I was soaring through the air. My wings spread like a grand eagle flying across the the most open spaces. I could feel the sun burning on my back, it felt good. The cool moist air hitting my face and sitting like chairs under my wings. The feeling. So great. So beautiful. So awesome. Words cannot comprehend the awe I was feeling those slow, careless moments I was in the sky. I had to do it again. My name is Monique Smith, and this is my story of complete confusion from beginning to end. I was born in a family not very similar to the "Average Joes" and the "Plain Janes". My genes had an extra few chromosomes in which we called, "The Cursed Ones". I have a mother, a father, and two brothers. Martha, my mother, was married into the family, so she doesn't have any wings. You might say she's lucky, but she gets taunted as much as the rest of the family does. More or less. My father, Thomas, is the overall "commander" of the house. Whether it's "Get the newspaper" or "Get to the basement", what he says goes. My brothers, Timothy and James, are the pests of the family. They break things on an hourly basis, and when all you hear is glass shattering, you can get pretty annoyed. Timothy is the one who got us figured out. One day in pre-school, he went on a rampage and took off his shirt. That was it. The public put 2 and 2 together and that was the end of us being in a normal society. A news crew might not believe it, but a small town is enough. I know what you're thinking. 'Just move then'. But we're not rich. It takes just as long as any of you people, and costs just as much. I walked into the school building like it was any other day. Kids glaring, teachers acting like they weren't afraid. I sighed and walked down the hall, self esteem lowering by the minute. The most hurtful part about it was, there were kids that didn't care at all about my being a total freak. They were just more afraid of their reputations getting lowered, and therefore wouldn't spit in my direction for a million dollars. But there was one girl who broke all odds. Her name was Emily Funk (weird name right?), and she was my best friend. Before "the incident" (and that is all we call it when we do very rarely speak about it) we used to be faces in the hall to each other. But after "the incident" she noticed how even my best of friends rejected me and left me for.....Well we talked about it. Now that girl and I.....we're tight. She doesn't care what society thinks of her. She doesn't think just because I have a gene distortion I should be left. She's amazing.
(Wow I cut off in mid story. I do that alot. I might write more to this story I might not we'll see.)
My Life Belongs To Music · Mon Jun 01, 2009 @ 02:24am · 0 Comments |