That's the first thing i saw when i logged on the computer. just thought it sounded kind of nifty. (StRaWbErRiEs! good times!)
Sadly, that is all i have to say on the matter of strawberries though. so if you were actually searching for some scrumptious strawberry recipes, then i'm really sorry to dissapoint, but maybe you should google it?
Anyways, it's been awhile since my last entry. or at least i think it has been. i didn't really go check when my last entry was but it felt like quite awhile ago. So i figure i should write again. Do you want to know what i just did? of course you do. if not, hmm. well. what are you doing here then? anyways! Someone reminded me about my old bracelets today. do any of you remember? i used to wear them everyday and each one had a meaning. i understand if you don't remember, because it's really not that noticeable unless you know me pretty well. anyways, i found those old bracelets on my dresser in this little..hmm..what's it called? well, i suppose it's a container, only it's like.. okay so it's shaped kind of in a trapazoid-ish shape. and it's neon green, and also i have a neon orange one and when i have something in my room and i don't know where to put it then usually i just fling it into one of those containers. anyways, the bracelets were in there under some papers, so i figured it was kind of mean of me to just ditch them there like that. yeah, leave it to me to feel bad for ditching an inanimate object. But they really were special to me. So i took them and i got out a little piece of paper for each of them and labeled their memories, um, did i say how each one had a memory? they do. anyways, i labled them and i put them away in my treasure chest where i keep all my special things. some of the memories i had actually forgotten, then i felt really bad about not labeling them sooner, but i figured a couple of the forgotten ones out and so..yeahh. i found a few that were from like..2007 and 2006 i think. yep, they go way back.
I'm thinking i might make a new one soon. It's been about...four months or so since i've worn any of them. i think it'd be nice to start up that tradition again..
Hmmmm. what shall i write? we'll just see, now won't we? well, i've just finished doing my last play of freshman year. It kind of makes me sad, knowing that. but it's okay. there will be more plays.
I started re-discovering some of my old favorite music recently. i stopped listening to a lot of my favorite groups, because they got replaced by new things i guess. I don't know how i feel about things getting replaced. i think it bothers me a lot. well, actually, i'm certain that it bothers me a lot.
Moving on. ugh, moving on to what? i don't know!!!!
OH. here we have something to talk about. ooh's a book. do you hate it when i talk about books? hm..if i were reading this i don't know..i mean, i really like books, but maybe some of you don't. i'll be brief anyways. So i read this book called Bliss and i totally hated it. and it was about 400 pages long and i had to finish it, because i can't just STOP reading a book, you know? you have to finish it of course. anyways, it was horrible. uuughhh. DONT READ IT. well..unless you like creepy books about seriously creepy people.
it's 8:22. and my cat just materialized out of nowhere. and now he's on my lap, purring like crazy. and now he's stblocking the computer screen. seriously, i can't see what i'm writing right now. hm. his whole body is covering this. i feel so blind. am i making typos? i hoe not. ahh crap.still standing in front. oh, now he's steppi ng o n the keyboard. ahh he's attacking my hannds! jee ze !
ookay. i picked him up and he's out of the way now. wait, did i seriously write "i hoe not."?! i meant hope. really. umm. well. i'm about done with this now. soo. have a lovely day i suppose.
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Don't you just hate when someone says, "I <3 you."?
I mean seriously, all they're saying is "I less than 3 you."
Woot. Someone less than 3's you. Celebrate, why don't ya.
I mean seriously, all they're saying is "I less than 3 you."
Woot. Someone less than 3's you. Celebrate, why don't ya.
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