well eveyone you guesses it. it's lent(well tomorrow to be tecnical)
well anyway i've decied to give up something very hard this year
i'm going to try to have a positve out look on things and i'm going to be nice! oh yes and i'm going to try to be less scared of things. it's going to be hard but it's only.............40 days... well it's not that bad ......actually i'm almost going to try to be a differnt person...but a better person! (ugg i'm dead xp ) but my friends said there going to be mean and try to get me to flip....but i'll just old a grudge...hahaha
parting words
just try ok. and it's not all tht bad
my favorite emots of the day
xp scream evil twisted emo burning_eyes ninja talk2hand dramallama stressed sweatdrop
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