This is how my signature was at the end of my quest:
Thank you...
Sir PomPom for the 2,000g
dorkyXP for the 2,200g
BIG Thanks to Philanthrophists' Society and DeusDeOnis for 30,000g

--You can also support me by buying from my store--
I am now the proud owner of an Oculus Mythica!
Sir PomPom for the 2,000g
dorkyXP for the 2,200g
BIG Thanks to Philanthrophists' Society and DeusDeOnis for 30,000g
--You can also support me by buying from my store--
I am now the proud owner of an Oculus Mythica!
This is how my store was at the end of my quest:
Hello, welcome to Cat-thief's Cove! This shop is currently selling items to earn gold for my quest, every purchase you make helps me get closer to my goal. If you wish to help me reach my goal faster, please buy! Thank you very much!
Thank You...
Sir PomPom for the 2,000g
dorkyXP for the 2,200g
DeusDeOnis for the 30,000g
Kabuki Kyoshiro bought a Left T Blox for 50 gold.
chessser bought a Left T Blox for 45 gold.
xxLuvBirdyxx bought a Madagascar Hippo Mask for 5 gold.
Hopatel won the auction for a Warm Starter Bed for 2 gold.
Erulastiel_010 bought an Aquarium Background (Fun Machine) for 15 gold.
Special thanks...
tenma fuuin for giving me Left T Blox, Navy Matte Floor Tile, Green Kitchen Clock and Alien Armorskin to sell!
furbus and skeith_dincht for referring me to Philanthrophists' Society!