Wednsday, I dreamed i was in a brightly colored space almost like a field but it was pastel-isque vivd and rough, i was sitting around a fire with three Native americans who i believe are my ancestors (my dads side), two of them were plainly dressed in deer hide clothing and sitting on either side of who i think is the tribes chief. he was wearing a Buffalo head dress and war paint, he held a staff in his hand and had a pipe in his hand, and a horn on his waist. his face and chest were adorned with War paint, He spoke to me of things past, He showed me the suffering that had befallen his people when the europeans came to this land, Rape, muder, torture, and other various acts that would warrent Death in this age. I felt the suffering in my heart and I was both saddend and ashamed, I was Sad for my Ancestors of this earth and ashamed of the heritage i bare, he placed a hand on my shoulder to comfort me in this vision. When the Vision had ended his spoke to me at last, his voice was strong and loud, He Told me that most would have rejected this vision and would have awoken in terror, he said my soul was strong to with stand it, he then told me his name, his name was River Bear and the two sitting on the ground with us were Deer eye and flying wolf, they were his sons, two brave warriors who fell to a violent crime by the guns of the europeans. he showed me this vision as well, and I wept. after this vison he spoke again, this time his voice was Gentle and calm, he told me I was the reincarnation of him self, and that his soul lived on in me, he revealed to me the force who watches over me my Spirit gaurdian. He took the horn from his waist and blew a deep long call. down from the hills of the ghastly plains came an animal i could only describe now as a Large Cat like crature with the ferocity of a enraged grizzly, the creature strode to River Bear, as he placed a hand on its head the beast was quelled, it then strode to me, smelled my scent then as if a Pet seeing a long missed master Tackled me to the ground in joy, and pressed his nose to my face in delight. River Bear stood arms folded and smiled. then he helped me to my feet and we embraced and he spoke for the last time, He told me, All in life will work out as long as his spirit lives on within me, and that by living as i am now i will be fine, he smiled and left me with the Cat like beast as the vision faded from my mind i awoke in a daze, questioning what had happend and what i had seen, I the remembered, that young men in Native culture would leave home for weeks and even months on a spirit quest, this is part of my hereitage, a rite to manhood in my ancestor's culture...I hope one day i will meet with River Bear and the Cat again, Until that day i will revere my ancestors and live right.
thank you all for reading
P.s. No i wasnt on Drugs when i went to sleep, so please dont put some stupid comment at the bottom.
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what lies in your soul? what feeds your emotion darkness, light , love or hate? only you can choose your path may you be blessed with the knowledge to choose the right from the wrong but in this world what is wrong?
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Say it's not too late for you to hold me
You were always there
When times were bad
And they're so bad
The love you gave to me
So unconditionally
So sad
So sad
Born bad
You were always there
When times were bad
And they're so bad
The love you gave to me
So unconditionally
So sad
So sad
Born bad
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Community Member
I think tis a very cool dream/vision. =^^=