1 - Have you ever been asked out?
Yes. Several times. And strangely enough, it's the one time that I got together with a couple people without being officially asked that I've become the happiest I've ever been.
2 - Where was your picture taken?
That one was at my house, the last time Nettie and I saw each other on good terms. We had a lot of fun, and I really really miss her.
3 - What's your middle name?
Marie. It sounds French, but when you combine it with my first name, Amanda, it actually doesn't sound that bad. Amanda Marie. Nice for a first name, no?
4 - Your current relationship status?
Very happily.
And with all my heart.
5 - Does your crush like you back?
You can't really consider them crushes, but they love me back just as much.
6 - What is your current mood?
Stressed. There's so much that needs to be done, and I just can't find time to do it, and motivation to even begin.
7 - What color underwear are you wearing?
Aqua blue girl boxers.
8 - What color shirt are you wearing?
White, with pretty blue designs on it. It's a Ford shirt.
9 - Missing something?
Lots of things. My iPod, a life, faith in the larger portion of humanity. Mostly my iPod.
10 - If you could go back in time and change something, what would you do?
Nothing. I've made my choices as best I can, and I've grown from them. If I go back and 'fix' things, who knows how I'll end up?
11 - If you must be an animal for one day, what?
I'd probably be a cat, if I just had to pick. Agile, smart, cute, independent. Awesome in a little catnip loving package.
12 - Ever had a near death experience?
Nope. Never even broken a bone. Not even a little one.
13 - Something you do a lot?
Worry. And stop myself from crying when I really want to. That one I do a LOT.
14 - The song stuck in your head?
"I Feel You" by Schiller
15 - Who did you copy and paste this from?
16 - Name someone with the same birthday as you?
Nobody I know right now. I knew a girl in second grade with the same birthday, though... Vanessa, I think. Does she count?
17 - When was the last time you cried?
Earlier today. I tried not to, but it was too much, and I couldn't help it.
18 - Have you ever sung in front of a large audience?
No, but I dance for small audiences often.
19 - If you could have one super power what would it be?
The power to see and touch spirits xd
20 - What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
Probably their face. See if I can see any kindness in their eyes.
21 - What do you usually order from Starbucks?
Venti Strawberries and Cream Frappucino.
22 - What's your biggest secret?
Oh lordy. Got lots of those.
I never let anyone see me cry because it's weak in my opinion.
I'm so jealous of Nettie in so many aspects that it's not even funny.
Jesse bugs the hell out of me about as often as she makes me happy.
I really do want to be close to God, but my pride and my fear won't let me.
I hurt Loki so much, and it cleaves my heart in two every time.
I hate it when people don't take my advice.
I'm so sick and tired of the people I'm forced to live with.
I wish that I could make my family happy 24/7. I'd give anything.
I want to punch Cathy so bad that she shrivels up and cries.
All this and more.
23 - Favorite color?
Royal Purple.
24 - Do you still watch kiddie shows or tv shows?
I don't really watch a lot of tv anymore.
25 - What's on your walls?
A poster of two dragon anthros fighting, a poster of Chuck Norris jokes, a poster of Abstract Blue by Georgia O'Keefe, a painting of a young woman holding a pitcher walking through a garden, two Final Fantasy X-2 posters, an Inuyasha poster, a Deathnote poster, and a poster of Sephiroth (Final Fantasy Advent Children version). My walls used to be covered with my drawings until my dad deemed them satanic.
26 - What are you?
A scholar. A human. A lover. A dreamer. Engel's professional pain in the a**. An anchor. Among other things.
27 - Do you speak any other language?
Nope. I know how to cuss a bit in German, but nothing really polite for everyday conversation.
28 - What's your favorite smell?
The Earth, after a refreshing rain.
29 - Describe your life in one word.
Can I just giggle maniacally instead?
30 - Have you ever kissed in the rain?
Nope. I should fix that, though.
31 - What are you thinking about right now?
Kissin' Loki and Nyx in the rain.
33 - What should you be doing?
Meditating, working on my spirit documents, practicing my magick, training, paying attention to my family, getting more food for family.
34 - Who was the last person that made you upset/angry?
Angry? This girl at school who really pissed me off. Upset? I don't think stress in general is a person.
35 - How often do you talk to God?
Never. He freaks me out, and I'm really really weird about him.
36 - Do you like working in the yard?
When I have to.
37 - If you could have any last name in the world, what would you want?
38 - Do you act differently around a person you have a crush on?
Nope. I try to be myself around everyone.
39 - What is your natural hair color?
Light brown/blonde.
40 - Who was the last person to make you cry?
Mytho, because I don't know how to help him.