A goal of mine for a while now is to give up cussing entirely. I admit, it used to be bad. I wouldn't care about what I said at school or outside it. I was pretty careful at home, but it felt like it was just a big cover-up for what I'm really like, and I didn't like hiding stuff. So now, cussing is not a part of me at all.
At first, it was really hard. Well, it's still hard. You never realize how much pressure there is to say stuff like that until you stop doing it. Harsh language has become such a huge part of our society, it's almost like the "bad words" aren't any different than normal words that are a part of everyone's vocabulary. No one really cares anymore. Well, that's a generalization, I mean, sure, people catch themselves when they're trying to be professional or civilized. But many just toss in any old vulgarity whenever they feel like it.
Okay, I'm thinking that sounded pretty negative, but the truth is I don't care what other people do. Your vocabulary is your choice, and I'm not one of those people where I'll be like "Oh, everyone is terribe for cussing and no one should ever use those words blah blah blah" No, I don't do that. I just wanted to better myself as a person, and that was a good first step, I think. It was a pretty big one, as it turns out. With all the pressure there is to throw those words into everyday use, it was tough to resist. It still is! I'm still struggling with it, and I don't think there is going to come a time when it will suddenly get easier. Life just doesn't work that way, and I can accept that. I can resist temptations for as long as I have the stength to, and I just have to keep my faith in God strong, and he will help me achieve my goals.
That sort of brings me to another big step I've been trying to take. The lord has been in my mind a lot more than it has in a long time, and I think it was long overdue. I don't think I ever realized before how God is almighty, and how big he really is. Sure, Veggietales taught me that "God is bigger than the bogeyman," but I was young, and God was just a concept that I accepted with no questions, only because my parents did. Now He means so much more than that. He truly is bigger than we will ever know, and through him, all things are possible! That's amazing! It was pretty unbelievable before, but now I believe it. It's so hard to describe how I feel about it. Now I feel like I'm trying to convert people or something. I'm just ranting about how I feel, I'm not saying you must feel it too. wink Yeah, so... that's pretty much all I have to say about that...
SarahlovesDavidH · Wed Jun 10, 2009 @ 06:04pm · 0 Comments |