Voices In Her Head
Cry my child, Cry, Tonight, Tonight,
The voices in her head call to her and tare her soul apart;
Scream my child, Scream, in fright, In Fright!
Confused and alone she knows not wrong from right,
The yanking and pulling slowly destroys her heart;
Cry my Child, Cry, Tonight, Tonight,
The darkness is over as it gives way to day's light,
But a new torure begins as the new day starts;
Scream my child, Scream, in fright, In Fright!
"IT" will start again soon, but for now day is a welcomed sight,
Soon the tormentors will begin doing their own part;
Cry my child, Cry, Tonight, Tonight,
Walking alone down the halls her books held tight,
The bitter glares and hatred to thick and so disgustingly tart;
Scream my child, Scream, in fright, In Fright!
Every day she holds on to her sanity with all her might,
And yet every day it leaves her and away it darts;
Cry my child, Cry, Tonight, Tonight,
Scream my child, Scream, in fright, In Fright!