life is nothing but a dream
what is a dream is it an escape from reality or is reality the dream in the dream anything possible while in reality you live by the rules of your social life your political life or your religion life there will always be rules even if anarchy takes over we will still have to follow rules while in a dream everything and anything is sweet simple and pure the nightmares come with dreaming because if you have good dreams you have to have bad dreams recently my boy told be there has to be good and bad, light and dark, and a high up wouldn't feel so go if it didn't feel bad coming down we try to escape reality by doing drugs but in the end we will always be stuck here except in dream land. In dream land the greatest high i ever felt where a dead rose cant turn into the most beautiful thing ever where the girl of your life is also the girl of your dream i am addicted to my dreams who isnt it is better then reality. so is aa dream an escape from reality or is reality the dream.