"Darkness...isn't as bad as you think. It's very plesent actually. When your in darkness you don't have to worry about your secrets getting out. You don't have to worry about judgement." I said. "In short....isolation." Mat said. "Which is something you don't need, Melissa. You've been living in darkness sense practiclly childhood after what that one kid did to you when you were 13 or 14. It's not good to keep things bottled up. Eventually it'll get to you and it'll make you cry or have a breakdown. And through that breakdown you'll keep making it worse till you make yourself sick (yes, you can actually do that)." I stared at him. "You make it sound so bad." I said. "It is. When your misrable as you seem to be." He said. ******** you! I wasn't misrable! I was beyond that! I just kept staring like nothing was going to sink into my brain (no duh like I care if I make myself sick from crying). He sighed, and took my hand and let me to the telescope. "Did you know that the planets can appear as stars at night?" He asked. Ugh. Education. I thought we were just going to look at stars. "I think only some of them you can really tell are there." I said. He laughed. "Lets find out then." He directed our attention to the sky and pointed up to a bright star that was near the horizon. "That one...is the planet Venus." He said. "Earth's twin." I added. "Yes. Go on and get a closer look." He said pointing towards the telescope. I looked into the telescope, and looked towards the bright star at the horizon that was Venus. It was bright, and very pretty. I saw from the cornor of my eye him pointing to another one. "And that's Jupiter." He said. I moved the telescope to where his hand pointed. Sure enough I could see it. Jupiter and 4 dots around it that were seemed to circle it. It's moons. Europa, Io, Callisto, and Ganymede. The moon of Jupiter, Europa, reminded me I had a cousion by the same name.
Thinking of my cosion Europa, I started to feel a little homesick. I pushed it aside, remembering that my dad had hurt me, and looked at Venus again. I hoped Mat hadn't noticed my reaction...but knowing him catching onto things fast I think he did. "Whoa!" I cried. "A shooting star!" Mat was looking where I pointed. He laughed. "Make a wish." He said. I looked at him. "What about you? Don't you have a wish?" I asked. I wondered what his wish was. "Mine's already starting to come true." He said. "Quick before it leaves. Make your wish." I stared at the star again. What did I wish for. "I wish..." I closed my eyes, and thought. I wish that I knew where I belonged. That I could have all my questions answered. Like did Mat really love me? I wanted so many questions answered. "What'd you wish for?" Mat asked. I took my finger and poked him in the nose. "Silly boy! If I tell you that then it won't come true." I said. Suddenly thosands of lights shoot across the sky. Thousands of shooting star lights. "Meteor shower." Mat said. "So...pretty." I said looking at the sky. I layed down on the blanket and looked at the lights shooting across the sky. He layed down next to me. The lights stopped after a few minutes and then Mat pointed to the sky again. "There's the constellation Orion." He said. He made the shape by tracing it with his finger. I laughed. "I guess it's pretty." I said. "In greek mathology I think it said that Orion was a great giant greek hunter. And the story go's that he was apparently killed by a giant Scorpion, when he died the gods are said to have raised him and the Scorpion to the skies, as Scorpio/Scorpius so they wouldn't be forgotten. Scorpius doesn't come out till summer though in the place where you see Orion right now. They say that they kind of contiue a battle or something up there as stars. In winter Orion beams in the sky still hunting I guess, and in summer Scorpius comes and chases Orion out of the sky again." Mat said.
It was an intersting tale. "I see a new constelation though." He said. "Where?" I asked. He pointed up and traced a mermaid out of the stars. "A mermaid. See it looks like she's laying on a rock daydreaming. But she's also sitting right next to me." I blushed, and glared away. He laughed. "I see a new one too." I traced the stars and revealed to him a wolf. "A wolf. It looks like he's in the positon of protecting the mermaid. Kind of like you do." I said. We looked at each other and smiled. "One thing I've always wanted to see..." I said. "Was a comet. But I've yet to see one." He looked at me, and laughed. "Your in luck. Tonight is the time that the comet Hale-Bopp appears." He said. "Doesnt' that one appear like...every year or something?" I asked. "I'm pretty sure it does." He said. He pointed to the sky. "And there it is..." I jerked up and looked at the sky. There it was. Hale-bopp. It was beautiful. It shoot across the sky slowly. This comet had a really high record for being visable for so long. I think the longest time it was ever visable to use was 18 months. It was so bright. Mat laughed at my amusment. "Maybe I should bring you star gazing more often." He said. "The Northern Light's are pretty too." Mat said. I looked at him. "Northern lights?" I asked. He nodded. "They usually appear at the North and South Poles. There really pretty. They sometimes appear in area's like this. Not often though." He said. "You seem to see everything though." I said laying back down on the blanket next to him. "Your always running around on an adventure or something. So you always see those sorts of things." I felt sad now. What happened when he started running off on an adventure again and left me all alone? I think he noticed my sudden shift in attiude. "Melissa..." He said, sitting up. "Are you thinking about...what he (Billy)...did to you." I shook my head no. He didn't seem so sure that was true though. I looked at him, and smiled a little, sitting up as well Then I noticed he was staring deep into my eyes. What the ********!? This was a little ackward.

To be continued in Chapter 55...