“What are you smiling at!” I demanded
“I am just happy” A voice that made my jaw drop came out
“Who,” I paused scared, “Who are you?”
“Diaz, Brother, you couldn’t have forgotten your best friend have you?”
“NO! You’re dead!”
“Brother, Chill out and come here…” He began to walk toward me with his gun in hand, the gun he was buried with!
“Get the hell away!” I pulled out my sword
He stopped and frowned, “It’s me! Tec! Diaz, You’re the one who let me die! The least you could do is let me hold you!”
He pointed his gun directly at me and fired, terrified I just watched. In a flash, the bullet had deflected a blade on a chain, the chain retracted onto a roof top somewhere and I saw the vampire sitting there grinning. I smiled at the fact he saved me, he didn't change that much. But something was still wrong with him.
“Diaz! You have new friends? That’s good! I can kill them to! We can work together, like old times!” Tec grabbed a little girl that had been hiding and threw her to the floor, “But first…She dies!”
“Tec! Why!?”
“Because humans can never have another hero! They can’t even stand up for themselves! When I was a human I fought alone! I was always alone! I saved your pathetic life! And for what?! If humanity can’t fight for themselves, then they deserve to die!”
Then he shot the little girl. Right into her head, everyone watched, from window and corner. They all began to cry and back away scared.
“Diaz, I tried to be these people's hero… And it’s not worth it. No matter how many lives you save, more will need you, and truly... Your hate for man will grow!”
“This can’t be the only way! We are there hope!” I gripped my sword tightly.
“Mankind will fall!” He pointed his gun. “And I stand alone, but its better then not standing at all!”
He fired his gun faster then I had ever seen, I deflected many, but managed to take a few shots, In my shoulder, legs and a shave to my face. I began to run at him with my blade prepared to slash.
“We both know they will never fight!” I yelled out.
He kept firing at me and then began to yell at the crowd nearby. “You will all die! Because you can never have another chance, because you can never stand for yourselves! You will never have another hero!”
I listened as his words rung in my ears. He smiled his friendly cheer at me, and stopped firing.
“I still love you Diaz.” Then as I got close with my blade he lowered his gun that was aimed into my head.
The crowd then began to curse and shout, telling me to kill the demon, or he would kill them, kill Tec, kill the Demon!
“Brother, I’m not going to hurt you, I missed you.” He pointed his gun at the crowd, “You see they wait there, knowing they can’t save themselves, they put everything on you, then curse you for not helping.”
He loaded a clip and smiled again.
“Tec please don’t do this! They are helpless!”
“They are the dead…”
Before he fired, I stuck my blade deep into his chest.
“What have I done?” I released my blade and held him
Tec began to fall, “I knew you would do this. I love you brother… and when humans tell of what you did, they will know, that a hero is only a man who thinks he’s free.”
Tec, in my arms, fell to the floor and the crowd began to rave, excited they began to surround me.
They began to make fun of him, saying he could not even save himself. Laughing at him and praising me.
All of a sudden the vampire scum spoke to me, I could hear him through the crowd around me.
“Your brother failed them I see.” I pictured him saying that with a grin
“As he lived mortal, there was none that would stand with him.” I cried holding my lost brother.
“There's nothing you could have done.” I could tell he became sorry for me.
“Then I will finish...”
“You had no choice!” He began to worry.
“What was started...” I gripped my lost friend and yelled out his name, "TEC!!!"
“Why do you cry for him?! You're the hero?!”
All of a sudden I could hear all the voices talking again. Everyone around me smiling and mocking.
“You are the hero!” They chanted!
“And you are the dead...” My eyes turned red as fire rose from me. Melting Tec from my arms and holding the blade from his chest. Then the glare that signaled the attack was given. It began to rain, as i started walking toward my first victim.
Kill them all...
My blade had never swung so swiftly, bodies dropped and humans began to cry. Thunder blew with every strike I made. Lightning stormed with the screams of humans. The people didn't even seem to run away. Humanity had given up like he said! I kept thrashing my sword, spewing my fire, killing them one by one. All I knew about demons, monsters, creatures, had become what i was. I slayed women and children, and crying old men. There deaths seemed like music to my ears. The feeling of killing humans seemed to give me delight. This feeling gave me horns through my skull. I chopped and slashed and ravaged the fools! Finally I heard them yell out... kind of all together...
"We are the dead..."
Over and over, until finally I let out a fire pulse that set the whole city on fire. Those same words kept ringing while the city was burning, with life dying left to right. We are the dead, again... and again... till it faded. Then silence conquered the large town.
And from there, I don’t know how to count the amount of pathetic souls I killed that day… or blood drops that dripped from my sword...
But I knew that the vampire was watching, and on that day I knew...
He feared me…
Everyone feared me...