Age 17
Height 5-8
Race: Harmony angel
Humming Bird
A Sword forged by nature and wind itself, its filled with lifeforce of nature includeing animals trees etcetera..
Abilities: Can communicate with nature and understand it and even control it to a certain exstent and short period.
Can harness the wind currents to release bursts of wind just swinging the sword can create wind, and just by moveing his wings can create wind.

Likes: He Loves and adores nature, he likes to watch over nature following whatever mother nature sais to do. Respects nature.
Dislikes: Nature being disrupted or hurt,or even destroyed. People that defy the laws of nature to the exstreme. Disrespectful People and evil people.
Bio: Harusho a young man who works for mother nature, aka his mom helping her watch over nature, and keep peace. although he is nowhere close to mother nature in skill. She was also the one that trained him and taught him. How big and important nature was, and that their were rules that had to be followed as so not to disrupt the balance of nature. He is apeaceful and respectable person but hates nature disregarders.