Alright, I'm really Who-chan in disguise. You can call me Chy, squirrel, Gir, I'll answer to any~<3 I like being called Lyrik though<333
If your asking my age.. Well hell if I know that one xD
I'm a writer and an artist. Yes I Rp, but I'm slow as mad pumping out replies from my muse.. Whom is in the corner twitching. D: No I did not abuse it like the little slave it is-- ANYWAYS~
I'm constantly on and offline because I'm trying to take over the world running between RL and the computer. A lot of the time it can be hectic, but I manage.. somehow >o>
I think it's due to my friends - some in particular. Like my Mandarin<33 No matter WHAT kind of s**t we go through, my orange is there. I LUBB YEWW MANDARIN!!! People like(get ready, long list) Dante, Manda, Yuna, Gabe, Tori, Steve, Tim(at times), Brittney and a whole bunch more that'd run on and on and on and on and on~

"A Fallen Angel, Destined to Fly. Broken and Crazy, but to Strong to Cry."