i know i havnt wrote in my journal lately but yea. i didnt use my name cus this is like a love story and neo is like not really a name you would use in a love story -.- so i used my othernick name (nikki short for nicole)
"nikki, wait up!"
she quickly turned around to face herself with the most sweetest, smartest, and not to mention hawtest guy at her school. cain [snicker snicker XD]
out of breath and feeling very weak he pulled a note from his pocket and handed it to her. he quickly hugged her.
"ill see you tommorow nikki" he smiled as he turned to leave her with her mouth open and her hands trembling.
"yea uhh tommorow..." she whispered.
as soon as she got home she raced up the stairs almost tripping at the top, burst through her bedroom door and jumped on her bed. she pulled out the note and opened it.
' nikki, i know this might be weird but...ever since i laid my eyes on you i felt like there was something more...you know? ever since then i havnt been able to get you off my mind. you're like no other girl ive met. you're cute and funny. and when i needed support you were the one who was there...i was wondering if you would do me the favor of making my wishes come true...nikki would you please be mine?
love, cain. '
"oh my god..."
"go wash the dishes"
"god i cant believe i gave her that note...what if she thinks im a freak?.."
"chill man shes probably head over heels for you. like most girls...god damn...how the hell you do that?"
with a ripple of laughter he slapped his bud on the back and replied "its called charm go buy some"
"haha real funny cain but you might be the only one who doesnt know that i've got a date to the dance and it looks like you dont"
"yet...god i hope she says yes... i dont know man shes different. i dont know how to explain it."
"well dont im tired of hearing about that chick. lets focuse on something else hmm... how bout you come over to my party tommorow? i invited nikki just for you"
he looked at austin with curiostiy
" i dont know what you got ur sleeve but fine whatever as long as i see her." he sighed and turned to leave
"i gotta go help my dad at home ill see ya later austin"
"sure. hey imma call nikki later find out what she thinks bout you" and with that he winked and left cain with his jaw dropped and speechless
"uh hey um nikki?"
"yea..who's this?"
"its austin"
"oh hey austin whats up?"
"uh nothin much just wanted to call you to see if you we're still coming tommorow night"
"uh yeah i guess"
"cool, cool...sooo...uh did cain really ask you out?"
"oh god how did you find out?"
"a little birdie told me on the way back home from school"
"right...well yea he did why?"
" i was wondering what you were going to say to him"
"i dont know i want to say yes i just dont know how you know? im like super shy around him"
"well i could give you his number if you want it"
"umm...ok thanks austin...holdup lemme go get some paper"
"hey dad im gonna go to bed i have a huge math test tommorow ill see you in the morning love ya"
"ok love ya too"
I-pod at full blast and his faveorite song playing he walked in the bathroom to brush his teeth. as he did he looked at himself and wondered about nikki
' i wonder what shes doing right now....'
suddenly he felt his pants vibrating [haha vibrating pants i want a pair now im so gonna invent those]
"uh hello?"
"hey cain"
"umm who's this?"
"its nikki..."
"ohmygosh uhh hi nikki... um could u hold up a sec?"
"um sure"
he quickly brushed his teeth and jumped in bed and pulled the covers over his head
"uh hello?"
"hey....uh watcha doin?"
"talking to you?"
"right...um yeah. so you going to austin's party?"
"i might but...i dont have anyone to go with" he hopefully closed his eyes waiting and hoping for her reply to be what he wanted to hear
"uh yeah thats what i called you for..."
"yeah..uh you know what you asked me...in the note?"
"uh huh cause i wrote it" he smiled
she giggled "i knew that"
"right.. so um yea what about it?"
"i uh..yeah..um id like to..um.."
"be my girlfriend?"
"yeah." her cheeks burned hotly and her palms began to sweat
he smiled
"could you hold on a sec?"
"kay" he put the phone on mute
"YES! ohmygosh yes! "
"ok sorry hello?"
"um so um... ill pick you up at 6:30 ok?"
"uhh so...yea.."
then they both started to say something and cut off
"uhh you first?"
"no thats ok ladies first"
"uhh i forgot" she felt so stupid her cheeks flared brightly
"ugh god im such a dork"
he chuckled
"yeah but youre a cute one...and mine."
she smiled to herself
"of course"
"ugh crap i have to go my dad might come into my room....he doesnt know i have a phone"
"um ok...ill see you tommorow then"
"ok bye..."
while adjusting her new hot pink tights she looked at herself in the mirror
"ugh i look ugly"
"NIKKI! hurry up! we gotta go!"
"im coming, god!"
racing down the stairs, almost tripping then wondering why she is always such a klutz. she grabbed her pack of gum, keys and poptart [i eat yew austin xD]
and ran out the door. she got in the car and started the engine.
"damn it"
she got out of the car raced back in the house and up the stairs and started looking for her homework.
"god damn it..."
she searched under her bed, in her desk drawers, and under her pillow. she searched everywhere.
"******** it"
she walked out the door poptart in her mouth as she was closing her door she heard someone calling her name
"what?!" her poptart fell out of her mouth
"ugh..." she sat on her steps and looked across her lawn to find cain standing there looking at her with a big smile across his face. embarrassed her cheeks burned a flaring dark pink color. she looked down and started at her poptart.
"whats wrong?" he began walking towards her sitting down next to her
she put her face in her hands and said in a muffled voice
"im having a bad day
he put his hand on her back and bent towards her
"its ok i know how you feel. hey listen i can walk you to school if you want i was just on my way anyways"
she looked at him curiously
"ok.." she gave him a shy smile as he held out his hand for her. she took it firmly holding on tightly as he lifted her up
he didnt let go of her hand. instead he held it tighter his grasp tightning with all his nervousness. their hands began to get clammy. they dared not to look at each other. they could both feel their faces glowing a bright shade of pink. when they got to school's front steps he let go of her hand. she let out a sigh of relief and then her eyes widened when he put his arm around her shoulders. she slowly wrapped her arm around his waist. they walked in together. students watching them and clearing the hallway as if they were some famous couple. she hated being stared at. guys just popped outta no where and patted cain on the back congratulating him
"thanks man"
then to her horror she saw tyler.
' oh god im dead...'
"oooh cain got his woman, you gonna hit that soon?"
"dude, shut up man"
"sorry man just trying to be of help" he coyly bowed and left turning back to his locker
then came austin face buried deep in a book almost bumping into them
"whoa man"
"oh god im sorry cain are you o-...oh." he winked and smiled "i got it... hey nikki whats up?
"uh nothing much you?"
"same. hope you can make it tonight"
"i will"
"alright then ill see you two at lunch kay?"
"kay bye"
"HEY NIKKI! OVER HERE!" she turned and saw a waving hand. she looked at her friends and motioned for them to come with her.
"we arent sitting at the usual spot today?"
"where we sitting then?"
"with cain and his friends"
darby stood there eyes wide open in fear.
"but we cant do that its like...weird. im scared"
nikki looked
nikki stared at her as if she had some disease
"all you gotta do is sit your a** down on a chair like we do every other day silly"
she giggled and agreed to come.
"what about you v?"
"hell yea im up for whatever. besides tyler's ******** hawt"
with a small explosion of giggles they made their way over to the boys table. nikki sat on cain's right with darby beside her leaving vanessa to sit beside tyler.
who is that? shes so beautiful...so shy looking. like somethings bothering her...why do i feel like this? damn it i dont even know her ******** name.what the ******** is wrong with me?..shes so pretty and quiet...and pretty. austin could feel his cheeks grow warm when darby caught his gaze he dropped his fork and squeezed his eyes shut in embarressment when it hit the ground. darby and him both reached for it at the same time their fingers grazing each others skin lightly
"uh sorry i got it"
"um thanks"
when they both sat straight they realized everyone had stopped talking and began to stare at them
"oh nothing" with a smile cain lightly sqeezed nikki's hand and gave her a wink. she nodded and smiled.
"whatever you two are retarted" he caught darby smile a little her cheeks light pink, she looked so vulnerable and beautiful at the moment he felt as if he could just get up and hold her.
"for real? you saw her blush man? oh yeah thats a sign"
"you think?"
"hell yea i think"
"haha very funny cain no seriously it was weird like i could feel a connection. whats her name?"
"dude you like her you dont know her name and you dont pay attention. her name is darby"
"darby...thats cute"
"yea well ask her to dance tonight"
"but i cant dance im like clumsiest dude out there"
"no youre not i am"
"but you got a girl and tammy said she didnt want to go with me to the dance because she was going with her boyfriend to the movies"
"wait tammy as in your cousin tammy?" he exploded laughing nonstop
"you were taking cousin?"
"um yeah?"
"shut up man"
"well now you got a chance. besides darby's a nice girl im sure she wouldnt mind dancing with you"
"fine but if you see a dude drop dead on the dancefloor make sure that you're the one who pays for my funeral"
"shes not gonna kill you"
"the embarrasment will"
"whatever you sounded the same way when you asked nikki out"
"grr i hate you man"
"i love you too hey imma go get everything ready wanna help out or are you getting sexy for nikki?"
"i dont have to get sexy for nikki i already am. but yes im making improvments if thats what you mean"
"haha wow. ok welll ill see you guys later"
"alright later man"
"hey man whats up?" in the doorway austin was standing with half a bottle of corona extra in his hand shirtless with a giggling darby wrapped around him.
nikki stared at them stunned.
"you coming in or what? i was kinda busy.."
"oh god..."
they pushed their way in and sat on the couch
"want a beer?"
"uh sure"
" i didnt know you drank nikki"
"oh um yeah...i forgot to mention that i guess"
darby giggled while tugging on the belt loops of austins jeans
"i think she wants you austin"
"heh. i know"
"well enjoy the party guys"
"dude theres no one here"
"oh right i cancelled"
"oh god"
they sat in stunned silnce as darby and austin stumbled into the nearest bedroom. their jaws dropped as strange noises filled the hallway
"this is fun huh?"
"wanna ditch?"
"oh yea"
they got up and quietly closed the door behind them. he took her hand and helped her into the car.
"that was um...interesting?"
he laughed as he was turning the corner.
"hey wanna go to the park?"
"no ones at the park"
"so? it'll be just the two of us"
"oh. ok." with a smile she stared out the window her imagination flowing wild.
cain looked across and saw her eyes closed with a warm smile on his face. she looked amazing with the sun shining in her face.
he leaned over and whispered
"hey nikki, wake up we're here." she wouldnt move "nikki? are you ok? nikki?" he began to shake her. then suddenly she jerked up
"BOO!" they both craked up laughing.
"i so thought something was wrong with you
"i could tell" with a giggle she realized he was still leaning over her
"what? are you ok?" he looked down "oh god im sorry"
"its ok" he sat back in his seat. blushing.
"aww thats so cute" she leaned over to get a better view
"grr. i hatewhen i blush"
"but i like it. its cute"
they both laughed. he got out of the car and quickly ran to the other side to open the door for her. he held his hand out for her. she smiled up at him and took his hand
"thank you sir"
"anything for you mylady"
with a giggle she stepped out of the car and to her surprise he picked her up and carried her over to a swing. she wrapped her arms around his neck on their way over. he looked down and smiled at her. she brought her head up and eskimo kissed him. he blushed. never had she been so close to his face before. he looked down at her and kissed her lightly. she closed her eyes enjoying the moment. when their lips parted he smiled and she blushed hoping that the darkness would disguise her.
"i can see that"
"so you do it too" she giggled. he gently sat her down on a swing and began to push her foward
"wow i havent been on one of these since 4th grade"
"really? i do this all the time. it helps me relax."
"thats nice." she closed her eyes and enjoyed the cool breeze against her face.
with a wicked smile he called to her,"hey nikki i dare you to jump off"
"what? i cant do that its been so long"
"you chicken?"
"no. fine"
she closed her eyes and jumped off when she reached the top. she landed on her feet, lost balance and fell on all fours
"owww. i think i got glass in my hand." she felt tears forming at the corners of her eyes
"are you ok?" he quickly bent down and took her hand examining it carefully.
"i dunno it hurts like hell."
he found the glass shard.
"ok this may hurt but dont focus on it ok?"
"how do i not fo-" he cut her off mid-sentence pressing his lips firmly against her own soft pink lips. he pulled the shard out and felt her bite his lip.
"it was hot" they both laughed.
"no problem"
he sat in the swing next to her they both began to swing together.
"hey um...do you think you could maybe spend the weekend over my house? my parents are going out of state and yea...i wanted to spend time with you."
oh god...what do i do?...
"i dunno...my dad would never let me"
"tell him you're spenind the night over at darby's house please? i really want to be with you."
"alright. fine" she slowed her swing and got off. he follwed her towards the slide. they spent the rest of night being immature and getting yelled at by people. he took her home, gave her a goodnight kiss and finally told her...
"i love you nikki..."
she stood there speechless.
"i love you too" she practically whispered it but it was loud enough for him to hear. he knew he would sleep with a smile on his face. ill see you tommorrow"
"ok goodnight"
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