Hogosha neko
xToxic Musicx
Hogosha neko
xToxic Musicx
Hogosha neko
xToxic Musicx
Hogosha neko
xToxic Musicx
Hogosha neko
xToxic Musicx
Hogosha neko
xToxic Musicx
Hogosha neko
xToxic Musicx
Hogosha neko
xToxic Musicx
Hogosha neko
xToxic Musicx
Hogosha neko
xToxic Musicx
Hogosha neko
xToxic Musicx
Hogosha neko
xToxic Musicx
Hogosha neko
xToxic Musicx
Hogosha neko
xToxic Musicx
-hides behind a tree-
Hey Hannah...
dammit, how'd you know >.<
hiya ally -hugs-
Hey Hannah how was your day.....
tis goin pretty well, lol it's still on, i'm in class
how're you?
I was fine until a few moments ago........
now what?!
( hope it wasn't cuz i logged on >.< )
I feel like my heart just dropped to my feet, and im holding back tears.
no it was not you
ally, you're makin me feel bad now
what's happened?
I made what fells like one of the biggest mistakes of my life.
2 days ago I got in a fight with a friend who recently moved to Arizona. I was being a real A.hole and now feel HORRIBLE.. I wsh I could go back and prevent it from happening. I was going to send her a pm saying im srry. but it wouldent send. It said I wasent a friend or they put PMs off. Im not on there friends list anymore. I tryed going to leave a profile comment, but her pro is set to her only. Im going to try e-mail later and try that way but if that doesent work ive just lost one of my best friends emo emo emo
aww ally, you big weiner head >.<
what was the fight about?
i'm sorry things aren't going well with you these last few days
It was about me being so mean. I tryed stopping it but just made it worse.. cry
I just cant help but to go over worst case scenarios. emo
well, why were you being mean in the first place?
lol, no offence, this kinda sounds like a kindergarden getting mad at a kid fer continualy slapping another kid
you mean you always start things like this, and just make them worse?
We were all talking like "oh you suck!" and joking around and stuff.
It was getting alot of stress out and I just went to far. Both of us had alot going on, and the fight just wouldn't stop. I said I was srry and what not at the end but I guss she dident get thoes messages.
srsly? okay, this is what i've got so far...
you guys were being retarded lol
then, they started getting sick of you, and you just kept going on
then it started getting annoying, and it turned into real piss offs?
like "stfu alex, gtfo, you mfa!!"
i've never had that, only with annoying noobs on gaia that i've never met
i'm sorry, it's really stressful, especialy like yours sad
cry cry emo emo I could just through my self up a concrete wall right now.
It was on MSN with another friend. It dident happen untill after he left.........
ally come on, i know it's hard, but don't feel that way
i know how it is to lose friends, i've lost many
please don't do anything you'll regret
Im just doing every thing I can to get to her....
good, unless she's well... not "mature"...
she'll at least take a look at what you have to say
because i mean come on, seriously, she's your friend
even if i got in a fight with you, that'd be stupid, cuz i've never met you
and i avoid all fighting from anyone
and if she had any love for you at all, she'd reply =]
come on ally, put a smile on
She 14
I was hyped up off of something.
Ill try.
lol, terrible age, terrible >.<
you'd better try
i still love you though ally =]
dunno if you wanted to hear that, but there ya go
I will, trust me I will....
Awww thx Hannah it makes me feel alot better.
Well i gtg eat now ill be back on as soon as im done
YES! especially for girls, that's when... kay i'm gunna use technical terms...
kay, it's around 13 and 14 we start deciding who's more popular than who
this might sound really weird, but it's usually when the "top female" starts showing that she's "all that" to the guys
lol, it's all human science =PP
and it's when we get REALLY emotional, so small problems are like the freakin world to us
and some carry that on, i have many friends who are like 16-19 who still take little rumors or events like it stabbed them in the face a hundred times
i've ( THANK THE LORD ) gotten over mine, so when I think back to my days as a little teen, it's hilarious, and sometimes creepy
aaaaaaaaanyways sweatdrop kinda got carried away lol, sorry
good ally ^.^ i hope you're not just sayin that =PP
i don't like reading your messages when you're sad
it's almost like you're saying it to me directly
kay, chow down, munchkin ^.^
lol i'll be here
Yeaah...ok....gotcha..I suck
lol thats ok your good at enplaning things.
No im not.
Well thats how I try to make my PM's
It was yum yum! smile
xDD good
wow, today has been taking so long to go by
i'm good at explaining things? lol
only in texts, i mess things up easily when i talk out loud
i'd suck at being a teacher
the thing i like best about texts is that you have time to think things out before you send it =]
lol like how?
You see thats my problem, if I try to write a story or something I cant because it dosent work out in/on text or paper.
Um what was that for neutral
Ooooh I just saw a picture that made me laugh and smile you wana see?
how it's been a long day?
well, i woke up, wanted to sleep in, so i was mad
forced to be stuck in civics, then english, then lunch ( not so bad, cuz i'm with friends ), then history, then communication then home
communications isn't that bad though lol, that's when i was talkin to you =]
lol, so you're better at talking out loud?
yus! i'm good for a laugh right now too
lol yeah that would be a long day.
Depends on who it is, but most of the time but im never as open as on the computer.
lol ok