i was bored so im writing a story off the top of my mind smile
anyways to the story biggrin
chapter 1
3 friends 1 love
NPOV(nick point of view)
i awoke and found my self on the floor of my room. i slowly got up and sat cross legged. i looked around the room and then let out a big sigh. i fell out of my bed again. i need a biger bed. twin size is not for me the way i roll around. now kits bed is good for me. so is momos. im the only one with a twin size bed. i sighed again, then got up. i threw on a t-shirt and some plaid shorts. (i sleep in my boxers) smile then i went downstairs for some breakfast. its the first day of summer so my 2 friends,momo and kit, are going to the beach later. i grabbed a box of golden grams and since we didnt have milk i used the gallon of chocolate milk. hey its still milk. my mom walked in.
"Nick, how can you eat that?"
"what? its good." i smiled and then began to eat my cereal. my cell buzzed and i picked it up. "yo!"
"hey you almost ready?"
"i just woke up... on the floor. so now im eating golden grams with chocolate milk."
"... your wierd nick."
"your no different kit. ill be ready in like 15 minutes."
"kay we're meeting at my house."
"ok then see ya."
i hung up then went to my room (with my wierd cereal) and packed some stuff. it was hot outside. i packed my swim trunks, sandels, sunscreen, a beach towel, a shovel and pail,(i know im 15 and yet so childish smile ) and sunglasses. that should be good. after i packed i put my bowl in the sink and left saying bye to my mom. i walked across the street. (yes kit lives right across the street from me. fun.) kit opened the door.
"hey there."
"hey." i smiled and walked in.
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Uh....was it okay that I read this? Yeah, I love it!!!!