Personal Questions
1. What's your first name IRL?
Eva ("E" as in "get" not "leek" )
2. Are you a boy or girl?
3. Are you gay or normal?
or what? wow thats a bigoted way to ask this...
4. How old are you?
young but average for gaia
5. Do you have long hair or short hair?
long, going for calf length
6. What color are your eyes?
brownish hehehe
7. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
no and no
8. Do you have allergies?
9. Are you in junior high, high school, college, or work?
10. How many friends do you have IRL?
hmm... few but quality not quantity lol
Gaia Online Life
11. How many friends do you have on Gaia?
9? only three i really talk to
12. How long have you been a member?
not long enough for an '07 sash
13. How much do you think your avatar is worth?
varies daily, i try not to brag or be showy tho
14. What's your favorite guild?
the completely random guild at the moment
15. Favorite clan?
16. How often do you play zOMG?
not often. its kinda pointless as i hate games without a real purpose and lag is stupid
17. Do you enjoy roleplaying?
yeah actually, i keep it simple tho just set dressing n basic actions
18. What's your favorite thing to do on Gaia?
talk with people
19. What's your favorite chat room? (Rally, Towns, Virtual Hollywood, etc.)
towns, my friends houses actually
20. Do you read the Announcements?
yup. every time
Around the House
21. How many windows are there in your house?
good lord. delicious question. 21?
22. Doors?
damn! 16
23. Bedrooms?
24. Bathrooms?
25. Do you have a big kitchen?
its not as big as i need, i like using freestanding counters as nap tables
26. How many TVs do you have? (Broken ones count, too.)
only 3
27. How many game consoles do you have in your house?
28. How many stories does your house have? (Basements don't count.)
29. How nice is your basement?
its only a crawlspace and yes i'm looking to upgrade it.
30. How big is your yard?
1/4 acre i think
Around the Town
31. How many neighbors do you have?
none as far as i'm concerned
32. Are they good neighbors or suckish ones?
they're ok i just don't really have need for them
33. Do you live in a village, a town, or a city?
by population size a city, its a commuter town tho
34. What state/province/etc. is your village/town/city in? (You don't have to answer this if you don't feel comfortable.) jersey
35. What country?
united states
36. Have you ever ding-dong ditched someone in your neighborhood?
hmm... nope
37. Do you live on a busy street?
38. How many friends of yours live in town?
few, actually only one
39. How long have you lived there?
this town forever, this house not so much
40. Do you know of any registered sex offenders in your vicinity?
no and frankly they've done their time. i don't believe in registration. if their still a danger lengthen their sentences.
41. What color is your underwear?
hehe what's ur fav color? imagine i said that
42. Have you ever been kissed?
43. Do you prefer board games or mind games?
hahahaha beautifully phrased!
44. Did you play with felt when you were a kid?
yeah i'd still like to, i need supplies
45. Do you use eco-friendly items?
at times, i Re-use like a sonofabitch
46. Do you have a secret club for you and your buds?
ha! yes! tho we all had a falling out so the guild just sits there! (hidden. don't even try)
47. Do you like yoga?
i'd like to give it a shot
48. What about vigorous work-out sessions?
yes! give me the big weights!
49. Are you random?
most times but thats only cuz i don't take the time to reveal the linear nature of my quick thinking
50. OMG, can you believe the quiz is halfway over?
wow that went quick!
Would you Rather
51. Go sky-diving or mountain-climbing?
damn... climbning but that was a tough choice
52. Eat dirt or drink toilet water?
dirt! i'm'a hungry officer!
53. Root for Ohio State Buckeyes or Michigan Wolverines?
54. Most of your stuff is stolen, but you still have a house or your house burns down, but you save most of your stuff? i'll take a hit on my stuff keeping warm/dry is to key to survival. its also why i've begun focusing on immaterial items moreso than material ones (virtual items rock)
55. Be able to fly or communicate with animals?
fly, i'm already pretty empathic
56. Stay a kid forever or skip to old age?
the way this question was phrased, kid forever=immortality, immortality ftw
57. Be rich or be famous?
one leads to the other, i'd take the money first. money is more insurance against the unexpected
58. Have your own TV show or your own band?
tv show, more personal
59. Be able to sing super well or draw like a professional?
my singing is ok i lack in art so i'd take art
60. Be a nerd and have lots of friends or be popular and have one or two friends?
popular popular, bigger lot to pick n choose from
What's Your Favorite...?
61. Movie?
i'm watching the package with gene hackman, so right now it is
62. Show?
yes pretty cure 5 (also a recent view lol)
63. Game?
darkstalkers i love lei lei i'd marry her
64. Video game?
whoops.. see above
65. Book?
i'm reading a book on monsters. and how to hunt em. its complicated.
66. Singer/band?
gerard way
67. Animal?
irl-wolf mythic-naga
68. Hobby?
too many to have enough time for each
69. Color?
blue/violet ish
70. Number?
138! (we are 138! we aaaaaaaarrrrreeee 138! )
71. Do you like waffles?
yes! its been ages!
72. Do you like pancakes?
yes! gimme more!
73. Do you like french toast?
yes! sweet damn!
74. Can you not wait to get a mouthful?
hmm... (lol)
75. What's your favorite food of all time?
damnit... uh... pizza!
76. Can you cook well?
77. What's your fave flavor of ice cream?
mint choco chip
78. In school, did you usually pack your lunch or buy it?
i don't really eat
79. What restaurant do you like the most?
hehe now that'd blow my cover but a local pizza shop yes
80. Are you a picky eater?
hell yeah
MORE Randomness!!
81. Are you scared of the cops?
nope i hate em as a species but the ones i know personally are ok
82. Do you like watching murder mysteries?
i guess?
83. Poll whore! How do you react?
if u call me it i don't care if i find one i also don't care
84. Do you take the road less traveled by or the one with all the traffic?
both! depends on how fast i gotta be somewhere
85. Why is stuff on a ship called "cargo," but stuff in a car called "shipment"?
actually this is a misnomer, all transported goods are called cargo and are allotted routes by shipments
86. Have you ever eaten a crayon?
only a lil and a long time ago it tasted weird
87. Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?
not enough
88. Your dream vacation?
wildwood NJ, a year ago, but with my online friends from now also going
89. Are you (or were you) an Honor Roll student?
... not for long...
90. What were you doing at midnight last night?
typing or looking at gaia
EVEN MORE Randomness!!!
91. Do you believe in luck?
yeah its the only way to battle the fates.
92. Is your dad bald?
ha! no! he is stupid-class fat tho
93. What's your favorite day of the week and why?
tuesday, tho it has its drawbacks
94. Do you believe in magic?
hell yeah, its the only way to counter luck (see above, its a system of checks and balances)
95. Are you a good speller?
not when i think too fast
96. Is your computer fast or slow?
fast but big guild forum pages hurt her
97. Coke or Pepsi?
cherry coke zero
98. Do you think Mountain Dew is evil?
hell no! its the only thing to drink with chinese food!
99. What time is it right now?
100. HOLY CRAP! Can you believe you actually finished the quiz?
yeah, went quick lol
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