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my awesomely awesome journal! Im going to right my songs and diary in here.... so ya...

Community Member
Blood of the Winter Rose

In the center of the garden there was a rose, a winter rose, a white rose, but with red trickling down the sides...

Chapter 1

It was around 2 ‘O clock pm, the sky was a bright blue with thin clouds coming every now and then; oh ya, and I’m in England, I came from Tigard Oregon, I may be a little over my head with this… maybe…

Mikes the kind of guy that doesn’t talk unless he feels like he has to… and right now it’s that kind of time, he thinks that I’m going to leave or something. Well to tell you the truth I don’t really know what he’s talking about.
“Come on Elli, can you listen for just one sec?” Mike said
“What? Oh ya.. I’m all ears dad…” well… that was kind of a lie… but I guess he’s falling for it ‘cause he’s still talking…
“So when you gonna visit your mom?” He looked away from the table and looked at me (We were eating a late lunch, we just got home from the air port)
“I don’t know… I guess wants I get settled in.. or something like that…” I said while being way to zoned out to think.. And I’m pretty sure he can see that… woops..
“come on Elli… what’s up?"
“nothing dad.. Just taking in the new place… you know the new.. Well… everything…” I sighed
“Elli are you regretting coming with me here? Are you sure you want to stay? Cause I betcha Chris is still waiting at the other side of the air port for ya to turn around! Ha! Now that I think about it, she could never let you go! Hahaha!” His laugh was so obnoxious but I couldn’t help laughing with him.
“Dad really, plus why do you always call me Elli, im not 7 dad, you don’t hear me calling you “daddy”.”
“ Do you not like Elli, I can call you Elaine if you want, and plus who said I don’t like you calling me daddy?” he said complaining now
“Dad I’m 17, the least you can do is call me by my real name… plus I don’t want to call you Daddy, just Dad” Some how he got that as funny and busted out in to laughter… this time I was lost just sitting in the living room waiting for him to let me see my room.
I lifted my self from the couch and jotted up stairs
“haya Kid were ya goin?”
“ My room you know I haven’t been here in 4 years…”
“5” he corrected in not that much of a happy tone.

My room was pink with frills every ware, I couldn’t help but to gag at all of the girly stuff. Now I could see why he was distracting me. I wasn’t to same girly girl I was 5 years ago. I had different interests like my favorite color was purple not pink, and I HATE frilly things, if he was right and all of the girls in the town loved my room, then boy howdy I was in for more then I could take.

Chapter 2

Mike fallowed me up to my room and saw my expression.” I knew I should have painted it a different color… Sorry Ell- Elaine” he corrected him self before I could, he was lucky I was slow and he was fast… at both catching on and catching up…
“Its fine dad” I lied again “ I can just paint it my self, I brought a little money I bet I could get some-”
“NO!” he yelled “ You are not going to pay for paint that I forgot to get, Ill get it for you an you’ll get some friends and have fun painting your room. Or if it comes to the conclusion… you know, I will paint it for you.” I knew exactly what he meant, he meant if I don’t get any friends and I cant paint it with them then he will send me back to Tigard and he will paint it so when I’m ready to come back and start out new at a new school it‘ll be all ready. I don’t get the point of this though, I mean he always over reacts any ways!
“ Dad its fine, I’ll get plenty of friends… I hope” I said the last part under my breath so he couldn’t hear me.
“Elli-Elaine why don’t you just go back home, then you wont have to go through a new school and new friends?
“Because dad I love you and I will stay as long as I can!” I said with a little of doubt that I was hoping he couldn’t hear…
I jerked my bag up on to my shoulder and headed out the door and in to my car. when I was in my big muddy purple truck I started mumbling something that even I didn't under stand... weird. So I started my car and drove at a nice slow pace... just how I like it.
I really hope different people are there... or not.. the first words I herd
" Hey hot stuff! nice car! ha ha!" jerk, why don't you just shut you mouth before I tackle you!
" I'm not in the mood... please just leave me alone." seriously... Right when I just placed one little toe on the ground,
" What’s wrong? you get in a fight with your daddy?" he said it like a was a dog, or a baby so I plunged my self tord him but before I could get to him something raped around my rest.
"Hey no need to get feisty" he said, then roared a laugh
" O Crap!" great now im in trouble... I turned around to expect a teacher but instead I saw the most beautiful face ever with bright blue bird eyes, dark brown hair, and full pink lips. his eyes widened and he let go of me. As I expected I fell to the ground with and instant but I didn't care, I may have actually found a friend! He just walked away.
" hey!" I shuffled my self up and tried to run and ketch up with him " who Are you?"
"My name is Nick... your..." he took a breath to think
"Elaine... nice name by the way... so why did you stop me?" I was so curious.. well not really I just want to get to know him! I chuckled to my self
"can I get in on the joke?"
" what? oh.. nothing..." totally embarrassing!
" I don’t like fights" weird... all boys like fights, but I didn't care, his voice said it in the most censer way I couldn’t think of anything else! I looked uo and saw he was looking at me, in a weird way, I wasent very sure what way that may be.. But it was very weird… " did you not like that? cause if you-"
"NO!” I posed for a second “I'm fine! just nobody really stops though kind of things, ya know," I posed to think... "or not, but usually the teachers have to do that..."
"Oh.. thx for the info.. Im new here.. its nice to just get a little friend on the first day..."
" ha... ya I wish that could have happened with me..."
"What?" he looked so confused... but curious like... he’s trying to learn something.. or see something... "did people not like you... or.."
" WHAT!?!?! oh no... well.. ya.. but... just... well... heh..." I was so nervous when I figured out every one was listening and staring... woops... I started to fast walk to my next class.
"Hey... Wait.. what’s you next class?" he finally cot up to me just to ask me that. " cause I'm kind of lost here..."
“ English... you? I can just tell you were your class is..." Im kind of breaking down here... cant you just go to the office? I swear if you get any prettier Ill cry!
" Same.. I'll just fallow you... is that ok?" he sounded nervous just like me... well maybe just a little but more graceful...
"What? oh.. ya... sure.. its right over here... room 99" ok... so.. maybe.. he .. might.. like.. me... NO!!!! no no no no no no!!!! I cant think that! he’s WAY to cute for me! he cant.. or... look at him.. oh geese...
"Is something wrong? I can just ask the office for directions.. you already passed room 100...." I could barley hear him.. he’s so.... beautiful! he sighed
"... What?... Oh! woops! heh.. Oh well. back here! heh.. sorry!" I really shouldn’t try to act cool.. I think he's kind of tired of that stuff...
"could you not act cool...?" its like he read my mind.. I froze in place
"Hey Nick!" I didn’t recognize this voice "who’s she?" A boys voice... I popped my head up he was just as beautiful.. ok maybe not a beautiful... I still think Nick it cuter! he... wait... no!!
"No!" oh god... Why did I just do that? Just run and pretend nothing ever happened... before I could get more then 2 steps out of me the hand raped around again
"What! wait.. what did I say.. are you ok?" He was obviously desperate..
"What’s up with her? hey do you know were English is?" he obviously wasn’t
“are you crying? Im so sorry.. What did I d-”
"No! Im not... sorry.. umm.. just.. well... I don’t like my mind right now...." Why did I just say that?!?!?!!? Am I really that stupid?!?!?! now he obviously know I like him!!! god damn it!!!!
"oooooo... your in trouble with her now..."
“shut up!” his voice sounded horse… like he was crying to.. Oh god…HOT!!!
Boy cry’s with girl... they make each other feel better... they kiss... wait.. no!!! no no no no no no no!!!! this is wrong!! just look and see..
before I could look he was gone... were did he go? was he in class? or.. that was fast.. room... 105.. wow.. I made it along way with him.. 104... 103... 102.. 101... 100.... 99... got it! ha!...the only seat was next to nick... how unfortunate - I thought sarcastically - I rushed to my seat
"What was that? how did you-"
Com down.. Elaine.. just com down.. gosh.. I have serious anger issues... he looked at my confused face
" what’s wr-"
".. nothing!" HA NOW WHO GOT CUT OFF!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! MUHAHAHAHHA!!!... ok.. serious anger issue...

chapter 3

"I'm home!" And tired, and bored, and well... suckish...
"hey Elli!" He sounded like he was in the kitchen.. so just avoid there...
"Elli.. Who was that?" great now you've done it!
"umm... dad.. this is.. umm.. Nick..." Mike rushed out of the kitchen
"WHO?!?!?!!?....A...... boy?" he looked crazy!
"Ya.. can I not hang out with a boy?" what am I boy rejected?
"Hello... I'm Nick.. Nice to meet you." he said is and such a perfect tone.. Mike couldn't refuse!
"GET OUT!" what?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!
"No! its fine.. Dad.. were just friends..." I grabbed his wrist to keep him form going anywhere.
"umm... Elaine.. ummm... I can just go.. I don't want to start a fi-"
"What... did you pick him cause he’s.... sooooo.. perfect??!?!?!!?" He spit out the last word like he was a problem.
"NO!" yes... "He’s just a friend dad!!! Plus… ugg… I'm going now.. I don't care what you say!!!!" I turned around with him and went up to my room
"Elaine get back here!” he was ferrous now.. but I don't care! I was running now .
I Got to my door and I herd Mike yelling at us but I didn't care. I opened my door and saw my room... O CRAP! MY ROOM!!! ITS WAY TO EMBARRASSING!!
I quickly slammed my door shut "Why don't we just go to your house? heh heh... My rooms.. not..." I looking for the right word "Decent..."
" Can I at least see your room before Mike comes up?" Nick said.... ooohhhhhh!!! Why dose he have to sound soooo perfect?!?!!??!?! What could I say? No? "Sure.. just... don't laugh... I haven't been here in 5 years ok?"
He looked VERY curious now... "Ok.. Why would I judge you by your room?"
"Well... I don't know.. But.. well... " I'm being an idiot! just spit it out!! "Just.. Come in..." I said in and irritated voice.. whoops...
we came in together and his eyes practically popped out! noooo!!! why did I let him convince me to let him in??!?!?!
"wow... umm.. I didn't know you liked... pink....?" he said almost a question
"well... I don't.. just my dad wont let me paint it alone... he wants me to have a friend to do with me.. but im thinking purple.. and no frills..." Maybe he can be my friend to paint with... maybe.. if mike didn't freak out...
"o.... well... for now lets just sit.. I guess..."He said
"ok..." this is a bit to award...
He went to go sit on the bed so I sat in my desk chair.
"so... how long have you been with Mike?" He said.. obviously he was curious to why I new were to go.. or maybe because I almost fought with that guy...?
"umm well I came here about 5 years ago and the same people are still here... I didn’t really like the people... so mike had me move back to Tigard and I was there for a little bit.. and I asked if I could come back..."
"and she said yes... what’s her name?"
"Chris" Why did he want to know that? " My real moms name is rosile though"
"really... what happened to her?" He asked
"umm... she died... with my dad when I was 5... " I looked down and felt a hand on my shoulder "then I went through about 3 different families in about a month... I was kind of winy..."
"Im... so sorry.. I shouldn't have asked...." now he really sounded like he was crying..
"Its fine" I looked up" plus going through all of that I found a really nice family who got me to calm down.. but then Mike and Chris adopted me from them.. so this is about my 5th family... but I don’t think I have anything to worry about because mike and Chris promised to keep me as long as they can."
"well that’s nice of them.."
"it seems to me that you like the number 5...?" he said in kind of a question form.. why?
"What? oh.. now I get it... Iv been gone for 5 years... I was five when my mom died.. and Iv been through 5 families... well actually 6.. including my real family... but ya..." I said then the hand came off and before I could look back he was on my bed again
"Im.. sorry.. I really shouldn’t have asked... so why did you want to come back?" he asked.. thanks for changing the subject!
"umm... I don't really now.. I guess I just wanted to see mike again or something..." I said " can I ask you some question?"
"sure.. You get 3..." He smiled and nodded his head while he said it
"where did you come from?"
"I don't know I was adopted when I was 4... I don't really remember that much and I don’t even bother asking William."
wow... he doesn’t remember anything? "oh.. so you don't even remember your
parents names?"
"No.. just that my mom gave birth to me.. and my dad died"
"oh... sorry.. umm.. do yo-" he interrupted me
"I think I want to stay here…”
“how did you know what I was going to ask?" I asked.. now I was curious...
"you've been asking that for a wile now..."
"Oh.. well. then that one doesn't count!!!!" I hope...
"What? fine... ask away...."
"ok.. well... have you ever had feelings for someone... as in you like like someone?"
"No.. not really... well at least not till I meet this really sweet girl who showed me the way..."
"oh.. so do you have a girl friend?" great... now I probably have no chance... wait.. no!
"When did we meet?" he ask
why dose it matter.. I asked a totally different question!... "I don't know.. like a couple of days ago..."
he looked confused "Really... I thought it was more like a week..."
"Ok.. we've known each other for about a week... so. answer my question..."
"well. I really like this girl who I meet about a week ago.. she helped me out and she’s has extremely beautiful red-brown curly hair" he came and braided his fingers through my hair and let go " some eyes I bet are beautiful.. but I cant see because there blocked by glasses..." he looked strait in to my eyes..
I was confused... did he mean… me? he came closer and closer, then so close
that our lips met and before I could say any thing we were kissing... wow...
he pulled away to see me expression that I didn't even know I had in me.
he frowned "I'm sorry... I shouldn't of done that..."
I finally figured out what he was talking about, my face was the most surprised face I've ever had "what... umm.. its.. ok.. I guess... umm. im glad that you told me.. umm... I would say the same thing.. but.."
"but?" he asked
"But... I'm kind of confused right now.. umm.. maybe we could get together some... other time...?"
"Was that a question? or.. a refusal..?"
"Ummm... I don't really know" I started to chuckle
"there's another great thing about you!"
"What?" I said confused now... What did I do?
"you laugh.. its cute..." he said... well... you probably don't know how many things are perfect about you.. I could name like 100 things... your hair, your eyes, your lips, you skin, your voice.... ect.
"... Ya dad?" don’t tell me he herd all of that??!?!?!
"can you come here for a sec?" Nick and I looked at each other
"sure" I looked at the door and then nick was right there holding it open
"umm.. ok.. bye nick.. I guess I’ll see you Monday..."
"sure" we walked down the stairs together and this time I held the door for him.
"bye nick.. nice to meet you" did Mike really just say that?
"umm.. ya nice to meet you to... have a good weekend."
"bye nick" I said the final good bye and then it was quiet
"Elaine.. can I talk to you?"
"sure dad... what is it?" I asked... please don't be about nick!
"look... Elaine... look I'm getting old... So is Chris… and we found this really nice fam-"
"NO!!!! MIKE! YOU PROMISED!!!!!" tears started to come out of my eyes and I wished nick had stayed.

Chapter 4
The next Monday I didn't see Nick anywhere... were was he when I needed him the most?!?! I went till lunch with people asking me what was wrong till I finally lost it.
"please! cant you just leave me alone!?!?!?!?!?!"
"ok.. Sorry Elaine..." Leigh said - Leigh is like my best friend but some times she worries to much.. Like right now she thinks that I’m going to die or something like that! - Leigh has wavy gold-blonde hair, Freckles and green eyes; in my opinion, shes way more pretty then I am.
I walked away and sat at my own table
"what was that?" I knew that voice "wait.. Elaine.. are you crying?!” It was nick.. finally! I herd him sit in a chair next to me and he started rubbing my back
"it.. mike.." I sniffled and wondered if he could under stand me " he broke his promise... he 'getting to old' "
"Elaine... what did he do? what promise?" why didn’t he remember?!
"the one I told you about Friday night! Mikes got a new family for me! he’s sending me off just like all of the others! he broke his promise! why didn’t you stay on Friday! I needed you!"
"Elaine... mikes... unadopting you?"
"yes!" I through my face in to his chest and started to cry even more "he said they found a really nice family that really wants a teen to spoil!"
"could you please stop saying my name?!?!"
"dude.. why did you pick such an emotional chick?" I new that voice.. it was that guy that was in the hall the other day...
I felt his head go up " could you just shut up! if what happened to her happened to me again.. I would cry to!" did he just yell at his friend.. for me??
he got up and carried me out
"were are you taking me" I managed to spit out
"some were that people wont criticize you!" he practically yelled
Everyone was fallowing us wondering what was happening. then he set me down in a soft seat, I looked up and saw a windshield and looked around to see that I was in his car.
"your going to meet my family..."
"just trust me... it may sound crazy but I know what im doing.."
"you better!" I looked at him, he looked really stressed "please.. if its to much.. don't do anything.. I can get over it just like the others..."
he looked at me confused "Why would I not help Elaine.…” he posed and looked around “what’s your last name?"
"Smith.. why?"
"My family will probably wan to know."
"oh..." I looked out the window and we were speeding by, I looked at the speed-o-meter and we were going over 100 mph "SLOW DOWN!" I yelled in a horse voice
"What? oh.. sorry.." he looked over at me "How are you feeling?"
"better..." I thought about what to say " now that im with you at least..."
He looked over at me again and smiled " I’m glad I can help... and if you feel so much better then why are you still crying?" he sounded concerned
I didn't even realize that I was still crying "what? .. oh.. sorry.. once I start I cant really stop..." *sniff*
He laughed at me again, how dose he always make me feel better? do I really like him? well if I do I would have no problems because he already admitted that he likes me.. maybe I do.. we kissed... dose that mean anything?
suddenly we stopped
" were here already?"
"ya... come on" he came around and opened my door "welcome to the Murray’s"
"my last name"
"oh" he helped me up and in to his house
"Nick? where were you? and who is she?” said a girl.. well lady I should say, she was BEAUTIFUL just like nick. they looked so much alike, I couldn't believe he was adopted.
"this is Elaine..." Nick said and pointed to me
"oh.. honey what’s wrong?” the lady said
"she was adopted.. again" nick looked at the lady and then at me
"o... well... Nick why did you bring her here?"
"who's that?” it was another girls voice.. dose he have a sister?
"Allison, go away!" nick yelled obviously they were siblings
"Ohhhhh!! she’s that girl you always talk about! What’s wrong with her?" ok.. I don’t like her either...
I looked up at Nick " you talk about me?" I asked
"oh.. all the time! your Elaine right?... see that’s how I know!"
"no its not! you just herd us talking!"
"its fine Nick.. I don’t mind you talking about me.."
"no.. why would I?" I was smiling now
"awwwww... look at that.. she’s all better... now that that’s over with... GET OUT!" Allison yelled.. Ok I was not expecting that...
"where’s William?" Nick asked
"who’s William? didn’t you talk about him on Friday?"
"he’s my dad.. foster"
"oh.. and she’s your mom?" I looked at the lady standing right next to me
"yes yes I am his mother... nick why do you want William?"
"I just want to talk to him.. well I do can you watch Elaine?"
I was more confused then I ever have been before... " wait.... your leaving?"
he looked down at me " Hun... you stopped crying!" he smiled"
"that’s not what I asked.."
"geash Nick.. you pick the picky..."
"ok.. who is she?!" I finally asked
" my sister Allison.. speaking of her.. I know a couple of things about her that you can tell to the school if you would like... unless she leaves..."
"you wouldn’t!"
"ya I kind of would..."
"mom!! you wont let him!" she wined
"well honey he already asked you to leave..." She explained
Allison huffed and mumbled something under her breath then turned around and walked away.
"now where is William?"
"in his office... I will take.. umm.. Elaine? home..." she picked up some keys
"NO! please... just let me go to school or stay here or something" I was begging I really didn't want to go back to mike.
"Please Renee...?" Nick said " She just wants to have some time"
"Fine.. be quick.. then you can hang out with her... im sorry Elaine.. its nothing ageist you... its just.. I don't really have the time right now... maybe I could get to know you some other time.. but I guess you could stay for now but Im warning you I wont be paying attention to ill be on the computer."
"I'm fine with that.. just as long at I can think about what I'm going to do..." I said very thankfully
"ok.. Elaine Ill be right back." he was leaving now?
"ok... be quick please?"
"sure" he went up the stairs and evaporated in to a room I was guessing to be Williams office.
"Please Elaine... sit."
"thank you so much for letting me stay here.. I owe you one!" I really do I couldn't even look at Mike after what happened Friday night.
"please Elaine.. you can just pay me back by sitting down and being quiet."
"yes.. of coarse" After that I waited what seemed like a day for him to come out of the room which was way more time then I needed.
"Nick.. is this Elaine?” I herd a man say, was that William? I turned around and saw Nick and A very handsome man coming down the stairs, through the corner of my eye I saw Renee stand up so I did what she did just in case.
"yes this is Elaine Smith"
"umm.. Hello." nick gave me a weird look I thought ' what else could I say?'
"please, Sit." William said in the 2nd most nice tone I've ever herd I sat and William Sat right next to me.
"so... what seems to be your problem?" wants He asked that I looked up at Nick didn't he tell his dad what was wrong?
"umm. well.. My foster Dad Mike and My foster mom Chris Want to give me to ANOTHER family." I said "Why?"
"Because the first step to getting better is telling people what happened" ok.. is it just me or dose this dude sound crazy? " know.. Why dose this bother you so much?"
"Well... they promised me that they would never get rid of me.” I said and looked up to see there faces.. not to bad so far.
"Any thing else?"
"no." After I said that he started writing something
"What happened to your parents?"
"they died"
I looked at him really weird and confused
"please William dose she really have to share that?" Nick was defending me now I thought 'THANK YOU!!!'
"yes.. she dose she has to release all that happened to her in the past."
"umm. ok.. well it was Mine and my moms birthday,"
"You and your mother shared a birthday?"
"so.. what happened?"
"I was getting there" I said getting irritated
"now.. please don't get snippy and just release your feelings."ok.. NOW he sounded retarded.
"ok..." I gave them both a look " umm well it was our birthday party and my mom didn't invite me.. she, hated me.. or something like that."
"maybe that's part of it?" he interrupted me.. I hate being interrupted.. I looked at Nick. He looked back and shrugged.
"maybe... umm.. well so I went down to her room to look at the party and it looked like they were having a lot of fun... and I got really mad so I picked up her favorite sculpture and-"
"ok.. so how did you see the party?" HE INTERRUPTED AGAIN!.. I mind as well get used to it.
"umm. she had this window thing.. that showed to the ball room." I waited “I picked up her favorite sculpture and through it on the ground, it broke in to about 3 or 4 pieces”
“How can you remember that?” he asked.. Why cant he interrupt when I’m ready?
“umm because I picked them up and hid under her bed and under there I counted them over and over again.”
“Why did you go under her bed?”
“Because I herd her coming up the stairs.”
“ok.. Go on.. Please”
“ok.. So.. Then my mom came and she saw her sculpture missing so she ran up to my room,”
“dose it bother you that she animatedly accused you?”
I looked up “kind of.. But not as much as when I herd her scream.”
“What kind of scream?” What? O..
“ A bloody murder scream” I looked down again to afraid to looked in to Nicks eyes “ My dad was frozen on the stairs.. Just looking up.. Some how when he was waiting his eyes found me.”
“really? How.. Was he just looking around or did his eyes go strait to you?”
“they went strait to me.. Like they.. Knew where I was.”
“ok.. Please continue”
“Ummm… so he pointed to me and said ‘you.. You.. You…’” I posed afraid to say to much then started again “’YOU KILLED YOU OWN MOTHER!’ He screamed it.. Like I really did do it” I was crying now.. Looking down and crying, suddenly Nick was at my side and rubbing my back.
“you can stop if you want.” he said in a mix of concern, sadness, and frightened
“no.. I’m fine.. If it will help then I will keep going” I looked up at him just to see that he looked even worse then he sounded.. He looked like he saw something like what I see every night… my mom coming back from the dead.. Hunting me down and torturing me.. Killing me.. The very slowest she can.
“very good Elaine. Now please continue” even William looked concerned and when I looked over at the computer Renee was gone
“where’s Renee?”
“She went up stairs.. She doesn’t really like sad stories.” now William sounded sorry “now please.. Continue”
“ok.. Umm. So he was walking closer and closer to me.. Like he was ready to kill me.” I stopped.. I never really thought about it that way. “I started to back up away from the edge… I was still looking at him but also at the stairs, a man.. He wakened down the stairs, my dad turned around. Every one scream including me… though I couldn’t hear my self over every one else.” I posed again waiting for William to say something “We screamed because he.. And the lady he was caring were covered in blood.. Soon enough I figured out that it was my mom.. He killed my mom and know he was showing everyone.”
“so.. A man murdered you mother?”
“what happened to your father
“umm.. Well I was still under the bed and suddenly a ton of guys started every thing on fire.” Nick stiffened up so I stopped to see if he was ok. He looked at me with concern again “umm. Then they were killing every one.. But then I lost sight, fire just went all the way around the edge of the bed, and an earth quake struck and it made the bed collapsed on me.. Every thing went black and I saw a mans face.. He lifted up the bed but it was to late.”
“so.. How are you still alive?” Nick asked that question.
I looked up at him then looked down. “ I don’t really now… but I woke up in a hospital and I asked the nurse where my family was all she said was ‘they died in a fire’ thats when I remembered what really happened… all they said was ‘you had a heart attack.’” I looked up first at William, his face was filed with terror, like he knew what happened, what really happened, or like he saw it. Then I looked at nick, I looked away automatically to afraid to hear What he would say.

Chapter 5
“Mike?” I just got home, I hope he can talk, kind of.
“Elaine??!?!? Is that you! Oh my god!” he came out of the Landry room and ran to hug me
“dad, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have got so mad at you.”
“Elaine! Don’t worry! I should be sorry, I would take you back but-”
“I know dad, its not possible, I’ve been told that before.” I wasn’t so happy now that he mentioned that. “umm, and by the way, is it ok if Nick comes with us to meet my new family?”
“If that’s what you want.” he looked confused
“is it ok if he comes over tonight? Just to help me get ready to move.”
“Elaine, is he out side?”
HOW DID PARENTS KNOW THAT STUFF?!?!?!?! “ummm, maaaayybbbeeee,” I stretched out the last word
“he gave me a ride home! Can he at least stay for dinner?” PLEEEAAAASSSSEEEE!!!!!!!!?????!??!?!!??
“fine.. I guess, I can talk to him then.” noooooooooo!!!! Just eat!
“you can let him in now.” he had a smug smile on
I went to open the door then Mike put his hand on my shoulder
“If you want then you guys can,” he cringed and steered through the rest “go up stairs for a little,”
“oh!!!! Thank you thank you thank you!!!! Thank you daddy! I LOVE YOU!” I practically scream
“Just don’t scare me like that again!”
“Like what?”
“Like you not getting home till” he looked at his rist watch “ 9:00 at night!”
“sorry dad, Nick took me to Dr.Murry, he helped me with the whole dieing thing, and adopting thing, and nick helped to!”
“Really?” he looked confused then acted all proper “may I talk to nick?”
“umm, sure, let me just go get him.” I went to the door and saw him leaning on his car, then I saw that it was poring down rain “NICK! COME IN SIDE BEFORE UP GET SICK!” god, how stupid can some boys be?!
He ran over to me “yes Elaine?”
“Mike wants to talk to you,” I stretched up to his ear to whisper “Be careful he will try to trick you”
“don’t worry, I’ll be fine.” He said in a beautiful voice but I couldn’t help but to think, that’s what you think!
“Hello Nick, please, take a seat” Nick walked over to the couch and sat next to mike, who some how went there when I was talking to Nick. “Elaine, can you give us some privacy?”
I looked at nick “sure, I’ll be up in my room, please send him up when your done, and please,” I went up to mike to whisper “Don’t interview him!”
“don’t worry Elaine, now, shue, shue.”
I walked up to my room but I herd him say these first words
“Look, nick, I know you like my daughter, please she is in a rough situation right about now, just go easy on her ok?” did he really just except him to be my… boyfriend?
“ummm, yes sir, I will keep her safe.” awwww! He just said that, I know that for a fact!
“please, Nick go convert her, but if I her any complaints from her you will be right next in line with her mom to meet god! Got it!” WHAT! Dad… why?!?!!? Know he’s probability scared half to death!
“ummm… yes sir,” he shuffled up and went up the stairs, I was waiting there the whole time so I quickly ran in to my room and shut my door, but right when I did he knocked so I opened it again.
“hey, sorry about that, he’s, ummm, kind of protective.” please don’t tell me your freaked out about it!
He went and sat on my bed again. “its fine.” this time I sat right next to him
I tried to start a conversation, I looked around and got an idea “I really wished I could paint my room before we leave, but I guess that wont happen.”
“Ya that would have been fun” he was staring at me, like I was his, with that smile, the most beautiful smile ever.
Should I tell him now? Or later? Ohhhhhhhhhhhh! Why dose he have to look soooooo perfect?!?!? “ummm… so Nick,” god! I’m being an idiot! I thought this would be easy?!
“Yes Elaine?” He was so happy, maybe this was the best time to tell him.
Nick shaped his hand around my chin “Hun, Say what ever you want.” He was so beautiful!
This was the perfect time! I leaned forward and kissed him, I brot myself back.
“ummm, I think I have to go now” o GOD!?!?!?! What did I just do?! He doesn’t like me any more! I knew it!
He got up and left with a confused face.

Later that night I couldn’t do anything but think about him - My mind was over flowing with nick. He’s, my life, He’s turning my life the way its supposed to be, I couldn’t give up now!
Should I call him? Should I Text him, Email him? WHAT SHOULD I DO?!
I opened my phone to attempt to call him, but then I saw the time, 12 O’clock! Who the heck would be up know! Wait, I know who would, MARIA! I dialed her number in to my phone, and the first words I herd were
“who’s the boy and what did he do?”
“how did you know it was a boy?”
“Just a lucky guess, now, what did he do?” she like a machine, she knows every thing about boys and mistakes, like how to fix them, hopefully she will help!
“Well I kissed him and-”
She interrupted to say “WAIT WHAT?!” She was freaking out “you kissed him, who? Why, When? Wait, just tell me from the begging!”
“Well, I brote him home with me, and mike, sent him upstairs to ‘confert’ me.”
“wait, he sent him?”
“ya, it was really weird!”
“ya, tell me about it.”
“so then he came up stairs and when he came in I tried to tell him I liked him, but I couldn’t get it out! Then he grabbed my chin and I thought that was the perfect way to tell him, so I kissed him! Then he just got up and left!”
“ok. Calm down hun”
“Well, what should I do?” I was calm now, if she gets me up set again, then I probably wont be able to control my self.
“well, just talk to him tomorrow!” she was so good at advise, but there was always a niche
“What if I cant get anything out? Just like last night!” it was technically last night.
“don’t worry, I’ll be there for you!” then the night was like an infinity sign, especially with her talking, no affiance, but SHE DOESN’T STOP!

Chapter 6
Winter wonderland
It has been exactly a day after I told him, I was surprised I could sleep last night, but I was on my way to school to attempt to ask him what was wrong.
I finally got to school after a long slow drive trying to avoid this “subject”. I saw him and odimatically got the erg to get back in my car and drive away, but Maria saw me and forced me over to him.
“Hey nick,” Maria, I swear if you say anything else, oh no! he herd! No! He’s coming!!! “Elaine, would like to talk to you for a sec.” I was trying as hard as I could to slow us down, but it obviously wouldn’t do any thing!
“umm, ok.” He said in a bored/exited voice, I couldn’t pick out which one it was.
Maria left us alone, thank god she was gone, but help me, Nick’s still here!
“umm, hi.” What am I doing?!
He didn’t say any thing just looked at me, I think he was looking in to my eyes. He came closer, every slowly, but I stayed still ‘cause I didn’t know what he was doing. He was coming closer and closer and I looked to my side for the slightest second and I saw the every one out side looking. The person I saw the most was Maria. She was smiling and clapping enjoying the moment, then pointed to him.
I looked up and saw him not even an inch away from my face, suddenly he went really fast and kissed me just like I kissed him, right when out lips met I felt a cold drop of liquid hit my head, we stopped and I looked up, it was what looked like a bunch of black and white dots trying to form a picture.
It was so beautiful when some idiotic person ruined to moment “Its snow!” wow, thanks caption obvious! Right then the first bell rang and every one was running in.
I was still enjoying the moment when Nick grabbed my hand pulled me to his chest and said “I love you.” Pulled me titer then kissed me, “I don’t want you to get sick,” then started to drag me inside.

After school Nick and I were lucky to be the first ones outside so there were no foot steps anywhere on the paper thin sheet of snow. But there was one single part that was different, so I walked over to the spot, while Nick fallowed me. We were so close I could see what it was. A winter rose, but it was weird there was Blood surrounding it.
“What the hell is that?!”
“it’s a Winter Rose.” He looked confused, but so did I
“Ya, I know that, its my favorite flower, but what’s up with the red blood stuff?!” I dipped my finger into the blood to see if I was imagining it, but when it was on my finger it turned purple. “WHOA!”
“What, its just a winter rose with snow around it.”
“NO! There is blood! And when I put my finger in it turned purple!”
“ok Elaine, Calm down!” he was looking at me now really confused not knowing what I was talking about he looked down and put his finger in the blood, then it turned into snow. “see, its just snow.”
“but, but, before, it was-”
He put his pointer finger on my lips “shhhh, don’t worry, its just snow.” I looked at him with the most confused expiration.
Nick drove me home - We kissed- and I went to bed. That night I woke up to a noise, I opened my eyes and saw a man, staring ant me. I closed my eyes and re-opened them, He was gone.
I went strait to Nick the next day and told him what happened. “Then I opened my eyes and he was gone,” I explained “I was to bad, I didn’t see who he was, but he was definitely familiar.”
Nick looked really worried, “Please, if you cant come to school tomorrow call me!” He wouldn’t let go of me for the rest of the day.

I was walking to school today, It was just to beautiful to pass up, plus it might make the day go slower so I don’t have to see my new family. Suddenly I herd something, I looked back but there was nothing there. I turned around and kept on walking, but a bit faster. Then I felt something hard hit my head, everything went black.

Well I was ‘sleeping’ I saw how my family die over and over again, I was wondering if I was dead. Suddenly everything stopped, right when it was on the guy carrying my mom, it was Mike. I woke with a scream, but it couldn’t come out fully because my mouth was filled with rope.
I looked down and saw my hands tied to chair arms, my ankles tied to the legs, and the chair nailed to the ground. I looked across the room and saw someone else, I couldn’t get out who it was, but it was a girl, and she looked familiar to, just like the guy last night. Then I realized why I couldn’t see, my glasses were off. I looked around to see if I could recognize anything. I was in my old church Mike and I would go to. But it was burnt all over, just like when My family died, mike. Mike was doing this! WHY!?
I looked across the room again, my vision focused and I saw Chris, My old foster mom, NO!
The door opened I saw Mike - I was right Mike was behind this. Chris tried screaming but the rope was blocking the screeching sound.
“Oh look, Elaine, Your up. How was your rest?” Why did mike do all of this?
“You killed my mom! You killed every one I loved!” Oh no! Nick! “You better leave Nick alone!”
“What’s that? You want me to get Nick?” he looked at me, “Plus if I do, What could you do, if your dead?”
“What was that?” I hate the fact that he was acting like he couldn’t understand me “yes?” wait, no!
Suddenly Nick came dashing through the doors “Elaine!”
“What the hell are you doing here!?”
“Elaine” Nick Cried, then tried running over to me, but before he could get to me, Mike practically through him across the room.
“NICK!” Why did mike do all of this?! “MIKE, please, stop!”
“Don’t worry I only kill Girls, Lady’s, or woman.” IS HE CRAZY!?
Nick got up and tackled him, “DON’T, TOUCH, HER!!!”
“Elaine’s right, you don’t want to mess with me,” he jerked a gun out of him pocket. “I guess one boy wont ruin my rep.” then he did his berserk laugh.
“No, mike! Please!” could he under stand me?!
“Elaine just shut up!” he put his finger on the trigger, I closed my eyes - I never wanted to watch any thing, or any one die. But that was done with. I herd the gun go off. About a second later I felt a sharp pain in my stomach, it took me a little to figure out that Mike shot me.
“Sorry Elaine, I couldn’t risk it.” I opened my eyes, he truly did look sorry, he looked at me again, “and I’m sorry for this, but I think you may not want to see this. Plus I cant have any witnesses.”
I felt another sharp pain in my head, Why was he doing this?! Then I herd another gun shot, I opened my eyes one last time and saw Nicks phone open on the floor and Nick laying down, bleeding to death
But he said “Elaine, every thing,” *cough* “ Will be, ok.”
I could hear everything, but it was all blurring, I saw police officers grab Mike, and I could hear an ambulance coming, then I saw Williams horrified face When he saw his son. He was over to us with in seconds, “NICK! NICK! NO! NICK!”
But that was the last I herd, till I was dead.

Chapter 7
I woke up - surprisingly - but it was really hard to breath, I felt something cutting my thought, I figured out that I was breathing through a tube. As I woke up I looked around more. The room was - What I was guessing to be a hospital room - white, with flowers every were, one suspifice bouquet sticked out the most, white roses. Nick.
I also saw a man in white, the, doctor? He looked like he was checking my status, then he looked at me, it frightened me a bit. “Elaine, your up! So, would you like time to yourself? Or would you like Nick, Chris, Mrs. Ash Mr. Ash, and practically your hole school to stop worrying?”
Right then I realized the doctor was William, and what he was talking about. “Wait, Nick, Chris? I thought-”
“There fine, they just got shot once, Mike shot you twice, and you’ve been out for almost a week now,” He looked really worried “And we almost lost you.”
“ok, wait, there ok?!?!? Bring them here, NOW!” I was desperate to see if they really were ok.
“Ok, don’t worry they will come, just calm down, you cant get your heart beat over 100.” he went out the door.
I was guessing that I was right next to the lobby because I could hear everything.
“Nick, Chris, please, she would like to see you two.” That was, William, I could tell
“Elaine? She’s up?” Nick said that, with a mix of excitement and worried ness.
“oh, Elaine!”
“Please, right over here.” then the door opened and I saw William again.
After him came Chris - with a bandage around her arm (which I was guessing to be were she got shot) and still in her hospital clothes. Then Nick - he had a bandage around his head (MIKE SHOT HIM IN THE HEAD!) and he was also in his hospital clothes.
“Nick, Chris, your ok.” I said in a cracked dry voice
Suddenly there heads snapped over to me “Elaine!” they both said at the same time. It scared me how they moved so fast. Nick was on my right and Chris was on my left, William was at my feet.
“Is that how fast normal people walk, and I’m just slow, or are you guys just really fast?” every one started laughing
“good, not to much brain damage.” he put his hand on my head, it felt like a 100 pound weight
“Ouch!” I practically screamed and pulled my hand to my head.
“What? Oh, sorry Hun!” he sounded really sorry
“Its fine, just, please don’t do that.” I groaned
“so, Elaine, do you want to meet your new family?”
I looked at William “Sure.”
He left again and I was alone with Nick and Chris, then I realized that I was holding Nicks hand really hard, I let go “Sorry,”
“What? oh, its fine.” he looked down, and grabbed my hand “I think I actually liked it before you let go.” he smiled and the door opened again
“please, Elaine greet your new family, the ashes.”
Two people walked in with smiles going ear to ear. They looked so happy, the girl - woman - had really short carrot red hair, and was wearing all pink. The boy - Man - had no hair at all, and he was wearing blue, all blue.
“Oh My Gosh, my baby girl it hurt, oh no, are you ok?” she came over and pinched my cheeks
“Umm, Mrs. Ash I think I’m fine, pinching me just makes me in more pain.” I finally choked out, then she stopped “Thank you”
“I’m so sorry honey!” she was about to pinch my cheeks then held her self back “Sorry.”
“its fine”
“Hun, you should probably stop talking.” I looked up to see Nick hovering over me “It probably hurts a lot, plus you may need more sleep. You know you were out for about 2 weeks, but… you did get shot in your head and stomach.” he looked down at me and grabbed my hand
“Two weeks?!”
“Yes, but for getting shot twice, that’s a short time.” he looked really, really concerned, why dose he always have to worry?
“Well, you got shot in your head? When did you wake up? Do you feel fine? How long are you supposed to sleep? don’t worry about me so much! You sleep, you take care of your self, ok?” I looked up at him after my mini speech.
He was still looking down at me, suddenly he started to lean closer to the bed and before I knew it he was laying down next to me, “Ill sleep, only if you do to.” he looked back at me.
I looked up at everyone, supposedly I had no one to look at, they had left while we were talking or something magical like that. “Fine.”
I laid down fully and looked at him as he brought him hand to my face, when I figured out he was aiming for my glasses, I popped up odemadicly “What do you think your doing?”
“You cant sleep with your glasses on, can you?”
“No, but you just want to see my eyes, that’s why you want to take them off! that’s why your even doing this! Get out!”
“Elaine” He sighed “If you show me yours Ill show you mine.”
I laughed as hard as I could - it hurt but I did- “What do you mean I can see your right now!”
He turned around and did something that looked like he was scratching his eyes out. He turned back around with his eyes closed, “Are you ready?” without my confirm he opened his eyes.
They were gorgeous, still blue, but sparkly, lighter, and exactly like mine. I gasped.
“I told you.”
“You didn’t say a thing.” I looked at the rest of his expression, he was smiling. “What?”
“Please?” he looked at me, that way, you know that way a boy looks at you when he wants something.
I gave him an uneasy look, what the heck, he has the same eyes. I put one hand on each side of my glasses and pulled then off, still thinking if I should. When they were fully off I had my eyes closed, I opened them I and herd a gasp
“We have the same eyes!” he exclaimed “How?” he looked confused
“That’s the only reason I showed you.” I looked down
He put his hand on my shoulder took my glasses out on my hands and helped me back into my bed. “You really should get some sleep, we can figure this out tomorrow.”
I looked up at him when he was helping me “You know I wasn’t joking,” he looked confused “I’m not going to sleep unless you go to sleep to.” I smiled as a gin slowly drew across Nicks face.
Nick got on the bed and put his arm around me again “Good morning.” we both smiled and slowly fell asleep.

Chapter 8
Nick and I just woke up and were already talking about how our eyes could have been the same, “Maybe were…”I didn’t even want to think of this reason “Related?”
“No, I didn’t have any siblings.” that was really weird since Allison and Nick looked a lot alike.
“ok, umm, maybe there’s something wrong with us?”
“Maybe me, but your to perfect to have something wrong with you.” I looked at him, he was looking at me, smiling
“umm, thanks, I guess” I was never really taught how to deal with that kind of stuff… “So, umm, maybe…”
Suddenly William came through the door “Hello, Elaine, Nick, you two may leave wants you are ready, please go to the front desk to get your reseats,” He looked at nick “I will see you at home” then looked at me “ I hope I don’t see you soon, that may mean your hurt, but if its at home, I will be happy to see you…”
It was quite, William left and my chin was in his hands, He shoved his face to mine and we were kissing, our 4th? I think… I giggled to my self “What?” right, I forgot the fact that he is always wondering
“Nothing, just I was thinking of how crazy I am,” I posed “I was thinking about how many times we kissed…” I giggled again and this time Nick joined me and we were both laughing.
Nick got up “Come on, I can probably get us both a discount if we go get our reseats now…” he trailed off telling me how he can get to pay less because of William…
“Ok, let me just get dressed, Ill meat you out there.” I looked around “Where exactly are my clothes?”
He roared a laugh “Mrs. Ash has them.” my new mom?
We walked out of the room together and I saw a big crowd of people in the lobby.
“Please, please! People, calm down! They’ll be out soon!” a young girl in a uniform looked over at us “Please, there right over there! Let them pay and you can wait out side and attack them there!” she was an idiot.
Now they all were looking over at us, I thought, were they all waiting for us? But now I think, RUN!
“LOOK, Elaine, Nick! Oh My God!!! You guys are ok!!!” It was Cori, she’s been there the whole time? Or, what? What about them?
“Please, people, calm down.. Just go out side! They’ll be there momentarily!” now she was helping.. Or not.. Every one started to run over to us “Security!” the lady screamed.
“RUN!” Nick yelled, grabbed my hand, then ran as fast as he could, I was like half the speed he was but oddly every one were gaining
I looked back and saw a ton of them dropping, then saw a bunch of men tackling them - I would say throwing them down. Nick started going faster
“Slow down!” I yelled
“Do you want them to ketch up? Ya know.. Just to say hello.. Or kill us?!” he started to yell, I kind of got scared… not only of the people behind us but the person holding my hand I didn’t even recognize right now.
“Ok, sorry.” I said forgivingly, “can you at least pick me up or something so I’m not being dragged?”
He looked back and saw only like 3 people, so he stopped and helped me onto his back
“Thank you!” I whispered into his ear “Were are we going now?” I looked at his face and saw him smile
“I just want to show you something! And maybe teach you..”
“What?!” I was really curios now
“Just wait!” right then he push some really big doors open and we were out side were there was like a foot of snow. But that didn’t slow him down, he ran just as fast as he did before.
I looked back and saw nobody there “there’s no one there, cant you at least walk with me?”
He stopped like there was a brick wall there and he ran right into it. He helped me off his back “Ok,” He grabbed my hand “Would you like to get changed?” he looked down at what I was wearing
I realized that I haven’t changed out of my hospital uniform yet “Yes please…” I didn’t really have any expiration in it…
He grabbed my hand and we started walking together “So, what was that reason you think our eyes-”
I cut him off “I don’t think I really think I want to talk about that…” I looked up at his confused face then leaned my head on his shoulder.
As we were walking I started to hear a song, Wait for you… by Elliot Yamin I looked up at him again “This is my favorite song!” I exclaimed
“really? Well, that’s kind of funny, it my favorite song to…” He smiled and kept walking.
We started to slow down and I noticed that it got really dark while we were walking. But the thing I noticed even more was about three yard away from us was a beautiful lake, frozen, but all around that… I saw lights… every were! It was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.
“Oh my god! This is beautiful!” I stopped walking and looked up at him again “Is this what you wanted to show me?”
He smiled “Of course!” then he pointed to a small house type thing. “You can get some warmer clothes in there, once your dressed come back out, please?”
I could feel a smile form ear to ear on my face “Of course!” we both laughed and I let go of his hand, and stupidly forgot about the ice and I stepped on it, slipped and slid all the way across the lake!
Odimatily I felt hands on my waste and I was up with in seconds “Please, be more careful!” I looked up and saw Nick hovering over me with a worried face
“I’ll try…” We both smiled and broke into a laugh again. I started walking again and looked were I was stepping now.
I opened the door in the small house and saw a fire place, book shelf, two doors and a couch with a pile of clothes on it. I guessed thoughs were mine.
I walked up to the pile of clothes and picked up the first think, A big coat, figures…
I put on what he had ready for me in the couch then left the small house. I Saw a boy in the ice, gliding like a thousand little birds in the sky, it was the most graceful thing I’ve ever seen, I slowly walked forward to get a better few. Wants I was closed enough I saw Nick. Why didn’t he tell me he can ice skate?
He suddenly went to a dramatic stop just like before, he looked at me and his eyes widened and he motioned me forward. I took one step and it seemed like a thousand pound weight slammed on my shoulders, I think it may be because I may have figured out what we will be doing… Ice skate.
I kept walking thinking maybe it will be ok… maybe… just maybe… it might be romantic.. Or… clumsy… or lots of sliding… falling… striping… slipping… wait.. No! this is going to be romantic! So I kept going.
“Hey Hun…” He looked down then back up, “You look great!”
I looked at what I was wearing, “I look great in a puffy jacket and 3 pares of sweat pants?”
“Hun… you look great in anything!” he explained then grabbed my hand and flung me in his arms, and started to skate. I started to squeal “Don’t worry, your all right!”
“I’m not squealing because I’m scared!” I looked up and smiled “I’m squealing because I’m having fun!” He smiled, hugely, he pulled me closer and kissed me, very… patiently…
“I love you Elaine… I hope you know that.” he said
“If I didn’t before about a minute ago.. Then I surly do now!” I exclaimed
“Good, that’s what I was aiming for.” We both had smiles, ear to ear! I as having the best time of my life!
“Thank you.” I said
“For what?”
“Telling me you loved me, that very first time, in my room… I mean, other then tonight, that was defenatly the best night of my life.. I mean I was really confused at first but now… that was… Great!” I explained
He looked down at me again “ I’m going to teach you how to ice skate!”
“Umm, maybe… if you can!” He started to go really fast, as in a lap a second.. Ok maybe not that fast! Then he stopped again.
“Did that scare you?”
“Well were you aiming for that?!” I looked up again “If you were, then mission accomplished!” he started to laugh really hard
He put me down and handed me ice skates “put these on…” He did this really weird face “Please?”
I gave him an uneasy look, “Fine… but if I fall, I’m blaming you!”

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