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Random Ritings
I may put bits of a story, or just random writings... it all depends....
Story part III
About to the Final Confrontation of Novel.

Dracil just couldn't believe his eyes, her scales irridescent even in the dim and dismal lighting of the cavern. He reached out to her, offering his hand to her in a subconscious gesture of salvation, his eyes the mirror of his soul. He muttered a soft phrase to her, willing his eyes to be liars, wanting to believe that she's still the one he knew and loved. He wanted to believe she was not lost to the darkness of the world, the darkness of one's misguided heart. "nacoan? Is... Is that you? I'd... I'd thought that everyone was trapped..." His words trail off at the sight of her icy smile, only a weak utterance to follow his pathetic an emotioned lapse. "My love?"
Staring at his pitiful human for, Nacoan's cocky smile faded, only to be replaced by a devastatingly disdaining frown. Her eyes were ablaze with a cold blue fire, one that burned his heart but froze his soul. " Love? I"m you love? Truly you are not labouring under the delusion of love." She walked claser to him, her sonorous voice wreaking more havoc on him than her glistening ivory claws ever could. "Love is hollow... you showed me that when you left to go needlessly galavanting around the country. No, you don't love me, you never have. I was you puppet for the throne, someone of no consequence... at least not u ntil now." She smiled coldly to him, her glittering muzzle but a few inches from face. He voice took a less resounding tone, a poisonous whisper that wrenched at the very fibers of his being, as she paced around him as a wolf would to it's ignorant and stricken prey. " You smell of fear. Do I scare you, my love? " she said, her voice dripping like an insidious inverted melody.
He just watched as she lazily jaunted across the cavern, her voice oozng the horrid poison into his ears. He reced inot a reverie, a calming, wistful memory of a better time, a time when everything seemed to just be simpler. He remembered of a time when they were but young dragonetts, back to the days when they were the best of friends, vowing to be as such until the day they were claimed. Ah, my sweet Nacoan, what has happened to us? He smiled sadly at the thought, slowly returning his attention back to the dragoness in front of him. He focused on her, as if staring through her to some etheric being on the opposing side of the cavern before looking back to her sinuous form just in time to catch her final question after the interminable silence. He looked into her eyes, the timbre of her voice quelling his hope almost to the where the fire was extinguished. Almost. He gave her a baleful, almost defeated look, hoping.... no, knowing that deep inside she was still the Nacoan he'd pledged himself to. "Nacoan..." he whispered to her breathlessly, unsure if he could take the torture, the pain of seeing her lost like this. No! I've come this far! I can't give up now! he thought to himself. He stared at her, piercing her with his fiery red eyes. I need to save her... I need to save myself.
He continued in earnest, trying to mend his withering spirit with his ever stronger growing words. "Do you not remember? We've been friends since we were but younge dragonettes out of the shell! Does any of that mean nothing to you anymore? Would I have risked my life to rescue the kingdom, to resccue you if I did not love you? I am what I am because of you. " He grabbed at his clothes before stopping to hold up his human hands. "I am what I am... for you." His own skin prickled at his last words, not realizing how true they were until now, not realzing that all of his actions were not driven by his love of his kingdom, but by his love of her. He looked back to her, feeling as though a weight, a great pain, has been lifted from his consciousness, only to be replaced a moment later by a hot and heavy sensation welling out of his foot. He kept his hands away fromt the hilt of his sword, determined not to injure her if he could. He looked down to his foot, the bendable leather parting as easily for her beautifly deadly Ivory talon as would the skin of a pig.; He feels the hotness, can smell it as the metallic scent permeates the room, it's scent filling is nostrils as well as hers, giving a different reacton to both.
Noacoan blinked as if lost before she decided to press down a bit harder, loving the pain she was inflicting upon him, a malicious smile crossing her face as she said to him soflty. "Come now... you wanted to save me, yet you will not even fight? Tsk tsk, how do you ever wish to be seen as a hero when you can't even figh back in our litte game here? And you were going to rescue me, though rescue is not what you'll be doing anytime soon. Yes, I've heard what you've really been up to, mingling with the filth, the elves and humans, even that beastly woman you've grown to care for. You cared not for me, not as my good friend Fielan has. Do you know Fielan? He's rather quite charmilng, and he could protect me, save me... Oh, wait, he has. He's saved me from the prison that you left me to. He's saved me from you." He voice had taken a sinister tone from the momnet she'd begun to speak, her tone wavering and deepening, becoming etheric in the way that one would expect from a demon. Her final words were cut off, or rather faded away into silence as she concentrated, relieveing her pressure on his foot a bit, the blood flow no longer staunched by her impeding talon. She grimaces as if in pain, growling in a soft but vicious tone. "Get out! You lie! GO!" He voice was pained, almost to a quavering cry, driven by the raw emotion inside of her, the conflict not easing at this tension.
Trying not to cry out in pain as he grimaced to her, his blood flowing freely over their feet, binding them again and sending a small shock of pain through him. He gasped as he thought to himself, No. This can't be happening! The pain, I'd stayed faithful to her, even in the face of that dear lycan, Fahlain. How can this be possible? How could I be punished for loving her, for fuffilling the stipulation which the goddess had placed upon me? I'd promised the goddess that I would always love Nacoan, and so I have. I had even pledged that the day of the ceromony, when we had to give the oath of... of blood! His eyes went wide as he realized that whatever was eating at her struggled against the power of the blood bonding the magic of the earth that kept them together, kept them as one. "Nacoan! Remember what I've done for you, if the vows I had made were false, I would have been stricken down by the goddesses themselves! You must realize that I tell the truth, that I truly still do love you! Yet, what ails you? I cannot bear to see the one dear to me in such pain!" he gasped as he uttered this, his own pain washed out of his mind with his determination to save her. "Nacoan, come back to me." He whispered to her softly, the tone of pleading in his voice the same as the day of his coronation, the day he gave her his soul to keep and cherish, the day he pleaded for her to accept him as her mate for their days.
She just looked at Dracil as if he were alien to her, as if she were confused as to who she really was, as if she wasn't even alive. Her growl came back, the malice in her voice echoing far in the empty caverns, coloured with fear as her resistance grew. " Do not listen to him! He lies to you! The gods do not favor him! They favor us, they have faith in our cause, they want us to prevail!" She clutched at her head, about ready to scream, her voice chaning as rapily as a lilting tune of the harp. She hissed out loud, the quiet threat echoing about the cavern, "Don't you dare tell me what to believe anymore. You have no control over me anymore, you no longer can poison me with insidious words of Dracil's misdoings, you no longer matter to me. You are dead, Fielan." Her voice cracked again, as a young choir boy's would during the transition to manhood, the laughter coming back more furiously then ever. “You think that you cannot be influenced by me, you think that you can just get rid of me as you would a worrysome chicken? No, I think not. If you will not strike my blow against Dracil, against the kingdom, I will strike it myself. After all, grief can kill someone just as fast as a sword.” The voice withdrew from her conscience, sapping her energy, leaving her body a husk, barely alive and not even for long. “I’m... sorry, Dracil. “ She gasps out with a soft, dying breath, her eyes growing pale, glassy, hollow....
Dracil just watched her for the longest time, not sure if there was anything that could be done to help her in her struggle. He perked his ears again at the second mention of Fielan, the count Vladier, a jealous man by all accounts, greedy as well. His panic increased as he moved slightly away from her, her claws long since out of his foot, just listen to the parley of personalities. Hie eyes went wide as the conversation got more and more paniced, hearing the final utterance out of her mouth, hearing her fate laid out before him HIs mind became ablaze with a cold fire as she slowly slid away from him, dying before his very eyes, destroying his last chance to make things right. He grabbed her in his hands, and held her, weeping bitterly the whole time, the fire growing ever stronger in his mind. He moaned pitiously, the fire feeling as though it were going to explode, to overflow into her and drown them both in it’s miserable warmth. “Nacoan... No, don’t die on me please. “ He pressed his face into her neck, holding her close to him, her heart slowing almost to a nonexistance before the fire breaks the dam in his mind, rushing over their bodies, almost draining him of his life as well. He felt her heart beat stronger during this event, his own slowing, his mind becoming more and more receptive to the sounds of the dead and ethers around him. ‘ My, you are impertinant, aren’t you? You wish to save her, but kill yourself in the process? No, it is not your time, my sweet little imbecile, do not give yourself all away.’ With this, he colapses into Nacoan’s arms, seeing her eyes open slightly to hold him close to her in the time they had alone in the dark cave.
She whispers to him, smiling softly. “You... you really meant it. You truly do love me, Dracil. Heart bound, Blood bound... and now we are Soul bound, all by your love for me.” She kisses him softly. “We shoudl get you out of this suffocating cave. I will explain it all to you when you are well again. “ She smiled and picked him up, placing him soflty onto her back, between her large wings on her sapphire back ridge. “Let’s go.”
Holding onto her weakly but as tightly as he could, he smiled softly to her and nodded. “ Yes, Nacoan. Let’s rest. I’ve not been so exerted since that day that we’d first learned to fly.” he rested his head up against hers, sighing gratefully, staring idly at the phosphorescent fungus at the wall, dozing softly as he ascended from the cold dark depths of that prison, his mission failed, yet complete. He kissed her neck softly, the sweet earthy scent of her body pleasing to him, as calming to him as the warm sun on his sweltering tunic. He was dozing before Nacoan had even set him down on the soft earthy dirt outside of the cave, his gentle snoring causing her to drowse as well.

wistful dragon
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wistful dragon
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  • User Comments: [1] [add]
    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Sun Mar 15, 2009 @ 08:53pm
    intense. XD
    hmmm....I don't really know about suggestions. at the moment your story seems fine.
    How about some adorable lively flashbacks to when they were both still innocent dragons?

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