Rp setting: The Fair Welcome to the fair where there is any fun ride you can imagine and all the carny food you can eat! This isn't just a normal fair where you come an go...You can rent a cabin out in the back to stay as long as you want! Theres also a giant pool, a stage where singers entertain the people with there voices, and a dance floor for all you fans of dancing!Edit: (also for those who love forest role plays there is a forest outside the fair grounds where the cabins are places, along with a beautiful lake and a waterfall that sparkles with reflections of the stars at night) The fair-
The cabins behind the fair (in a row)

The pool!

The stage (imagine it inside the fair...)

The dance floor
INtoXiCAteD RosE · Mon Jun 29, 2009 @ 12:47am · 0 Comments |