I've had a very rough few months, I haven't been sleeping, and my girlfriend left me. Again. That's about caught up, so I'll just start from there...
I still can't shake the fatigue though... I ended up playing Maple Story all friggin' day, which ended up pretty productive for normal, because I upgraded my mage's Maple Helm, Leveled to 41, finally acquired 50 coins for a Spiegleman Pendant, and hung out with Aqua Road Radio hosts Warez and Shim. Turns out I'm still pretty famous from that podcast apparently, because Shim (the newest host) had been wanting to meet me. O.o He didn't seem like the type to join my fan club though, so I'm very safe... ^^; I do feel the urge to start listening to the podcast again though, the game's changed so much since I played and it's still run by some really cool dudes.
Anyway, I'll probably jump on my Page tomorrow for some grinding and socializing if any of my old guild mates show up. I should probably work on getting more maple weapons and a new armor set--I'm still wearing level 40 pants I think... >.<;;; We'll see what tomorrow holds.
Actually, what I'd like to do more so than sit and play on the compy, is jog down to the shops and look around a bit since I've found out that my leg isn't actually broken, it's just severely bruised and painful still. <.< Not sure about my wrist though, jury is still out on that one, because several positions cause me great pain at the moment. I probably should repair my bike too, but I fear it's in worse shape than my skill can manage... =_=; I really wrecked it this time. Which is a crying shame, because I really like that bike. O.o I could take the pieces down to the bike shop and see what they say about the gears too while they're at it, but that seems like a bit too much work for a Saturday I'm supposed to be lazy on... >.<;
None of my comrades can make it out here to work out, so I'm definitely going to be alone on that one. Since my knee is fine I'm going to start on that again, because all that time off for school was just about lethal to me. I can't be lazy, I'll end up dying of boredom if that ever happens... O.o I figure starting from Day 1 is appropriate, since it's been about a month or two. I can't wait to start my cardio back up, because that's what I'm most worried about--flexibility and strength returns fairly quickly, but the ability to keep going really takes patience.
I'm still having trouble sleeping... I had a wonderful few hours last night I think, from which I saw a few really weird nightmares that were more like "huh the ********?" than anything. O.o If I'm anything like last time, which is about how crappy I feel, then I should stop having such bad dreams in about two to three months. Though, I think last time I was begging for punishment, because I had trouble leaving well enough alone. O.o I think I've taken the necessary precautions to keep myself on the right track to sanity, but it feels just as hard on me...
Speaking of trouble sleeping... I can't sleep right now, and I don't feel like logging back in to the game, because I've already become bored for the night. And I've found out last night if I have friends over this late, the other people living here really don't appreciate it, so I'm kinda stuck. O.o I guess I'll...do...something? Yeah, reading sounds good! I have just the book too I think. Plus, I'll have the perfect excuse to buy the next book in the series tomorrow if I finish it tonight! ^.^
And with that I'm off!
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Reluctant Protagonists
We walk on two legs, not on four. To walk on four legs breaks the law. What happens when we break the law? What happens when the rules aren't fair? We all know where we go from there; back to the house of pain...
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