o---o im scared you wana know why i sall cookie monster at the park and i was playing wit my ball and i kiked it and it hit cookiemonstre and i went home and he was mad i heard him hes scraching on my window and hes saing gimy cookie and i said i dont have cookie and he got mad and he broked my window and he got in my room and he smelled the cookie and he stole it and i followed him and he stoped and he new i was following him so he put me ina trashcan and i sall him eat the cookie like this

he loked scary to me 0__im_____scared_______________0 and he said rawr loud and he looked like this

and it scared me alot that i flew wit the trashcan
and fell out and i ran in the corner and he followed me but he couldent find me and i dident even know where i was so i lived happely ever after
the end