Ironic! Did she use to live here at one time?
I studied the book for a moment, brushing the dust off of it.
The book was made out of a strong material like leather, but it wasnt. The material the cover was made out of was a brownish-white color, decorated with a thin pale blue thread around it, and her name in black. I softly opened the cover. Fancy, yet neat writing with black ink filled the first page, along with the rest of the book. I smiled.
The story of her was true!
I closed the book gently, holding it close to me. I would tell Yoru about this place, and have him explore along with me-and also read Miasaki's diary!
I held the book close against my chest, and walked to the right side of the room, which was stocked with all kinds of clothes, mainly of the victorian style. I ran my hand over one. These dresses were also made from a complete different material. They were softer, and more delicate than anything I had ever felt or seen before. I smiled, my heart raceing with excitement. Maybe, just maybe now I could even find out more about myself!
I ran towards the passage with the book, and quickly made my way through the tunnel. Sprinting out of the luggage room, I ran into Yoru's room, then down to his library, my footsteps echoing as I ran. As soon as I made it downstairs, Yoru stood there with a worried expression. "Whats wrong?!"
I gave him a huge smile, and handed him the ancient book. Yoru's face then lit up with a huge smile, filled with shock and happiness. "I..I cant beleive that this is actually..her diary!" He ran his fingers over the cover in amazement, as I continued to smile. "Where in the hell did you find this?!"
"I went in the luggage room. You have a secret passage in there that led to a room filled with weapons, books, and clothing. Its amazing!" I yelled in excitement.
"You have to show me this!" Yoru yelled with delight, and raced towards his luggage room, me following him.
From there, we both headed to the room that I had just been at..
Yoru looked around him in amazement, studying everything in the room closely. I suddenly heard him mumble something under his breath. The room lit up, making everything even more clear. I sat back over by the books, studying the titles.
They were all about special breeds! Now, I could finally learn more about my kind, and also more about my, possible ancestor. Speaking of Miasaki..could this, maybe, just possibly have been her room befor the mansion was built? I thought to myself for a moment. "Hey, Yoru! How long has this mansion been here for?"
"Uhmm..as long as I can remember. I just know it has been a very long time. Why do you ask?"
"I was wondering..do you think this room could have uhmm..possibly belonged to Miasaki? It would make sence wouldnt it? I mean, all these books are of special breeds, it has her diary here, and all the clothes over there are girls clothes."
"Hmm..it could possibly be! Maybe this room was Miasaki's secret hide out.
"Yea, could be." I said with a smile, and continued to look through the books, and other antinques that filled the room.
Chapter 10
That morning, I could not sleep at all. Thoughts and visions of everything that I had seen filled my mind. I reached over the side of my cozy coffin, grabbed the diary and began to read.
Miasaki's Diary
Dear diary,
Hello, I am Miasaki, age 13. I have found out today that I am different than all the others around here. Those that live in this village are not like me at all. Everyone has been fighting latley, and I am not sure what to do exactly. You see, I am my fathers, and also the king of this land's only daughter. I am a princess right now, and will at age 20 be the queen of this land. There are thousands of us on this land, but they are all pure breeds. They are not mixed, in which I seem to be. and also, we think, that perhaps we are the only ones on this world. But anyhow, my parents are both full vampire, in which I thought I was also , atleast until this day.
Some sort of vision filled my mind, causeing me to pass out. When I awoke, I was in a certain form, which I have never seen or heard of before. unique designs covered me completly, they burned horribly. My eyes turned a light silver color,and I grew wings like a raven. I do not really know how to explain myself, but Im definetly not like anyone else around here. My parents had found out about my dramatic transformation, and sent me to my room for now. I dont think they are really sure on what to do with me. Im scared in a way...I wonder what will end up happening in the end.
Dear diary,
Today has been completly horrible. This is the fourth day of my transformation, which has still not gone away. My parents are not letting me go outside, nor see any of my friends or family. I think they think something is wrong with me, which..I guess to a point there is-but I mean, Im still the same person! They cant keep me in here forever, can they?
Dear diary,
Its been so long since I have written in this. So much has changed in the past year.
This land is cruel to me. No one is accepting me anymore. Im completly alone. Many are hoping for my execution with in the next year..
I do not understand them at all. There is nothing wrong with me, is there?
I closed the thin diary gently, and sat it beside my coffin again. There was only 20 pages in it. I thought for a moment. I wonder what the last page says...
But no, that would ruin it, and I need to get some sleep anyways. I silently closed the coffin lid, encloseing me in the soothing darkness, and began to fall asleep.
"Hello Miss Rineco Suki."
I looked around me, trying to find the innocent voice that seeped into my mind so suddenly. What I seen wasnt the sweet comforting darkness of my coffin, but a new and unfamilular land.
The sky was a pale red color, with a bright silver moon setting in the middle of it. The land surrounding me seemed dull and boring. Small tree's and plants surrounded me in colors of autumn. The feild was not filled with lush green grass, but only ritch black dirt. Where am I at? Is this a dream...but it feels...so real.
"Hello? Who is there?" I finally replied, still not seeing anyone.
"You know me, miss Rin. But, maybe you do not remember me. Just to give you a hint, you have recently found something that used to belong to me."
An idea imediately hit me.
"Hehe yes. With you finding my diary, I have been able to connect to you in a way. Although, you have met me before."
Suddenly, a figure began to walk slowly out of the haze infront of me. A small figured teenage girl, with bright icey blue eyes, and black hair to her hips flowing behind her. Unique tattoo's, the color of her eyes, covered her entire body. She wore a delicate white hooded dress down below her knees, along with matching arm warmers.
"Wait, how do I know you?"
"Just, think back for a moment. When you had first discovered your powers, you passed out. Correct?"
I gave her a nervous glance, and began to walk forward slowly. "Yes, why?"
"Well, when you passed out, I entered your dream. You see, the god of our kind that used to rule this world before it was destroyed by her own power, passed her power on to this worlds first king's princess, me. Every thousand years, I grant a unique and special person of the world this power. I had chosen you. I understand that since you are a half breed, that you have the understanding of being different. This gives you so many veiws on things, it gives you an understanding of the world. You are not like most others of this world now. As you have noticed, this world needs some order and understanding of eachother in it. That is what this power I have granted you is for. To help this world for the good, to bring peace for it. I trust you very much with this task. You have the power to control anything. Take good care of it Rin."
With a small smile, Miasaki turned around and headed back into the thick haze. I stared at where the princess had just dissapeared, thinking everything that she had said to me through.
Before I knew it, the mysterious land began to swallowed by darkness.
I had awoken.
I imediatly sat up, pushing the coffin lid up, gasping for air. I looked around me, eveything that I had just learned surgeing through my mind.
That dream felt so real..
I thought for a moment, then stood up, and walked upstairs to the human looking bedroom, then sat on the edge of the bed.
This whole adventure did not feel real at all. It just seemed like a long neverending dream.
I stood up, and walked out of the room, heading upstairs to the entrance of the mansion. I looked nervously around me as I stood on the balcony. I felt as if I was being watched, but I seen no one. Sitting on the old railing of the balcony calmly, I looked up at the star filled sky.
It seemed different out here. It was serine and relaxing. Completely quiet and still, just the light of the millions of stars and large silver moon shineing down gently on me. I hadnt remembered any nights like this back at the village. Everything seemed so much peaceful here. Maybe because I was far away from all my old worries. I had a new life, in a way. A new adventure lied ahead of me.
I closed my eyes as a gentle, late summer wind drifted by, the smell of autumn wafering along with it. It was early september now, fall would be soon on its way, then winter. We had to find someplace safe to stay through the winter time.
I wonder where we will go? I thought for a moment, opening my eyes again. Suddenly, I heard whispering childish voices from below. I looked down below the balcony, seeing 5 small figures standing infront of the entrance. I could not see any details, but I knew that they must me early teens.
I continued watching them, as they stood gathered in front of the mansion door, still chatting.
What should I do? I thought. Maybe I should get Yoru..or atleast see what they are up to.
I extended my wings, flying down into the darkness of the tree's, then landed on a tree in the back of where the teens were standing.
There were 2 guy's and 3 girls gathered at the door, trying to peek in through the big glass window which was planted in the middle of the door.
I smiled. Maybe I would just have a little fun.
I jumped down from the tree, and walked silently up to them, noticeing one of the guy's take a box of matches out of his jacket, and begin to laugh along with the rest of them.
I walked up close enough to where I could touch them, and smiled again. "Hello, and what would you guy's be up to?" I said in a loud voice, then giggled slightly afterwards.
A couple scream's echo'ed through the air, as they all turned around stareing at me with huge startled eyes as if they had seen a ghost.
My smile widened. I then waited for a response-which never came. They all continued stareing at me as if I had just walked out of a coffin. (In which they were right)
I repeated myself. "Well, answer me! What are you guy's doing?"
One of the blond haired boy's spoke up finally, stuttering throughout his speech.
"We...We.. werent do-doing anything..."
"Ok then, what is that box of matches in your hand doing then?" I asked with another big smile, watching the boy's face turn redder.
"Uh..uhh..uhhhmm...well..............C'mon! run guy's!!"
As they all began to race off into the forrest, I caught the blond haired boy by the hood of his black jacket.
"Just so you know, It would be best for you not to come back here." I warned, then let him run off with the rest of his friends.
In a way, I was saveing them. If yoru had caught them, then most likely they would have already been dead, and also a midnight snack for him.
I extended my wings, then flew back up to the mansion balcony,where I found Yoru standing.
"What was going on down there?" He asked, stareing me deeply in the eyes.
"There were just some teenage kid's messing around. I scared them away."
"Ah, alright. That seems to happen a lot. There's always some curious adventurous children that hear about this place and want to visit it for themselves. They travel quite a while too. Its not a short trip to the next town from here. But anyhow, What are you doing up? Thought you were trying to get some rest. Couldnt sleep?"
"Well, I guess I slept some, but I had...a weird dream...I think it was a dream anyways. So I got up and thought I would come out here to relax and think things through."
"Oh, ok....and dream?"
"Yea...Uhhmm..Im not really sure how I should explain it to you. I think Miasaki linked with my mind. She told me that she was the chosen one of this world to pick all the upcomeing special kinds of this world, atleast until it ended. I guess..that we are chosen to restore order to this world in a way. Its like out destiny I guess."
Yoru's face lit up in surprise. "Thats quite amazing!"
"Yea, I know. It was really..different though. I know I was sleeping, but, everything just felt so real."
"I have heard of that happening before. Most likely, she did connect to your mind. So, how many of you does she choose anyways?"
"She chosoes one worthy beign of understanding of the world every thousand years."
"Ah, ok then. Well, if anything else like that happens, be sure to tell me everything that you learn. I have a huge interest in this."
"Ok, I will." I replied with a smile, and looked back at the sky again. The sky was a light blue now, and the star's and moon began to dim. Sunrise would be here soon.
I walked back into the mansion with Yoru.
"I guess I should probably try to pack something now, since I kind of got sidetracked when I was going to."
"Yea, Probably. I think im gonna try to atleast get a few hours of sleep." Said Yoru, his mouth widening with a yawn.
I giggled. "Alright, I will see you in the evening then." I replied, and headed to the luggage room so I could start packing some clothing.
After packing, and getting a couple hours of sleep, I headed into the kitchen, meeting Yoru, who held a tall glass of crimson liquid in his hand-which I knew right away was blood.
I smiled at him, and sat down in the chair with a big yawn.
"Sleep well?" Yoru asked, taking a sip of the blood. "Oh, and would you like some blood, or would you perfer something else?"
I yawned again, while nodding my head. "Sure on the blood I guess. And no on the sleepding.
Yoru laughed as he poured me a glass of the liquid. "Yea, I didnt get much sleep either. But it looks like I got more than you had." He laughed again and handed me a glass. "Maybe that will help wake you up." Yoru grinned.
The smell of the blood imediately made my mouth water, and I began to chug it down quickly with no hesitation. The flavor of the blood sinked into my taste budd's, making me crave more as it flowed down my throat warmly. I wiped my lips, clearing away any excess blood on them, and sat the glass gently on the table. "Thank you." I said in satisfaction.
"No problem." Yoru replied, setting the glass in the sink.
"What time is it?"
"Uhhm...it would be 4pm. Would you like to leave in about 2 or 3 hours?"
"Yea, that will work." I replied with a smile, then rubbed my eyes."
Yoru then walked over and sat in the chair next to me. "So, where do you think this sence of yours might be taking us?"
"Truthfully, Im really unsure. I guess, maybe to a way to help this world." I paused. "Or maybe...to find a way to Tsukai. I mumbled to myself and looked down at the table. I flinched, feeling Yoru's cold hand pat me on the shoulder, trying to comfort me.
"Yea, Im sure that you will be with him soon Rin. Just dont lose hope on it." He gave me an encourageing smile. I looked up at him. That smile of his...reminded me of Tsukai's warm smiles. Tears filled my eyes as I smiled again. "Yea, I'll never give up! I will be with him..someday." A tear ran down my face. "I just miss him..."
Yoru's smile faded, and he wrapped his arms losely around me. "I know, its ok.. Rin..would you like to know something else, about my past?"
I closed my eyes. "Sure."
"Ok then. When I was age 11, I had a visitor here. My crush, Keiay, from the village had run away to see me. You see, we had liked eachother very much since we kids. Well, maybe even more than liked. Although, she had not just ran away to see me. She was not full werewolf. She had ran away before anyone had found out, or so she thought anyways. But in the end, it turns out that she had been being followed. Some of our village soilders had came here. There was about ten of them, In which, in the end I had killed all of them. But, I was too late. After defeating the soilders, I had found her on the floor not breathing, and the life completly drained from her. She had a dagger sticking out of her heart. I still miss Keiay a lot, but..not love anymore. I have moved on. So, in the end, even If you do not find Yoru, that feeling will pass. He may always be in your heart, but, that feeling might change. Im not saying that you wont find him..but, you cant let that hold you back from enjoying your lifetime if it does. Im sure he would just want you to be happy Rin. But, I really do hope that you find him." Yoru looked me in the eyes, and held me tighter. I looked back in his eyes, seeing a different emotion. It looked like he really, truly, actually cared. I thought for a moment. Did he care about me now? I smiled and hugged him back.
"I am sorry on what happened. I hope, that one day you can both see eachother again."
"Yea, I would like to see her." He released his grip around me, and gave me a smile. "Oh, and by the way, can I do this now?" Yoru raised my arm, and moved up towards my shoulder, then took a knife from his pocket. I nodded hesitantly. "Alright I guess...but you did this yesterday-so you cant for a little while now!" I gave in.
"I wont take as much blood as I did last time. So dont worry." He smiled. "ok..." I gave him a small, nervous smile back, and turned my head away from him, waiting for the pain to reach my brain.
My heart raced as I felt the knife glide over my arm, cutting slightly into my flesh. I then felt Yoru put pressure around the cut, making more blood run down my arm, then felt him begin to drink. I closed my eyes, and bagan to count. 5 seconds...6 seconds...7 seconds...8 seconds...9 seconds...10 seconds...11 seconds...12 seconds... I closed my eyes tighter, begging to feel a little dizzy. 15 seconds...16 seconds....17 seonds...18 seconds..."Y-yoru, can you stop now?" I said quietly. I then felt the pressure on my arm let up. "Ok, are you alright?" He asked. "Yea..just a little dizzy." I replied, looking him into the eyes, and swaying a little. Yoru held on to me till I was steady.
"I'll go get you something to wrap your arm with." Said Yoru with a smile, then headed towards the bathroom. "Ok, thank you."Yoru soon came back with a long strip of cloth and wrapped it around my arm after cleaning it. "Thank you." I said once again with a smile. "No problem, and thank you." He smiled. "Yea."
"So, are you all ready to leave, Yoru?" I asked while getting a glass of water. "Yea, I think Im going to kind of miss this place though.." He paused and looked around. "I have lived here for so long, so it will be hard to leave everything here unprotected. Plus, now that we just found Miasaki's hideout, it just makes this mansion even more interesting. I wish I had more time to explore it. But oh' well I guess. I will be back someday, Im sure. Hmm..I wonder how long this adventure will take and where it will lead us to.."
"Yea, I have been wondering that too latley. Well, I guess we shall find out soon enough. Hopefully everything goes well."
"Yes, we could end up running into some trouble, you never know. We will be walking into human land, and other species land, not to mention the huge war that had began between other species, and possibly humans soon too. We will have to be very attentive on this journey."
(Magical species hide within magical barriers so they are not seen by humans. But other magical beigns can see them. These magical barriers do perish within time, so humans at times do find out about the magical beign's, fourceing them to kill humans. If a magical beign walks out of that barrier, it also makes them visable.)
"Yea...I just really wish that I knew where this sence was leading me to..Miasaki didnt necessarly tell me. I know Im supposed to help stop this worlds battleing and everything..but I have no idea how."
"Yea, well like you had said, we will find out soon enough." Yoru gave me a smile, and glanced down at his watch. "Its 5:12 pm. Did you want to leave in around an hour then?" Yoru looked back at me, the light from the shandeleer above us casting a glare in his eyes like glass."Yea, that sounds good. I guess we should get our bag's all together for out adventure." I announced, then began to walk towards my room. "Ok, I shall do that too." Yoru replied, then began to follow me through the unoccupied looking mansion towards our bedrooms.
Walking down the staircase to my room's basement, I had a supernatural sence come over me. I stopped, and peaked through the railing in the staircase, a person catching my eye, right next to my bag. I stared at the figure, frozen and shocked. It happened to be a ghost, most likely in her early twenties, stareing right back at me. The tense look that she was giveing me, made my heart pound rapidly in my chest, to where that was the only thing that I could hear. I could feel my body trembleing, but I couldnt seem to move. I seemed to be mesmerized by the ghostly figure. I finally got my foot to move, making the wooden staircase creak loudly, breaking the uncomfortable silence. I continued to stare in her eyes with a tenative look. I was completly unsure on what to do. I was not at all, nor ever been afraid of spirits, but the look this one gave me sent chills up my spine. I did not understand this feeling of mine. She looked completly harmless, and wasnt at all frightning. Could she possibly be dangerous or angered at me for some reason?
I took another wavering step down the stairs.
Only one more to go.
I looked at her again. She hadnt moved an inch, and continued to stare at me with a somber look. Taking another step down the stairs, my feet finally met with the ground. The women flinched, and looked at me uncomfortably. I studied her for a moment.
The women was very young, haveing flawless and pallid skin, except for her cherry red cheeks, and skarlet full lips which held no expression. Her eyes stuck out the most, drawing you to her. They were a luminous, and a radiant color of blue. They were not like any blue eyes that I had ever seen before, being very unique. They were a silverish blue color,along with mascirra on her long curling eye lashes. Her bleach blond, almost white bangs covered some of her face, making it even more shady, and adding to her sorrowful look. She had a small figure, like mine, which she had hunched over somewhat on to my coffin, and had one hand resting losely on my bag. Her bleach blond hair flowed down her back, and some of her chest, and rested on the floor around her. Small, silver wolf ears perked up at each top side of her head, twitching at times. A wolf tail, the same color wrapped around her. She wore a dress, that stretched down to almost her bare feet. It flowed around her, the pleats in it making it resemble flower petals. The dress was black, with blue laceing the color of her eyes running through it. It was laced down the middle with that same blue ribbon.
I took a step towards her. She looked away from me nonchalantly, but I knew that she cared. She seemed distant from the world, and had a perverse vibe to her. I took another step, making her look away more. To my surprise, I finally got myself to speak. "Who are you?"
The figure looked back at me, glowering. "That doesnt concern you. But why are you taking things that belong to me? Theif." She spoke with a lament, yet angered tone, and gripped the bag tighter.. Her voice was light and quiet enough to where I could barely hear her.
"The clothes?" I asked.
"Yes, ofcoarse the clothes. Why are you taking them? They belong to me!" Her voice began to get louder, and she sat up straighter.
"Y-you are the nanny? I mean, you were Yoru's nanny, werent you? and I appologize. Yoru allowed me to, since I only have one pair of my own clothes. I figured that you moved on now since you are a spirit, and didnt realize you still live here. I am sorry, I will not take the clothing if you dont want me to."
The women smiled slightly. "Well, you know now, dont you?" She paused, and looked at the bag. "No, it is ok. Take the clothes. It is not like I am alive anymore. I dont need them..." A glisen appeared in her eyes, as she stared at the ground, daydreaming, or seeming to be absorbed in a distant thought. She seemed stricken, just completly lost. I gave her a look of concern."Are you sure it is alright?"
"Yes, thats not whats bothering me..." She looked up at me, a tear running down her right cheek. "I guess, I just miss being alive is all. There is nothing to do now. Just live your life alone. I do not understand how to get out of this. I mean, I always thought that after you died you would end up in a happy place. But this, this isnt at all happy. I cant seem to move on, it feels like something is keeping me here. But I dont know what it is exactly...I guess Im just really dissapointed, and dont beleive that this is it."
I walked towards her, till I was next to her then sat down. "Im sure that it is not though. Something just must be keeping you here. Is there anything, or..anyone that you miss from your first life perhaps?"
She looked at me then back at the ground. "There was someone...but he broke my heart. When I told him that I had to bring Yoru here, and not stay with him, he got angered, and stormed off. A few days after we arrived here, he had came here to see me, and appologize. But when I had came upstairs, I found him laying dead on the floor, bite marks peirced his neck, and Yoru stood next to him."
"What!?" I interupted. "Yoru told me that you had been the first one he killed!"
"Heh...no. That is just another one of his lies miss. He had a problem with lieing. Im guessing that he still does. He killed atleast ten before he killed me. My ex happened to be his first. But after I seen him with my loves blood dripping from his lips, I wanted to kill him. I most likely would have if he hadnt killed me first. I had sat by my love crying for the rest of that night, and seen that he held a note in his hand tightly." She paused, and smiled with sadness, more tears falling from her eyes. "It said that he was sorry for how he acted, and that he loves me, and would stay here with me forever. That he couldnt stand to live without me. I just-" She stopped, and looked at me tearfilled eyes, and began to sob. "I just want to be with him again. Its been so long alone..."
I looked back at her, feeling sadness come over me too. This made me think about Tsukai even more. Was he in the same state that the nanny was in right now? Did he miss me, as much as I missed him? How long would it be till me and him could finally be together again?
"I-I know how that feel's miss-"
"Its Zeiae...and you?"
"I am Rin-eco Suki. I have the same problem in a way that you had. You see, I am a half breed, and also a special breed if you have heard of that. But my village had found out about me. They killed my mother, and stuck my boyfriend with a vaccine right before I could get him away from them. I flew him away as he was weakning. He died in my arms...I am hopeing to find a way of re-generation. I miss him so much. I feel lost.."
Zeiae gave me a understanding, and sad smile. "I wish you good luck with that miss Rineco." She then looked down again.
More tears filled my eyes. "I wish your boyfriend could be here with you right now..Its so horrible to be appart from your loved ones..I really wish you luck, and I want to help you so much.."
My hand suddenly shot up to my forhead in reflex from the burning sensation that so suddenly ran through my tattoo. "Oww.." I mumbled, and closed my eyes for a moment then reoppened them, seeing a luminous light appear infront of me Zeiae and I.
Zeiae looked up, and stared at the light. "Dex..?" I heard her mumble under her breath, then stand up. The more I stared at the mysterious light, I began to notice a figure.
He was probably 6 foot tall, with pale skin like Zeiae. He wore a light blue t-shirt, and grey jeans. Bright green eyes lit up as he stared at Zeiae, along with a huge smile filled with happiness and affection. Black wolf ears peaked out from under his short spikey black hair, and a wolf tail swayed from behind him. I smiled, and looked over at Zeiae who had a huge smile, reveiling her pearl white fangs. She seemed frozen in happiness. Dex suddenly ran up to her, his arms wrapping tightly around her waist, holding her as close as possible. Zeiae closed her eyes, still smileing, and wrapped her arms around him also. The affectionate hug was then followed by a kiss on the lips, then lovey-dovey chatting. "I missed you so much Dex!" Zeiae wrapped her arms around him again, then looked into his emerald green eyes. "I missed you too Zei, I love you!" Zeiae giggled happily. "I love you too dex! I love you so much!" She smiled, then a look of shock crossed her face, and she quickly turned to me. "I think, that Rin made this happen Dex." She smiled. "Thank you so much miss Rin!" Zeiae thanked me. "Yes, thank you more than anything for reuniteing me with my love. I have been so lost without her." He smiled at me, then back at Zeiae. "Shall we go now, Zei?" Zeiae smiled at me once again. "Yea, lets go." Dex grasped her hand tightly, and they walked back towards the light, casting me each another smile before they dissapeared along with the spirit portal.
I smiled, and continued to stare at where the portal had just been for a moment,then grabbed the bag and headed upstairs into the kitchen. I was then imediately greeted by Yoru. "Hello Rin. You about ready to leave now?" I nodded, and decided to leave out what had just happened. "Yea, lets be on our way!"
The journey to the next town was definetly a long one. Walking through the forest seemed to take forever. It was not exciteing at all. The only thing that surrounded us was the green of all the tree's that seemed to be right next to eachother. The forsest was very dense. No sunlight peaked out from the canopy above us. It was almost like we were walking around in a jungle, just excludeing the exotic animals. The only animals I had seen while we were walking had been birds or a squirel now and then.
I looked over at Yoru, who was stareing straight ahead, as if in a trance. I then looked back ahead of me into the shadey forest, and started to concentrate on the sounds of it.. It seemed soothing in a way. The only sound that filled the air was the swaying of the gigantic surrounding tree's, and our light footsteps against the leafy forest floor. I took in a deep breath of the fresh air, and closed my eyes for a moment. Stumbleing over a logg that I hadnt noticed from haveing my eyes closed, I decided that it would be best if I concentrated on where I was walking. I glanced over, seeing Yoru looking back at me with a big smile. "Have a nice trip miss Rin?" He laughed. I gave Yoru a glare, and didnt reply for a moment. "I am clumsy sometimes, ok?" I confessed, then glared at him again, making him laugh. I looked ahead of me again. The forest was seeming to become darker by the second. I could not see the sky through the canopy above us, but I figured that it was sometime after sun set and beggining to get dark out-which would be no problem for me and Yoru. I figured that we had only been walking for a couple hours, but it had seemed much, much longer than that. Time was passing slowly, and there was nothing really to do about it. Just keep walking, and pushing yourself forward, that was all. There was nothing even to talk about. Me and Yoru had been silent for almost the whole two hours, and to make it worse, it was an awkward silence. Awkward probably because I was walking with pretty much a stranger, and also a killer, who only was helping me because he wanted my power.But I needed his help so...yea.
I glanced over at Yoru again. "Hey, how many days will it take till we get there. Oh! and another thing! why dont we just fly? I mean, it would be much easier than walking the whole way there. We would get there in half the time it would take us to walk."
Yoru looked back over at me and let out a sigh. "We cant. Sometimes different magical beigns will have lookouts guarding their villages in case of an intruder. They could spot us much easier in the sky if we happen to fly by one of those villages. So we have to be careful. And, it will probably take us another 3 days before we arrive in the next village." Yoru let out another sigh, then looked forward again.
"Oh, ok.." I frowned in dissappoointment, and looked forward again. "This is going to be a long walk.." I mumbled.
"Yep..and Im sure there's going to be much, much more of this ahead of us too."
I didnt reply back, and just continued to look down the narrow pathway. My thoughts began to drift off from out long on-going journey as we walked. Tsukai popped into my mind again. I wonder how he is doing, and if he is ok? I wonder if he misses me as much as I do him right now...
I thought to myself, studying the forrest ground as we walked.
"Hey, you alright Rin?" Yoru's deep voice broke the silence.
I flinched, and looked over at him. "Yea..I think so.." I replied with slight hesitation. "Ok., If you say so." Yoru answered back, his voice full of disbeleif.
I once again didnt reply and just kept walking forward. Suddenly I noticed that there was a dangerous sence in the air. I could feel it all around me. I stopped in my tracks. We were being watched.
Yoru stopped right after me, and looked me in the eyes. "Whats wrong?" He asked, and looked around him with concern. I looked up towards the blocked sky, and studied the tree's for a moment. I seen nothing, but I knew for sure that someone was watching us. "Were not the only ones here.." I mumbled in a monatone voice, still studying the surrounding throughly. Yoru looked from me, and sniffed the air as a late summer wind drifted by through the tree's. "Your right. I smell human blood..er...maybe not complete human. Im not sure.." He looked around him cautiously,then stopped, sniffing the air to his right, and began walking that way. I walked slowly behind him. My eyes picked up a slight movement of the tree's, flashing the color of red. I put my hand on Yoru's shoulder, hindering him, and walking ahead of him a couple steps. "Is anyone there?" There was another russle in the cover of the tree's, and a weak cry. "Please show yourself." I demanded. There was another russle in the leaves, but nothing shown itself. I walked closer, brushing the leaves away that were blocking my vision from the beign.
Stareing back at me with huge dark chocolate eyes, was a small human looking girl. She sat against a large oak tree, with her knee's tightly against her chest.The girl was probably age 9 or 10, and looked terrified. The closer I looked at her, I realized that she was not complete human, atleast, not anymore. dry blood stained the side of her neck covering bite marks, and reveiling that she had been bitten by a vampire. Her skin was completly white, except for her pink cheeks, and bright red lips. Dark brown, almost blak bangs shaded the right side of her face, covering her eye. The left eye continued to stare at me in fear. The rest of her hair flowed in long spiral curls down her chest and back. She wore a dirtied looking, red school uniform, which was now ripped in many places, reveiling more dried blood. It looked like she had just been thrown to the ground from quite a height, and left there. I looked at her, and gave her a small smile, and lended my hand out to her. The girl closed her eyes and flinched at first, continueing to tremble. "Im here to help you, not hurt you." I said careingly, showing another smile. The girl opened her eyes, studying me for a moment. Hesitantly, she grabbed my hand, and gave me a small smile back, showing off newly grown fangs. I pulled her up, taking her out of the protection of the brush, and showing Yoru what I had found. Yoru studied her for a moment. "What ya' going to do with her? I mean, you cant very well bring her with you this whole time. She would get in the way."
I looked back down at the girl, who had a tight grip on my hand, and was somewhat hideing behind me, studying Yoru with large curiuos eyes. She looked back at me for a moment, and suddenly started to sway back and forth. "Crap!" I yelled, then layed her flat on the ground. She was trembleing again, and looked at me with eyes full of fear. Her face seemed to get a shade lighter. "Yoru! get the blood packs out of your backpack. She needs blood imediately!" I yelled frantically, looking back into the girls eyes. Before I knew it, Yoru was there with the blood package. After sliceing it open with his pocket knife, he poured the blood into a small cup and handed it to me. Setting the girl up, a poured some of the blood slowly in her mouth. Her skin was almost a pale blue color, but then gradually went back to normal. The girls eyes were only slightly open, and still looking at me, as I poured the rest of the blood down her throat. She looked back to normal now, besides all her scratches.
"Hey! What are you doing?!" A voice echoed through the air. I looked up, seeing a couple standing down the trail, stareing back at me and Yoru. The girl suddenly scrambled to her feet, and ran right to the couple. "Marria!" Are you ok sweetie?!"
I stood up and walked forward with Yoru. The mother looked over the child, and back at us. "Wha-what have you done? what are you?" She yelled at us. The father glared at us, holding their child tightly.
"We have done nothing. We just found your child over there a few minutes ago." I replied and pointed to the spot that we had found her at.
"But..what is all this blood, and her skin tone, and..." There was a pause. "What...is she now?..what happened?" The women said with a hint of dissaprovement in her voice as she looked at her child.
"Like I said, we have done nothing. I am not sure how to tell human parents this, but in simple terms, your daughter has been recently bitten by a vampire."
"A-A what?..." There was a long silence. "No, no, she couldnt be! There is no such thing!! Are you crazy?! " The father suddenly replied.
I walked forward towards her, into the beam of silver moonlight that shimmered down through the canopy of leaves. "No, vampires do exsist-"
"Hey, Rin! What the hell are you doing?! Thats a secret of all beigns like us!'
"Yes, I know that Yoru. But there daughter has just been turned into one of those creatures. They need to know about us." I paused and looked back at the parents. "I am a half vampire,my friend over there is also part vampire. That is what your daughter now is too."
The womens eyes filled up with tears as she looked at her husband, then back at her child. "I....I dont know what to say..or do..I mean....." There was another silence.
"I am not sure how to help you. She is your responsibility. All I have to say is goodluck." I replied, then signaled Yoru to follow. We both walked past them, their eyes following us the whole time. I stopped for a moment, and turned to them. "Remember, your daughter is still the same person as she was-do not abandon her." I warned, flashing my fangs as I spoke. "Oh, and lastly. I advise you that it would be best not to tell anyone about what she is, or us. We are hideing in secret for a reason." I smiled, showing off my fangs again, and turned back to the trail and continued walking with Yoru.
A few minutes later, I felt Yoru's eyes upon me. I looked over. "What?"
"Why did you do that? You know they are going to end up telling people! We should have just killed them. It would've been much easier, and wouldnt have broken any rules." Yoru complained.
"No! I know it would have been safer that way, but Im not killing anymore people, nor do I want to watch anymore people die." I yelled at him.
"Yea..I know. But still. You just broke a huge rule of our kind. It could put me and you in danger."
"Is that all you care about is yourself?! Did you even look at that little girl? How concerned her parents were, but happy to have her back?! How happy she was to be back with her parents?! Did you not see the concern and happiness in their eyes?! I could tell right before they left that they still loved her a lot. They were good humans, and good parents. She was lucky to have them. You dont just end family's like that! Your so heartless!" I scolded him, and walked ahead.
My eyes filled with tears as I walked. Thinking of the girl's parents, made me think of how much I wished my mom would have accepted me, and how much I wished to know my dad. I missed them a lot, even if my mother hadnt accepted me much, I could still tell she cared about me. I missed my father too, even though I had never gotten the chance to know him. But most of all, I missed Tsukai. It was horrible...loseing all the people that I was close to, and that I loved. But there was nothing I could do about it, not right now anyways.
I wiped tears from my eyes as I walked, noticeing slow and quiet footsteps behind me. A twinge of guilt ran through me. Yoru probably handnt understood why I got so pissed off at him. Any vampire most likely would have killed the family, and let the girl go off on her own. But I didnt want to see anymore people killed, or separated from their loved ones.
I stopped and turned around. Yoru looked up from the ground, and met with my eyes. I wiped the tears from my eyes again, and cleared my throat as if I was just about to make an important speech. "Yoru, Im really sorry for yelling at you..I just..I just dont want to see anymore people killed or separated from the ones they love is all. I mean, Im already separated from the ones that I loved..I didnt want that girl to have to go through that same pain as I am going through." I wrapped my arms around him. "Sorry.."
I felt Yoru wrap his arm around me in comfort. "Why are you appologizeing? I know why you were mad at me. Its fine, I should be the one apologizeing. So, Im sorry." He smiled at me as I released the hug.
I smiled back. Shock ran through me suddenly. Did he actually take what I had yelled at him to heart? Did he, maybe understand what I was telling him for once? Did he actually care?"
"You are forgiven Yoru." I smiled again, as we continued walking down the shaded trail. "When do you want to take a break, around sunrise?" I asked, then yawned. I hadnt felt sleepy, but I was already tired of walking.
"I dunno. I guess we could, but I was thinking a few hours after sunrise. The sunlight wont be as intense then. So around 9 or 10am we could take a break for an hour or so, then keep walking till three or four. Thats when the sunlight will be most intense, and we can get some rest till around seven. It wont give us much time to recover, but atleast its something. We shouldnt stay in this forrest very long. Its not the safest place. We really need to get to the next town as soon as we possibly can." Yoru replied, also yawning after his speech.
"Alright, that sounds good. I continued to look down the path, and gradually started to notice my vision messing up till everything began swaying. I stopped, feeling my eyes roll back in my head, and I collapsed to the ground. I hadnt passed out, and was looking at worried Yoru in the eyes. Everything went black, and a voice echoed through my mind.
"Hello, miss Rineco. Tis only me again, Miasaki."
An innocent, young, but yet wise and strong voice echoed through my head. Miasaki's small figure soon stepped out of the darkness of my thought filled mind. Her almond shaped, ocean blue eyes stared at me warmly as she smiled at me. "Hello again, Miasaki." I greeted, as if taking to an old friend, then began to walk towards her. The surroundings suddenly turned completly white, making me squint my eyes. Miasaki stook out even more against the white atmosphere. Her silky long black hair was curled in spirals, and flowed delicately down her chest and back. She wore a black strapless dress that flowed losely down to her knee's. It was criss-crossed down the middle with saphire blue ribbon, which only made her eyes and her tattoo's that were simualr to mine, stick out even more than they already had. The same color blue, lacey gloves ran from her elbow to her fingers, reveiling her fingertips, and her proffesional looking blue painted fingernails. She began to walk towards me also, her black, lace-up heel's making light tapping sounds against the white floor.
"Why have you came to visit me?" I asked, trying to sound polite. I didnt want to seem like she wasnt welcome to talk to me, I was just curious on why she barged herself into my mind again.
She stopped walking as soon as we were face to face, and still held her warm, careing smile. "I just wanted to warn you. There is trouble lurking ahead of you Rin. But this is only the beggining of your journey. You have a long ways ahead of you yet. But, just recently I have found out that the humans have caught some of our kind, and other magical beings. The human's main leaders are taking a look at them soon. They will get as much information from them as they can. This may be very dangerous for you, but you need to find them, and get them out of here before they get the chance to. You know very well as I do that the humans will only think of us as monsters. They will use violence against us. We would end up joining them in a war, along with all the others. No one is getting along anymore. That is your main given task from me. This world needs order, and that Is your job to do now." She paused and looked around her for a moment, closeing her eyes. "You need to hurry Rin. I beleive that they are somewhere in the next town." She opened her eyes again, looking right into mine as if she could see through me. "I cannot come to you everytime like this, so you will not always have my help. It takes a lot of energy and power to tap into someones mind and talk to them like this. Plus, this is your task, and responsibility now." She smiled. "Farewell for now miss Rin, and good luck.. Im counting on you." She said, then suddenly began to fade away.
-Yea, sure. No pressure or anything-
Everything then gradually blacked out again. My eyes slowly opened to Yoru's face. He smiled at me as I opened my eyes. "Are you alright? What happened to you?" He asked me worriedly.
I sat up slowly, and rubbed my head. Everyhting seemed to spinning again and I felt sick. Yoru lended me one of his hands and pulled me up. I brushed the dirt, leaves and twigs off me, then looked him back in the eyes. "It was Miasaki again." I paused.
"Really? what did she say this time?!" Yoru's voice filled with excitement.
"In the next town, the humans are holding some vampires and other magical creatures captive. The human leaders are going to try to get some information out of them. She wants me get them out of there before they can. But how are we supposed to get there in time? Oh! and she also wants me to keep the humans and magical beigns from getting into a war, and stop the wars between our own kinds too." I looked at him with a straight face.
Yoru suddenly busted out laughing. "Wow, she really does have a lot in store for you to do, doesnt she?" He laughed again. "Well, Im not really sure how we could get there in time. I mean, we atleast have another two or three days of walking yet. Flying would work but..." He paused and looked at the sky. "Im not sure how good of an idea that would be for us to do. But, I guess we dont have much of a choice right now, do we?" Yoru smiled, and extended his bat wings out.
"Nope, we dont." I replied, extending my wings also, and took off into the sky. Making it past the canopy of tree's, I could actually see the Midnight blue sky now that was completly filled with stars, and the moon sitting in the middle of all of them, drapeing its delicate silver light over Yoru and I.
I smiled at him, taking a breath of the chilly night air. Yoru smiled back, and flew even higher into the sky. I followed him. "I really wish it was cloudy out. Its not good haveing no cover." He yelled over the rushing wind that surrounded us both. "Yea. I think we will be ok though." I yelled back at him. "This shouldnt take over a few hours, right?"
"Yea, unless we run into problems."
"Eh. What could happen?" I joked.
Just my luck.
I spoke too soon...
Noise echoed below us, and fire flew up into the sky. I made my embarassing sqeaking sound, and stopped flying as the fire arrow whized past me and Yoru. "Damn it!" Yoru cursed under his breath. "C'mon! We better get away from here as soon as-"
I opened my mouth to scream, and froze in shock. A fire arrow whized up, hitting the middle of Yoru's wing. He let out a scream of pain, and froze for a moment. His wings moved slowly behind him, and continued to slow down, making him begin to take a gradual drop. His shoulders were back, and his eyes looked into the sky, and filled with tears. It seemed as if he was paralized for the moment.
I quickly grabbed on to him, and began to fly as more arrows whized past us. Yoru was trembleing in my arms.
I knew that must have hurt him a lot. Wings are a weak spot for vampires to get hit at. It sends a terrible shock through the back, and can sometimes paralize them for life.
Before I knew what was happening, pain shot from my shoulder, then my right wing. My shoulders shot back in reflex from the sudden pain that reached my mind. Tears automatically filled my eyes as they began to close. I could feel myself begin to fall through the sky, but continued to flap my wings slowly. I knew it wouldnt do much good, but it might make the fall a little better if we slowed down. I closed my eyes tightly as we dropped.
This felt very familular to me as I losely held on to Yoru. Only this time, the pain was more physical than mental. I looked down, seeing that we were going down below the tops of the tree's. I continued to weakly flap my wings, making us land slowly. I closed my eyes as my mind went blank, and I began to pass out. The last thing I felt was the imapct of the ground against my back and wings.
chapter 13 continued in next entry
If your still reading, your a little over half way through the story!!! o_o
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These are all stories I write about characters that I create. I also draw them all quite often ^^ enjoy
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