me: did you or did you not cut that time when you were upset about connor
6:17 PM Lyssie: i didnt i wanted to rllly bad but i didnt
me: you said you did
you lied
Lyssie: and i almost did
6:18 PM me: almost doesnt ******** matter!
you told me you did
and i told you everything you cut i would
you said you did, you didnt... i really cut my self
for ******** nothing!
Lyssie: i couldnt find anything to cut with anyway if i had found something i would have cut
6:19 PM me: lys that doesnt matter
you lied to me
and i broke my promise to my self
because of some lie you made up for pity
6:20 PM Lyssie: u cut way befor i stared or even talked about it i wanted to cut cuz u were and now i rlly am and i can prove it now
6:21 PM me: i've cut on many different occasians i wouldnt have cut that day if you didnt lie to me
Lyssie: toei know i do to i was showing her my arm and it was rlly red
me: and fine idc anymore
cut yourself
better yet kill yourself
even nay nay agreed cutting isnt s**t to joke about
6:23 PM Lyssie: u know i was never like this when i wanted u to stop cutting but u have to be like this and since im doing it u treat me like this well i could dare less as long as i have tori and vic im fine
6:24 PM me: please youve never voice an opinion on my cutting
you never grasp in shock and tell me not to
dont fool yourself
6:25 PM and fyi ive never joked abou tit
6:26 PM about it*
Lyssie: well ya i did i told u tht it wasnt a good thing and not to do it but u told me u did it cuz of connor i will never cuz over him i cryed yes im not going to anymore but i never cut cuz of him
me: and for all i know youve never cut yourself
you've lied once about it
6:27 PM do you think i really believe you wouldnt again
Lyssie: so u dont belive i cut now or cut over connor?
6:28 PM me: no i dont
6:29 PM your a liar
just like him
6:30 PM Lyssie: ok i can prove tomorrow i cut and u could ask tori tht i did during school i showed her
6:31 PM me: yeah but that doesnt hid the fact that YOU ******** LIED TO ME!
okay if it was a lie that you thought my hair looks cute i wouldnt care
but you lied about something important
and while i was crying and in pain
you were sitting there
not bleeding
6:32 PM probably not even that upset
some friend you are...
corection WERE!
me: i told you if you did i would... you said you did... so i did
6:34 PM and i was upset that you were in such pain and was thinking about cutting and did cut
but i was wrong
very very very wrong
you werent in pain
you didnt cut
and you lied
6:35 PM Lyssie: u didnt have to im just a stupid lil b***h ok and idc wat anyone calls me
me: not a stupid b***h
6:36 PM a backstabing lying ex bestfriend
Lyssie: and half of tht is true i was in pain but i didnt rlly cut myself but i have before and now
to u i am tht mabey if u think tht
6:37 PM me: but you lied to me
you cant deny that
you admitted it
6:39 PM Lyssie: ok w.e kaitlin u can say watever u want bout me i dont rlly care
me: wow... if your that willing to stop being friends with a person that cut because your sorry a** was upset... we were never truly friends
6:41 PM Lyssie: if u would keep acting like this evrytime i do something wrong and u dont talk to me then like in a month u talk to me i guess we arnt but idc
6:42 PM me: yeah but youve never lied to me about something liek this
and stop saying 'idc' i knwo you do
or you would be defending yourself
6:43 PM you wouldnt have even started this convo
Lyssie: no i relly dont and im not
me: oh yeah right
Lyssie: WAT u talked to me 1st
me: scroll up and read everything you have written
because you email me
6:44 PM Lyssie: ya but u desided to reply to tht and i only told u tht cuz u or were my friend and i tell them everything ..well vic knows everything
6:45 PM me: i really wish you would have just continued to lie to me... did you start feeling bad for lying to me and decide to tell me?
and actaully you started this... you told me that you lied and that you never cut
6:46 PM Lyssie: i was going to cut but u didnt even wanted me to so i started to but stoped and u lied to me even if i knew it was
6:47 PM me: when did i lie?
6:48 PM did i ever tell you i cut myself...when i didnt
you should have said you didnt cut when i told you i would cut when you did
Lyssie: no but u lied bout u saying u cut ur finger off and i knew tht was fake
me: i was joking
theres a different
6:49 PM a HUGE differenve
Lyssie: ya and i was jokeing bout cuting myself ok w.e
me: did you go cut yourself after i told you i chopped my finger off
oh wait until i tell this to renee
you are a sick piece of s**t
you know i cut and you know renee cuts
6:50 PM cuttign isnt something to joke about
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Kady's writting
Here alot of my stories and journal entries from my school journal that don't suck terribly bad... enjoy
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I like piercings, dyed hair, tight jeans, nightmares,ice cream, bright things, I love it when you bite me,French kissing, lip rings, razorblades, sick dreams,cuss words, body art, ladies who can party hard!!!