Taco. That is the topic of today's journal entry. Taco. How cool it would be if I could own a Taco. What the hell would I do with a Taco, you ask? Well, I don't know about you, but I would eat the goddamn thing.
And no, that was not a rant, nor was it anywhere near a rant. Hmph. And no, I don't even like Tacos. They taste gross. There go my dreams of eating one. But what the heck, I would eat one for a 7$ dare. How lame. This is getting really irritating, isn't it? Well, let me move on to a different topic.
NEXT TOPIC! Bunny rabbits. They are so evil, but so cute at the same time. How weird. But how I would love to have a pet bunny rabbit. They are funny looking. That's what makes them evil. Their looks. I got bit by a rabid bunny one time. It really hurt. And I think that the bunny rabbit's eyes were red. Now I think that I am like spider man, but instead my name is bunny-wabbit man. That is so cute. But evil. Mostly cute.
rahnedeer Community Member |