you are sleeping with the blankets warm about you
it is like you are falling into forever
the dreams do not end and do not comfort you
you are falling into the nightmare, falling
you concentrate, it is only a dream
there is some solace in that
and you wake up shaking
happy your feet are on the ground
you are sleeping with the blankets warm about you
you have played a trick on yourself and are happy
sometimes when you cannot sleep you try to remember faces
you close your eyes and draw the blankets higher
you try to bring to mind the faces of women
and the warmth that you shared
you do not force anything but let the faces come
the faces continue, the faces of love
you are sleeping with the blankets about you
she has you in her arms and you are frantic
this is a different type of nightmare
there is no escape, sleep is no refuge
you do not know where what who you are
she has you in her arms and is pulling
she is pulling you deeper, into the darkness
she is perfect hell
you open your eyes to see the face of despair
and there is no one