Angie When Angie's parents died, she was taken in and experimented on when she was only a newborn, they took her into a private organization where they mixed babies DNA s with animals, and for Angie they injected a rabbits DNA, then they started seeing results. Angie was only 4 days old, and the day after that she could walk, crawl and climb things. 5 months later she was interacting with animals always and running around with amazing speed, jumping over 4 feet high, walls etc.. and at the age of thirteen she figured out how to change into a bunny. She Can't remember her past very well and she does not beleive she ever had parents. She has amazing abilities when it comings to running, jumping, hearing, and smelling. And sometimes the rabbit in her can overcome her personality. You'll see razz
 Rabbit form
INtoXiCAteD RosE · Wed Apr 22, 2009 @ 04:57pm · 0 Comments |