I am Eloni Cator and I am sixteen years old. My family is a bit odd, well very odd. We aren't, well, we aren't exactly human. We aren't aliens or anything like that, bloody hell. We just have special talents, powers if you wish. It's exactly these powers that allow me to explain that I am a witch, sorcery and such I suppose. My mother, Jamine has gorgeous glistening blonde hair and bright emerald eyes, she looks like a model, I have her eyes and her blonde hair, though not so wonderful. And my father, Chase, has auburn hair with sky blue eyes, yet I have his talent for magic and quiditch. Here I am, in all my 5'7 glory, I have my black pleaded skirt with a white button up shirt on and Mary Janes on my petite feet. My luggage was packed as I heaved it across Kings Cross, my father was at work, working as an aurora. My mother was working at her bakery shop a few blocks down the stret. I'm not afraid, just concerned about being alone, I pulled my things through to platformnine and three quaters. Its my first year to attend Hogwarts, well technically I will be in my sixth year. My wonderful cat, Jinx sits on my luggage cart like the cute little kitten she is. I shook my head and ignored her smart alec looks and looked around, I heard yelling from a family to my left. A tall jet black haired man I know to be Harry Potter, he works with my father at the Ministry of Magic. He was with his red headed wife, Ginny and their three children. I think their names are James, Albus, and Lily. If I'm correct, Lily should be a first or second year. I have never talked to them and at this moment, I didnt plan to. I shook my head as a bushy brown haired woman aproached Mr. Potter, Hermione and Ronald Weasley, other wizards who work with my father, Ron is Ginny's older brother and his children are Rose, and Hugh. I smiled at the good times they must be sharing and shake my head, turning and stepping onto the train and finding an empty compartment which I throw my luggage up into the carrier area and sits on one of the couch like seats and giggle as my lovely Jinx hopped onto my lap, purring as I stroked her soft white fur.
I had been daydreaming of a sort when I heard the compartment door slide open and a most intoxicating voice spoke out. “May we sit here?” That is what he said, I looked up at the figure only to find James, it was shocking for only a brief moment, I regained myself and simply nodded, sighing inwardly as Jinx hopped over onto his lap the moment he sat down, I gave her a small glare but stopped when the rest of James’ family filed in and sat down, I had Rose sitting next to me with Lily next to her and across from myself was James, who was seated next to Albus, who had Hugh next to him. I’m sure if I were claustrophobic I would be screaming, I don’t see how they could adjust to these many children.
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this one does not understand human communications
trash king uwu

pls be patient i am sensitive
trash king uwu

pls be patient i am sensitive
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