So I think I've mentioned sugar on my profile and gave a brief description over how my friends feel about sugar and I. I could tell you about how addicted to sugar I am... or because I'm bored I could tell you the story of the frosting incident...
Once upon a time, in 8th grade...
I had a group of tormentors. These people loved to... pick me up and throw me (because I was the smallest person in the class), tickle me (I'm the most ticklish person you will ever meet), steal my stuff (I had the communal backpack), and all manner of annoying stuff because I seem to have been born with an inability to get very mad very fast. So one day after they had discovered my weakness for sugar one of my tormentors brought a can of frosting to school...
They were waving it in my face... and had gotten a spoon out and was about to start eating it when POW. Next thing every one in the cafiteria knew I (the little 5'1" swimmer) had apparently tackled this huge football jock, stolen the frosting, and was sitting on top of the table I had been sitting at with both the frosting and the spoon in my hands.
I don't remember what or how it happened exactly but my friends said it was the funniest thing they had ever seen. The teachers thought it was funny too... And the only thing I got "yelled at" for was sitting on the table. My theory is my slow burning anger had finally found an outlet and I just snapped.
Since then though no one has ever tried to use sugar against me and that particular jock never bothered me again. And I got a free can of frosting out of the whole thing as well.
However some of the upper classmen thought it was so funny and decided to mention it to my mom one time when she was subbing. They didn't tell her about the frosting, however, they did tell her about me tackling the jock. Oddly though, she also seemed to find it amussing and I'm only glad she didn't hear about the frosting part.
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Kyra's randomness
The random things that happen or go through the mind of your average idiot. Namely me.
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The Nightingale in a golden cage
That's me locked inside reality's maze
Come someone make my heavy heart light
Come undone, bring me back to life
It all starts with a lullaby.
-Escapist, By Nightwish

Running an art contest with 20 billion+ in prizes. Here for Details.
That's me locked inside reality's maze
Come someone make my heavy heart light
Come undone, bring me back to life
It all starts with a lullaby.
-Escapist, By Nightwish

Running an art contest with 20 billion+ in prizes. Here for Details.